
Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: 7.8.2 [19213] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.8.2 [19213]

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3060089781.

***Checked for relevance on 01-Aug-2011***


SBL-SVR-00051, SBL-ADM-01086Currently we are using the Call Center Object Manager and the EAI Object Manager. I have found a
need to change a parameter in the named subsystem used by the EAI Object Manager, but I don't
want that change to effect users on the Call Center Object Manager.

Here is my
1) Make a copy of the ServerDataSrc named subsystem - call is NYSServerDataSrc. I
have no problems here.

2) Make changes to NYSServerDataSrc, leave original ServerDataSrc
alone. No problems here.

3) I would like to associate NYSServerDataSrc with the EAI Object
Manager, but I do not know where to make the change(s). Could you please help me out here?



For the benefit of others :-

SUMMARY : Customer wanted to change the default Server Data Source (ServerDataSrc) of a component with a custom one.

The data source parameter (alias DataSource) is a fixed parameter in the
component definition and cannot be changed at the component level.

SOLUTION : Either create a new component definition or reconfigure the
component definition to change fixed parameters for the existing

To reconfigure compdef in the GUI by Use Navigation > Site Map >
Administration - Server Configuration > component definition view.


a) Please refer to the following sections before you start reconfiguring
to understand the impact on the system resources required when you
reconfigure the server.

   Siebel System Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Servers
> Advanced Configuration Tasks > Reconfiguring Siebel Server
Component Definitions

b) Also, please make sure that you test this well before you try this on production.

c) Please take a backup of your siebns.dat file from your Gateway Server before you attempt this.

The same can be done using Server Manager. The following is an example session of this being done at the server manger.


srvrmgr> reconfig compdef ecustomerobjmgr_enu

Command completed successfully.

srvrmgr> change param datasource=serverdatasrc1 for compdef ecustomerObjMgr_enu

Command completed successfully.

srvrmgr> commit reconfig compdef ecustomerobjmgr_enu

Command completed successfully.


Note: To cancel changes made before commiting, use the following command.

cancel reconfig compdef ecustomerobjmgr_enu


     Change modify fixed parameter component definition Reconfigure Reconfiguring Server


    SBL-SVR-00051 : Cannot modify a fixed parameter

    SBL-ADM-01086 : Cannot change fixed parameter %1

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version [16066] and later
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Version: [16066]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1020255121.



Once in a while, we encounter incidents wherein we are unable
to log on properly to our eConsumersector application. It seems that it
is unable to recognize the username and/or password. However, access
via the dedicated web client works fine in such cases. To resolve the
issue, we have to restart the Siebel Server and the Gateway Server.
Access after this works fine afterwards.

We have not yet been
able to determine what causes this nor notice any patterns of
occurrences. But the problem seems to be an inability to do database
authentication. A possible cause may be that we are taking offline
backups, which brings down the database (and during time, the Siebel
Server and Gateway Servers remains running as NT services). After the
backup, the database is brought back up. When the issue happens, we are
able to get to the logon screen but can no longer logon properly.

Any idea why this is happening? This issue is crucial because we are going to upgrade our production system in a week's time.


 Configuration/ Setup


For benefit of other readers, customer encountered following issues:

1. Once in a while, we encounter incidents wherein we are unable to log
on properly to our eConsumersector application. It seems that it is
unable to recognize the username and/or password. However, access via
the dedicated web client works fine in such cases. To resolve the issue,
we have to restart the Siebel Server and the Gateway Server. Access
after this works fine afterwards.

We have not yet been able to
determine what causes this nor notice any patterns of occurrences. But
the problem seems to be an inability to do database authentication. A
possible cause may be that we are taking offline backups, which brings
down the database (and during time, the Siebel Server and Gateway
Servers remains running as NT services). After the backup, the database
is brought back up. When the issue happens, we are able to get to the
logon screen but can no longer logon properly.

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-06-05 20:51:13    An Oracle
database error has occurred. Possibly the database name is invalid.

Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-06-05 20:51:13    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name


The error ORA-12154 is a typical error message reported when service
name specified during connection in this case via ODBC data source is
not defined in tnsnames.ora file, or mis-spelt or the file is corrupted
or the parameter "names.default_domain" in sqlnet.ora file does not
match the suffix for the service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file.

For example,

tnsnames.ora = xxxxxx


names.default_domain =

If you are able to connect via dedicated client but not via thin client
and the logon screen is not displayed, you must review FAQ: FAQ 1773:
What are the steps to troubleshoot the error message: “The server you
are accessing is either busy or experiencing difficulties......” in a
Siebel 7 Web client user browser? on SupportWeb. Also review Technical
Note 388: How to configure Siebel Object Manager (SOM) in Siebel 7
available on SupportWeb. The logon screen could also possibly not
displayed if the tasks within object manager cannot be spawned any

We recommend that during Oracle backups, please
shutdown all the Siebel Services and Oracle Services prior to performing
backup. Restart Oracle Services and then Siebel Services when you are
ready to allow users to log in.

2. We have added new
Enterprise Server to the environment both sharing common Gateway Server.
We also created new named subsystem called ‘ServerDataSrcQA’. When we
try to change the parameters ‘OM – Data Source’ and ‘OM – Named Data
Source’ for the component eConsumerSector Object manager, we receive the
following error:

SVR-00051 'Cannot modify fixed parameter'.

How can we successfully change the object manager parameters?


ServerDataSrc is default named subsystem provided within Siebel
application. The new subsystem is only required if want to have a unique
parameters for your environment otherwise standard named subsystem
should be suffice.

Basically, one is able to change the
parameter on customized component created. If you try to change the
parameter for the standard components, you will receive the error
SVR-00051 'Cannot modify fixed parameter'.

Change Request 12-179ZB3 has been raised to address this in future release.

Customer had specified the standard named subsystem ‘ServerDataSrc’ for
the standard component parameters and therefore, they did not require
any actions to be taken. No errors are encountered during the operation
of the system.

If you would like to remove the new subsystem
that you have created, you must do this using command line server
manager (srvrmgr). The command is as follows:

srvrmgr> delete named subsystem <subsystem_alias_name>


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.