
Applies to:

Siebel Clinical Manager - Version:[21219] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.



I downloaded this patch and created images, then attempted to install. I got the following error:
You have selected the wrong product directory.(SBL-STJ-00203)

We are currently running SIA [21211] HOTFIX QF0149.

Further, customer had the following reported behavior:

Running ImageCreator does not prompt for SIA or SEA...



In light to the above error message
"(SBL-STJ-00203)" - Please note that this error or behavior is caused
due to applying or installing incorrect Siebel Application Versions. In
other words, applying SEA patch in a SIA environment.

Hence when
creating an installation image from the jar files downloaded from My
Oracle Support site (MOS), the SIA or SEA option should be chosen
according to the environment used.

When trying to apply SEA patch in SIA environment, the wrong directory error will appears.

For example, considering this case scenario that customer is using Siebel SIA.

So when you run Siebel Image Creator please do the following:
1) At the "Select one of the following:" step select "Create a new image or add product(s) to an existing image" and click next
2) Select the directory where you wish to copy the installer images and click next
3) At the "Select an application type:" make sure you select "Siebel Industry Applications (SIA)" and click next
4) Go through the screens and create the install image

For more details on the image creator, please review the following Siebel Bookshelf version 7.8/8.0 references:

* Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile
Web Clients, Tools > Creating the Siebel Installation Image on the
Network > Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation Image. (For
Version 7.8)

* Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows:
Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Creating the Siebel Installation
Image on the Network > Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation
Image. (For Version 8)

* Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX:
Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Creating the Siebel Installation
Image on the Network > Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation
Image. (For Version 7.8)

* Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX:
Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Creating the Siebel Installation
Image on the Network > Preparing to Create a Siebel Installation
Image. (For Version 8)

Next, customer came back with the following feedback:

Running ImageCreator does not prompt for SIA or SEA...

ImageCreator does not ask if I want to create images for SIA or SEA. Here are the steps I am taking:
1) Run Image Creator (./Linux_ImageCreator -console)
2) Enter 1 for Next
3) Enter 1 to create a new image
4) Enter 0 to continue
5) Enter 1 for Next
6) Enter Installation Directory (/opt/siebel/repository/
7) Enter 1 for Next
8) Enter 5 for Linux
9) Enter 0 for Next
10) Enter 1 for Next
11) Enter 1 for Siebel Enterprise Server
12) Enter 0 for Next
13) Enter 1 for Next
14) Enter 1 for ENU
15) Enter 0 for Next
16) Enter 1 for Next
17) Images are created, without any prompt for SIA or SEA

after further investigation customer confirmed that the issue was
resolved and the main root cause in this particular was as follows:

Final Resolution for the Image Creator issue (i.e. Running ImageCreator does not prompt for SIA or SEA) :

the benefit of other readers, if you created images for SBA instead of
SIA and wish to create images for SIA, you must remove the images for
SBA first. Otherwise imagecreator assumes you want the same version - it
will not prompt for the options.

In summary, clean up the
existing SBA images or any previous versions of images and then run the
image creator from scratch and now you will be able to pick the option
of SBA or SIA application type.

Applies to:

Siebel Communications CRM - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


While applying Quick Fix QF0009 on Siebel 8.1.1 SIA release, customer gets below error:

SBL-STJ-00203 - You have selected the wrong product directory


QF0004 to QF0012 is not compatible for 8.1.1 SIA. Customers have to
download the below updated Image Creator files along with the QF build
to install patch from QF0004 to QF0012.

Bug ID for this upload
is 8481236. The patch set has updated NIC files to install QF upon
Siebel 8.1.1 21111 base. Customer has to replace NIC files in QF with
these files.


1. Downloading QF0004 to QF0012 will allow you to create SEA QF Build only.
2. Downloading QF0004 to QF0012 with the above updated Image Creator files will allow you to create SIA QF Build only.
3. Downloading QF0013 onward will allow you to create both SIA and SEA QF Builds.


The patch set has updated NIC files to install QuickFix upon Siebel
8.1.1 21111 base release. Customer has to replace NIC files in QF with
these files.

To generate a SIA image (example for windows and QF0009):

1) identify your platform and the corresponding *ImageCreator* file at the original QF0004 to QF0012 (Windows_ImageCreator.exe)

2) Make a backup copy of the *ImageCreator* file
at QF0009 uncompressed dir rename Windows_ImageCreator.exe to Windows_ImageCreator.exe.SEA

3) uncompress patch 8481236
(just unzip Windows_ImageCreator.exe)

4) select the appropriate *ImageCreator* file from the uncompressed patch 8481236

Copy the *ImageCreator* file from the uncompressed patch 8481236 to the
uncompressed directory of the original QF0004 to QF0012
(copy Windows_ImageCreator.exe to QF0009 uncompressed dir )

6) Run the new Windows_ImageCreator.exe and it will create a SIA only image.

if you want to create a SEA only image at a later time simply revert to the copy Windows_ImageCreator.exe.SEA )

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: 7.8 [19021] to 8.0 [20405] - Release: V7 to V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


When applying patch, getting following error message:

SBL-STJ-00203 - You have selected the wrong product directory


Applying SEA patch in a SIA environment.


When creating an installation image from jar files downloaded from
Metalink 3, the SIA or SEA option should be chosen according to
the environment used.

When trying to apply SEA patch in SIA environment, the wrong directory error will appears.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.