
Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version 8.1 [21039] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


After creating the content object and the integration object for the
custom data type the ADM deployment filter [Screen Name]='Accounts'
returns error SBL-SVC-00254.

Why does this error occur?


Error: Field 'Screen Name' not supported by CSSBCVSRF.(SBL-SVC-00146)

From the log files it can be seen that the business component "SRF Vlink
Screen" is used to retrieve the screen names from the SRF file. However
this fails because the VBC does not support the field "Sreen Name".

Using the field "Name" in the deployment filter results in error:
Business Components configured on SRF data structures can not be used
for complex queries (SBL-SVC-00143).

Using a deployment filter for View Links is not possible because the
field information is retrieved from the SRF file through a VBC and this
can not be used for a search that is needed when using a deployment

To resolve this problem please alternatively use a full deployment of
all View Links in upsert mode independently on the screen with an empty
deployment filter.

Applies to:

Siebel Sales Enterprise - Version: [20417] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V8 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When creating a deployment filter using PDQ for LOV it is created with a "dot" that cannot be validated correctly.

removing the "dot" from the deployment filter, the filter validates
works fine. However, no rows are returned in the deployment file.

Also,  as soon as you remove the dot from the filter the PDQ disappears and its necessary to identify how ADM works with LOVs.


PDQ retrieved from application UI is:

[.Description] LIKE "LOV*" AND [.Type] LIKE "FIN_ACCOUNT_STATUS*"

Click on Validate button under Deployment Filter, get this error:

[1] The Filter 'Data Filter' is invalid. Please review the filter syntax and/or Field name.(SBL-SVC-00253)
Information about integration component "not found. Check query
specification and output integration object definition.(SBL-EAI-04176)

Remove the "." from the above, so it becomes:

on Validate button under Deployment Filter, no more error but got this
message which can't be used as a filter because it retrieves 0 row:

Deployment filter(s) for "LOV" returns no rows and will not allow any
data to be deployed to the target system. Please revise the Deployment

Description and Type are valid fields,
they are validated against "List Of Values Parent (UDA)" integration
component of "UDA List Of Values" integration object, which is the
primary business component of the IO. 

For the Deployment filter
to work correctly to return the equivalent results as the application
UI, it has to be modified to be as the following:

[List Of Values Child (UDA).Description] LIKE "LOV*" AND [Value] LIKE "FIN_ACCOUNT_STATUS*"


[List Of Values Child (UDA).Description] = 'LOV' AND [Value] = 'FIN_ACCOUNT_STATUS'

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Using a PDQ with less than 250 characters to define the Deployment Filter of Deployment Project, the following error displays:

Data value for field 'Deployment Filter' is larger than the limit 250
defined in the database. Please type in less information to ensure that
your data is committed to the database.(SBL-DAT-00362)

Steps to Reproduce:

1. In Site Map > Administration - Application > Views:
    Create a new view named 'Wireless Voice Main Package'.

2. Create a PDQ in Site Map > Administration - Application > Views :

'Karen Testing 1' OR 'Karen Testing 11' OR 'Karen Testing
111' OR 'Karen Testing 1111' OR 'Karen Test' OR 'Wireless Voice Main
Package' OR 'Individual Plans (*ROAMING)' OR 'Individual Voice Plans
Bundle (*ROAMING)' OR 'SMS Options (*ROAMING)'

The Word Count for this PDQ, including spaces, is 246 characters.

3. In Site Map > Application Deployment Manager > Deployment Projects:

3a.  Create a project
3b.  Choose the Data Type Name = View
3c.  In Deployment Filter, click on the button to bring up the list of PDQs saved for Views
3d.  Choose the PDQ created in Step 2.

4. Step off the record by clicking on the upper applet, the error displays.


The saved PDQ string is longer than the 246 characters:

'Feature Access'.Search = "[Name] = ""'Karen Testing 1'"" OR
[Name] = ""'Karen Testing 11'"" OR [Name] = ""'Karen Testing 111'"" OR
[Name] = ""'Karen Testing 1111'"" OR [Name] = ""'Karen Test'"" OR [Name]
= ""Wireless Voice Main Package"" OR [Name] LIKE ""Individual Plans
(*ROAMING)"" OR [Name] LIKE ""Individual Voice Plans Bundle (*ROAMING)""
OR [Name] LIKE ""SMS Options (*ROAMING)"""

The Word Count, including spaces, is 388, which is greater than 250 characters.

The ADM PDQ prefixes the [field name] and operator to each condition,
making the string longer than PDQ's conditions. In this case, '[Name] = ' or '[Name] LIKE ' is added to each condition.


Bug:10578290 was raised to address this issue. Currently, there is no patch yet.


Break the one filter record into multiple records.

If the Name field in the filter record is unique, then the filter record will be created successfully.

For example, the following exceeds 250 characters:

[Name] =
"Karen Testing 1" OR [Name] = "Karen Testing 11" OR [Name] = "Karen
Testing 111" OR [Name] = "Karen Testing 1111" OR [Name] = "Karen Test"
OR [Name] = "Wireless Voice Main Package" OR [Name] LIKE "Individual
Plans (*ROAMING)" OR [Name] LIKE "Individual Voice Plans Bundle
(*ROAMING)" OR [Name] LIKE "SMS Options (*ROAMING)" OR [Name] = "Karen
Account List View - FS CE"

Break this one filter into two rows:

Data Type Name: View

Active: checked

Name: View

Deployment Mode: Synchronize

Deployment Filter:

[Name] = "Karen Testing 1" OR [Name] = "Karen Testing 11" OR [Name] =
"Karen Testing 111" OR [Name] = "Karen Testing 1111" OR [Name] = "Karen
Test" OR [Name] = "Wireless Voice Main Package"

Data Type Name: View

Active: checked

Name: View2

Deployment Mode: Synchronize

Deployment Filter:

[Name] LIKE "Individual Plans (*ROAMING)" OR [Name] LIKE "Individual
Voice Plans Bundle (*ROAMING)" OR [Name] LIKE "SMS Options (*ROAMING)*"
OR [Name] = "Karen Account List View - FS CE"

Note: For each filter condition row, since the conditions are OR'ed
together, at least one of the conditions must be met (i.e., at least one
view name meets the condition). If not, the Validate filter on that
row will fail with the error:

The Deployment Filter(s) for "View2" returns no rows and will not allow any data to be deployed to the target system.

Please revise the Deployment Filter.(SBL-SVC-00254)

The deploy session will export data and generate the following files:

1. An .ini file with the list of .xml data filenames generated.

2. Each filter condition generates two files:
    2a. *_des.xml has the view names exported
    2b. *.xml has the view data exported.

In the above example, five files are generated.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.