
Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 7.8.2 [19213] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3466758781.

""Checked for relevance on 06-DEC-2011""


This was discovered while attempting to upgrade from 7.5 to 7.8.

In 7.5 a custom dll, from VB source code, is used to log into the 7.5 Siebel object.

So, for upgrade, an attempt was made to compile this VB code to log into the 7.8 Siebel object.
When tested, the attempt resulted in this error:

"Daemon Info : User Name:"
"Daemon Info : Password:    SiebelXXX"
"Daemon Info : Connection: siebel.TCPIP.None.None://"
Info : Login to Siebel failed. Error: Login failed attempting to
connect to

The following has been verified:
1. is the VIP for the load balancer for Siebel gateway(we use F5 load balancer)
2. Can telnet to port 2321 from the Machine where the connection is being attempted into this IP.
3. ADP78_ENT is the new siebel 7.8 enterprise name

What else needs to be checked to enable connection to: siebel.TCPIP.None.None://


As per "Configuring a Third Party HTTP Load Balancer for Siebel Server
Load Balancing (Doc ID 477835.1)", lbconfig.txt is not used by F5;
however it is used for generating the F5 config file. Assuming that the
lbconfig.txt and the F5 configuration file are in sync, it makes sense
to have COM Data Control read lbconfig.txt to know which the virtual
hosts are.

(Please refer to Bookshelf 7.8 > Siebel Object
Interfaces Reference > Programming > Siebel Object Interface
Events and Siebel Extension Events > Connect String > Leveraging
Load Balancing with the Connect String)


For COM Data Control: The connect string has the following structure:

host="siebel://VirtualHost/EnterpriseServer/AppObjMgr"vhosts="<path to lbconfig.txt>"

Thus, for this case, it is suggested that the connect string should look like this:


NOTE: - "VirtualServer" is not a placeholder but rather corresponds to the entry of the same name in lbconfig.txt.

E.g. In lbconfig.txt file, the entry will be:


information on Structure of the lbconfig.txt File, see Siebel System
Administration Guide. Change Request # 10531119 is logged as
documentation enhancement request to add the above note in Bookshelf. 
This CR is now complete, and the documentation has been updated for
version 8.0 and beyond.

In addition to the above, there are a few important points when defining the connect string:

-    Rather
than accessing lbconfig.txt on the server machine, copy the
lbconfig.txt file from the server to the client machine so that the file
can be accessed locally.  Ensure that the path to the file is defined
correctly on the client machine.

-    The vhosts parameter, which
defines the lbconfig.txt file name and path in the connect string, will
be read once for each client. Any change in the parameter
programmatically needs the restart of the COM client. Otherwise, the COM
client will be communicating according to the first lbconfig.txt file.

-    No spaces are allowed in the connect string and the quotation mark sign must be used correctly.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Errors with Remote Configurator when using WebServices


  • StpExec Create 4 00000007504f6a50:0 2012-09-11 18:42:25 Creazione istanza della definizione del passo 'Begin Configuration'.

  • GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002504f1e77:0 2012-09-11 18:42:26 ( (0) err=4653064 sys=0) SBL-SCB-00008: Componente ((null)) non disponibile su questo server.

  • GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002504f4126:0 2012-09-11 18:42:26 ( (0) err=4653064 sys=0) SBL-SCB-00008: Componente ((null)) non disponibile su questo server.

  • GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:26 ( (0) err=4653064 sys=0) SBL-SCB-00008: Componente ((null)) non disponibile su questo server.

  • GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:26 (ssmsismgr.cpp (626) err=3670020 sys=0) SBL-SSM-00004: Si è verificato un errore relativo a SISNAPI Hello. Il componente server potrebbe non essere disponibile.

  • ObjMgrLog Error 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:27 (rmodel.cpp (2239)) SBL-SVC-00213: Login fallito.

  • ObjMgrLog Error 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:27 (rmodel.cpp (2279)) SBL-SVC-00209: Login non riuscito durante il tentativo di connessione a siebel://VirtualServer/ENTPRE81/eProdCfgObjMgr_ITA

  • Error Error 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11
    18:42:27 Cfg Server Manager error: unable to connect to server
    eProdCfgObjMgr_ITA for product 1-134L7F using connect string
    siebel://VirtualServer/ENTPRE81/eProdCfgObjMgr_ITA - Login non riuscito
    durante il tentativo di connessione a

  • ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:27 (configsvc.cpp (1486)) SBL-CFG-00155: Complex Object Instance Service Internal Error:

  • ObjMgrLog Error 1 00000002504f1e82:0 2012-09-11 18:42:27 (stepexec.cpp (1572)) SBL-BPR-00162: Errore nel richiamo del servizio 'Configurator Web Service', metodo 'BeginConfiguration' al passo 'Begin Configuration'.


The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:

1. Enable Remote Configurator

2. Run a WebService like BeginConfiugration

=> Errors


EAI Object Manager is trying to launch the default Configurator Component: eProdCfgObjMgr_ITA

However, this component was disabled. Instead cloned components have
been enabled like eProdCfgObjMgr2_ita, eProdCfgObjMgr3_ita,
eProdCfgObjMgr4_ita. But the application is not trying to start it.

The EAI didn't follow the routing of the ecfgserver.txt because it was
automatically deployed by Administration Cache view only on the Siebel
File System set at the Enterprise level and not also on the local Siebel
File System indicated on "Product Configurator - FS location" parameter
of the EAI Object Manager.


"Product Configurator - FS location" parameter of the EAI Object Manager need to be set appropriately.

Applies to:

Siebel Configurator - Version [19227] and later
Siebel eConfigurator - Version 7.8.2 [19213] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.



