SBL-DAT-00496: Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Pa

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16172] FIN Fin Svcs

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1187267761.




I'm trying to create a Siebel login / position for a new employee. The steps I follow
for creating this new employee are

1. User Administration -> Employees -> Select an
existing employee with a similar profile -> Ctrl + B to copy record.

2. Change Last
name, First name, UserID to correspond to the new user, step off the record to save it

Go to Group Administration -> Positions -> Create a new position and make the new user the
primary employee on the position

4. Delete the new employee from the old position (that
got copied over when the employee was created).

5. Assign a parent position to the new
position created.

This step errors out with "Can not update Parent because this will
introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given
parent". A screen capture of the error message is attached.

Please let me know how this
problem can be resolved.


Kumaresh Subramanian


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:


When we navigate to Group Administration >Positions and try to assign one of these positions, Seasons East, Seasons West, or Seasons Team, as the parent position to any other position, we receive the following message:

"Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given parent. (SBL-DAT-00496)"

When we try to assign Polaris East or Polaris West as a parent position though, it is successful.

Why does this happen?


To reproduce in the customer's environment, navigate to Group Administration > Positions and query for last name = Luttman. Try to assign the parent position "Seasons East" to the record. From the applet menu choose "Save Record" and the error message above about recursive relationships is reproduced.

Now assign the parent position "Polaris East", save the record, and it is successful.

The difference between the records "Seasons East" and "Polaris East" in the S_POSTN table were the following:

A. Different organizations

B. Different ou_id

C. Different Parent Position Id

D. Different Primary Employee Id

E. Different Primary Position Id

1. Updating the Primary employee of Seasons East to the primary employee to Polaris East did not resolve the behavior.


Message 2


2. Updating the parent position of Seasons East to Polaris National (the parent of Polaris East) resolved the behavior so the hierarchy of the "Seasons" positions was identified as the cause.

The "Seasons Division" position was at the topmost position in this hierarchy. This position was the parent of the following positions (shown in the tree applet on the left of the view):

Seasons Division

Seasons Divisional Assistant

Seasons Team

Clicking on the "+" of the child Seasons Division made it show over and over and over again as a child to itself. This was the recursive relationship indicated in the error message.

Comparing the topmost position in the Seasons hierarchy, Seasons Division, to the topmost position in the Polaris hierarchy, Polaris Division, showed that the Polaris Division does not have a parent position defined but Seasons Division had itself defined as the parent.

Removing "Seasons Division" as the parent to itself resolved the behavior.

Applies to:

Siebel Finance Service - Version: SIA [20408] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Customer is having the following issue when they are trying to update the parent position

In the view "SiteMap -> Administration - Group -> Positions" when you try to update the parent position with different postion , it gives the following error

"Can not update Parent because this will introduce introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for given Parent SBL - DAT 00496"


"12-1LW16M5 - Changing position errors out" This CR has already been raised to find out the cause of this behavior.

In the CR # 12-1LW16M5, "Comments Summary " section it is mentioned that,

For A Hierarchy of the following pattern.

| |

The following relations are created in the Table S_PARTY_RPT_REL for "OLD"

OLD - OLD (self)
OLD - MGR (direct)
OLD - A (in-direct)
OLD - B (in-direct)

When OLD is replaced with "NEW" for the first time the relationship status is as follows-

NEW-NEW (self)
NEW-MGR (direct)
NEW-A (indirect)
NEW-B (indirect)
OLD-OLD (self)
OLD-A (in-direct)
OLD-B (in-direct)

The indirect relationships corresponding to "OLD" should also be deleted from the DataBase as it is not happening , when we replace "NEW" with "OLD" again there is a conflict in the table.

On further research, the statement which deletes the records from "S_PARTY_RPT_REL" table is picking up the ROW_ID from S_DOCK_TXN_SET table -


On examining the table "S_DOCK_TXN_SET" . It is found that, it gets populated properly for the direct relationship whereas its not getting populated properly for the Indirect relationships. So, there could be some issue with the search spec.


