
Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: SIA [19221] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3199007053.


SBL-SVR-01068We are getting frequent SIGABRT error for "Workflow Proc Batch Mgr" comp and on checking its
corresponding logs of each of the exited tasks.It is giving the below error:

tasks are the one which is leading to a crash and generating a

GenericLog    GenericError    1    0    2006-11-14
07:56:55    (scirkey.cpp (121) err=2001068 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01068: This
component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing"

I've gone through the Supportweb and
found a solution mentioned bellow : I tried to implement the same,though it gave successful
change message,but it didn't reflect the change on listing the value.


param KeyBasedEnabled = TRUE for comp WfProcBatchMgr

    *This allowed
the component to run without this error but still the Tier changes were not

I've even tried to compare this with other test enviornment but could see it
as TRUE or False on some of the instances.Kindly help us in understanding this parameter



Configuration/ Setup


Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

The customer was running a Siebel eCommunications environment
and had recently started seeing SIGABRT errors which appeared to result
from Workflow Process Batch Manager instances running on the enterprise.
In addition to the SIGABRT errors the crashing processes also reported
the following error :

GenericLog    GenericError    1    0    2006-11-14
07:56:55    (scirkey.cpp (121) err=2001068 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01068: This
component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing"

The error message suggests that the component should be enabled for
'Key-Based Routing' but this specific form of request routing based on a
generated key for particular instances of a component is restricted in
its use. It was not expected that the WfProcBatchMgr component would
make use of this functionality and the error message appears to be
misleading. For further information on Key-Based Routing please refer to
'Siebel Field Service Guide > Scheduling and Dispatch >
Scheduling Administration > Setting Up Server Processes, Performance,
and Key-Based Routing' and Technical Note 641: How Assignment Manager,
Rule Group, and Server Key Mapping Interact.

Following comparison of the component configuration between this and
other functioning environments it was established that a number of LOV
entries were missing in the problematic Test environment and which were
required by the Workflow Process being run. (continued...)

This appeared to result in the SIGABRT errors in the component and
misleading error messages being seen in the log files. Once the customer
migrated the missing LOV entries the processes functioned correctly.

Keywords : Key, Based, Routing, enabled, Key-Based, SBL-SVR-01068, WfProcBatchMgr, SIGABRT, LOV, List of Values, KeyBasedEnabled

Applies to:

Siebel Loyalty Engine - Version: SIA [18356] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [18356] Travel

Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 5

Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2


SBL-LTY-00109, SBL-SVR-01068

Hi siebel support

We have created a custom version of the
eLoyalty Processing Engine with Name = eLoyalty Tier Processing engine.
Purpose of this is to process tier changes nightly.
Creation of this
and how to make it run was discussed in other service request but we
managed to make it run in our Test envinronment. Now that we have
created the exact same component in UAT, it errors when trying to start
The errormessage in the logfile is:
"SBL-LTY-00109: The
process was unable to find an available server routing key to register.
Please check the loyalty server key definition of your system."
"SBL-SVR-01068: This component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing""

These messages comes right after this SQL:
       siebel.S_LOY_SRV_MAP T1
      (T1.SERVER_NAME = ?)
ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2005-09-20 19:29:26    Bind variable 1: uat_loy

Which returns my Server Key map i run directly against the database.

Please see attached logfile.


The cause was the copied component did not copy all component parameters correctly


Symptoms: After creating a new Loyalty Batch Engine Component, it does not start and gives the error message :
The process was unable to find an available server routing key to
register. Please check the loyalty server key definition of your
    "SBL-SVR-01068: This component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing""

    *The List of Values LOY_ENGINE_COMPONENT_KEYED for the component LoyTierEngineBatch is present in the system.
    *Indirect SupportWeb search lead to find that the SBL-SVR-01068 was caused by the advanced parameter KeyBasedEnabled.

    By using the srvrmgr command line utility :
        list advanced param KeyBasedEnabled for comp LoyEngineBatch
        list advanced param KeyBasedEnabled for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
        -> False
        change param KeyBasedEnabled = TRUE for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
    *This allowed the component to run without this error but still the Tier changes were not changed.
    *Copying of component is very sensitive as there are many parameters to review.
    *By using again the srvrmgr command line utility:
        spool <myspool1.out>
        list param for comp LoyEngineBatch
        spool off
        spool <myspool2.out>
        list param for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
        spool off
    *By comparing the 2 spool files, it was found out that the Maximum Tasks had been left to 1 instead of 20.

Applies to:

Siebel Loyalty Engine - Version: SIA [19221] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] SVE Transp

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3073606491.


SBL-SVR-01068, SBL-BPR-00162Customer had an issue with the component ‘eLoyalty Processing Engine -

On the server, we try to process a transaction with the Realtime component
using the 'Process' button in the GUI. We get the following error:
[1] Error invoking service
'LOY Processing Engine', method 'SubmitObjectForProcessing' at step 'Invoke Submit
[2] Could not route message to LoyEngineRealtime with registered key
[3] no other server

Processing the transaction on the dedicated
client, the transaction is processed successfully.


The Loyalty component was not assigned and synchronised on the server


Unassigning and re-assigning the Loyalty Batch Engine component, then
synchronising the componets resolved the issue for this customer


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Profile Attributes and Open UI

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