Profile Attributes and Open UI
Yes, Profile Attributes! As the ever attentive, up-to-date Siebel CRM expert that you are when you read this, you know that in Siebel Open UI (since version 15), it is no longer allowed/supported to set Profile Attributes from browser-side script.
But getting them is not a problem, since the GetProfileAttr function works perfectly fine.
Recently I found a few vanilla Profile Attributes that came quite handy in my work in Open UI JavaScript:
- Navigation Type: stores the navigation type such as "NAVIGATION_TAB"
- ActiveViewName: does what it says on the tin
- IsOpenUI: returns "1" when the application runs in Open UI
- Is SUI Theme: when "TRUE", the application theme is Synergy (aka SUI)
- Position: returns the currently active position
- Primary Responsibility Name: guess what this one is…
- Profile Image: returns the URL of the user's profile image
- Org.Name: returns the name of the user's organization
Here's a sample line of code how to call the GetProfileAttr method in Open UI JavaScript:
SiebelApp.S_App.GetProfileAttr('Navigation Type');
Have you used some of these (or others) with your Open UI customizations? Please find the comments and share your experience.
have a nice day
how do we get Loginname ?
השבמחקSiebelApp.S_App.GetProfileAttr("Login Name")