After doing more research on this issue, we found that this is a known issue for 8.0 versions.

CR # 12-1LW16M5 has already been logged to address this issue.

This issue is fixed in the following version of 8.0 also.

FR # 12-1N2KYHJ -> [20408]QF0140 BugID: SIA: 6795730

FR # 12-1OYXLP3 -> [20412]QF0266 BugID: SBA: 7310611

FR # 12-1P4OEMC -> [20416]QF0314 BugID: SBA: 7247710

FR # 12-1N22RZ9  -> Fix Pack



Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.0 [20405] - Release: V8
Siebel Call Center - Version: [20416] to [20417] - Release: V8 to V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


The issue occurs with Siebel version or
In Siebel standard application using the web-dedicated client connected to the server database when trying to change the parent organization of an organization that has children the following error messages appear:
[1] An error has occurred writing to a record. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00111)
[2][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[3][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.
[4][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[5][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.

NOTE: If you try to reproduce the issue in Siebel standard application using the web-dedicated client and Sample database you will receive the error:
"Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given parent (SBL-DAT-00496)"


The mentioned behavior is caused by a product defect.

Oracle/Siebel Technical Support was able to reproduce the customer's issue with Siebel version SIA and web-dedicated client connected to the server database (MS-SQL version 9.0).

Steps to reproduce with Siebel version SIA and web-dedicated client connected to the server database (MS-SQL version 9.0 (2005)):
1.- Navigate to "Administration - Group" > "Organizations"
2.- Create the following organizations structure:
1 Organization without "parent organization" ("Org_A")
2 Organizations ("Org_B" and "Org_C") whose parent organization is the seeded "Default Organization" (Org_B and Org_C are "brothers")
1 Organization ("Org_D") whose parent organization is "Org_C" ("Org_D" is grandson of Default_Organization)
2 Organizations ("Org_E" and "Org_F") whose parent organization is "Org_D"
_Default Organization

3.- Click on "Org_D" and, in the right-down applet try to change his parent Organization from "Org_C" to "Org_B".
Click Ctrl+S to save the record. =-> The following error messages appear in a pop-up window:
[1] An error has occurred writing to a record. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00111)
[2][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[3][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.
[4][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[5][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.

(Notice that Org_B and Org_C are under "Default Org")
4.- (Ctrl+U to discard last change)
5.- Click on "Org_F" and try to change his parent Organization from "Org_D" to "Org_B". Ctrl+S --> OK (notice that "Org_F" has no children)
6.- Click on "Org_D" (it still has 1 children, Org_E) and try to change his parent Organization from "Org_C" to "Org_A". Ctrl+S --> OK (Notice that Org_A is not under "Default Organization")

Product Defect 12-1R1VX4T (Unable to change the parent organization of an organization with children) was logged after Oracle/Siebel Technical Support has reproduced the issue.
The issue does not occur with Siebel version SIA.


1) Workaround:
If you want to change the parent organization of an organization with children you have to deassociate the organization then its children and associate first the children and then the parent and then the grand-parent.

2) Solution:
To fix this behavior you will need to apply the Siebel Fix Pack.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16060] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 2

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1076014461.



When we try to update the Parent Position on one of our Positions to any other Position, we get
the following error message:

Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive
reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Parent.

What does
this mean?


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers

The customer was getting the following error message on a record imported using EIM when trying to update a parent position:

“Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Parent.”

Customer resolved the application behavior by looking at all the records on S_PARTY_RPT_REL table, where the party_id for the problem record was located; there was a related party that was repeated with a conflict id. When this sub party record was fixed, customer was able to select a parent for the problem record.

For further information on reporting relationships, Fallow the instruction in FAQ 1909 to ensure the reporting relation has been Synch.

Please review the following section in Siebel Bookshelf: - Importing Employees and Positions -> Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

Thank you,


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

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