Customer wanted to use Component Based Routing from eCommunications
but when trying to customize a product it failed and the following
messages could be seen in the eCommunications log:

SBL-SSM-00040: Internal Error: host name is empty
SBL-SVC-00213: Login failed.
SBL-SVC-00209: Login failed attempting to connect to siebel:// /esblt01/eProdCfgObjMgr_200_enu
Server Manager error: unable to connect to server
eProdCfgObjMgr_200_enu for product 2-58FGUR using connect string
siebel:// /esblt01/eProdCfgObjMgr_200_enu - Login failed attempting to
connect to siebel:// /esblt01/eProdCfgObjMgr_200_enu(SBL-SVC-00209)

Normally the connect string should look like this:

However, the above connect strings show a space instead of a server name like acsv902:2321.


Parameter "Product Configurator - Remote Server Name" for the
eCommunications object manager had been cleared. This is necessary to
use routing information from ecfgserver.txt.


Using the Administration - Server Configuration view or the Server
Manager Utility (srvmrgr) does not allow to set a parameter to NULL. So a
space had been inserted.


To set a parameter to NULL use the srvrcfg utility instead. For more information please refer to the following document:
Component Request will stay in the Queued status after its related Component has been restarted

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.0 [20405] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


For the Benefit of others:

Not able to Login into Client Sync after installing the Client Sync

failed attempting to connect to


Work Around:

In situations where the
requirement is to have the Gateway and Siebel Server host names
succeeded by a domain name in the connect string, the domain should be
added to the DNS list on the local machine (client) where Siebel Sync
runs to workaround this issue.

To do this in Microsoft Windows 2000 (the procedure is similar in Microsoft Windows XP and in Microsoft Windows NT):

Right click on My Network Places and select Properties.

the Network and Dial-up Connections window, select the connection used
(Local Area Connection or your VPN connection), right click and select

In the Local Area Connection Properties window, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties, then click Advanced.

Select the DNS tab.

In the lower half, check: Append these DNS suffixes (in order) and add your suffix here.

For example, if the Siebel Server machine's fully qualified name is siebsrvrhostname.domain.comm then add here.

setting requires a restart of the machine to become fully effective.
The reason for this is that the Gateway Server will just return
siebsrvrhostname (the hostname of the Siebel Server machine on which the
object manager used for PIMSync is running).

Without the
configuration to add the DNS suffix as above, the client machine will
not be able to resolve siebsrvrhostname. With the added suffix the
client should be able to resolve the resulting, which is required for successful PIMSync

Alternatively, the network administrator can configure the DNS server so that it will resolve the unqualified hostnames.

NOTE: This behavior does not occur in Siebel eBusiness Applications version 7.0.4.x or 7.0.5.x.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 7.5.3 [100] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

This document was previously published as Siebel Alert 924.


In Siebel eBusiness Applications version 7.5 and higher, the Siebel
Sync application must be installed on each client machine where it
connects to the Object Manager on the Server using a connect string. The
connect string is of the following format:

siebel.TCPIP.None.None://<Gateway host>:2320/<Enterprise>/<ObjMgr>/<Siebel Server>

There are situations, however, when the Gateway and Siebel Server host names need to be succeeded by a domain name such as:

siebel.TCPIP.None.None://<Enterprise>/<ObjMgr>/<Siebel Server>

In this example, is the domain and ABC is the Gateway
host name. When using this type of connect string, users receive the
following login error when they try to login to the Siebel Sync

Login failed attempting to
connect to
Server> (SBL-SVC-00209)

Next error:

Login failed.
(rmodel.cpp 92: 2226) error code = 5600003, system error = 0, msg1 =
(null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)(SBL-SVC-00213)

Change Request 12-J2NJAS has been logged to address this product defect.

Likelihood of Occurrence

This behavior occurs when there is a requirement to have the Gateway
and Siebel Server host names succeeded by a domain name in the connect
string when running Siebel Sync on version 7.5 and higher.

Possible Symptoms

Users are unable to log into the Siebel Sync Application and receive the errors specified above.

Workaround or Resolution

In situations where the requirement is to have the Gateway and Siebel
Server host names succeeded by a domain name in the connect string, the
domain should be added to the DNS list on the local machine (client)
where Siebel Sync runs to workaround this issue.

To do this in Microsoft Windows 2000 (the procedure is similar in Microsoft Windows XP and in Microsoft Windows NT):

  1. Right click on My Network Places and select Properties.

  2. In the Network and Dial-up Connections window, select the
    connection used (Local Area Connection or your VPN connection), right
    click and select Properties.

  3. In the Local Area Connection Properties window, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties, then click Advanced.

  4. Select the DNS tab.

  5. In the lower half, check: Append these DNS suffixes (in order) and add your suffix here.

    For example, if the Siebel Server machine's fully qualified name is siebsrvrhostname.domain.comm then add here.

This setting requires a restart of the machine to become fully
effective. The reason for this is that the Gateway Server will just
return siebsrvrhostname (the hostname of the Siebel Server machine on
which the object manager used for PIMSync is running).

Without the configuration to add the DNS suffix as above, the
client machine will not be able to resolve siebsrvrhostname. With the
added suffix the client should be able to resolve the resulting, which is required for successful PIMSync

Alternatively, the network administrator can configure the DNS server so that it will resolve the unqualified hostnames.

NOTE: This behavior does not occur in Siebel eBusiness Applications version 7.0.4.x or 7.0.5.x.

Keywords:SBL-SSM-00003, login failed, attempting, connect, string, gateway host name, DNS


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

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SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.