SBL-BPR-00232: The workflow engine encountered an internal error.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [18356] Cons Goods

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3084351529.




My customer implemented Interactive Workflow functionality to create an Order header

(using Interact steps and synthetic evens to navigate between views). An "Order Header" is

created as the final step is a quite long WFP. All implemented business logic before the creation

of the "Order" is based on BO Account / BC Account. The views through which the WFP navigates are

displaying either bill-to, ship-to and stores (basically, in each step the user select the

appropriate one).

Essentially, this all works quite fine as long as the Workflow Process

is kicked off from "My Accounts" visibility. However, as soon as the visibility on the accounts

choosen is "My Teams Visibility" the WFP does trigger correctly, but at some stage doesn't

continue, meaning that the clicking the "Continue" button (= syntethic event) doesn't seem to do


If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me,



Message 1

For the benefit of other readers, the following behavior was encountered.

Assume an Interactive workflow process navigating the user through different applets. Synthetic Event Buttons (using Run-Time Events, RTE) are used to move forward in the process and applets.

In the last applet, the button supposed to resume the workflow process did not do anything. No error was reported in the application but the process was not resumed.

Execution of the application with full tracing enabled allowed seeing the following information in the log file, corresponding to the click on the button (applet named “Account - Order Entry Store List Applet” and event named “FrameEventMethodWFSelCont”).

EventContext    EvtCtxApplet    4    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Account - Order Entry Store List Applet (FrameEventMethodWFSelCont)

ProcessRequest    ProcessRequestDetail    4    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    SWE Frame Manager - Invoke Applet Method: applet=Account - Order Entry Store List Applet; method=FrameEventMethodWFSelCont

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Begin: Business Service 'Workflow Process Manager' invoke method: 'ResumeProcess' at 118b7848

EngInv    EngInv    3    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Workflow engine requested to perform method 'ResumeProcess'.

Continue ...

Message 2

... Part 2

EngInv    EngInv    3    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Workflow engine requested to perform method 'ResumeProcess'.

EngInv    Arg    4    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Input: @0*0*5*0*0*0*7*EventId8*1-67PQSK9*ProcessId8*1-GC3Y7P9*Sub Event25*FrameEventMethodWFSelCont10*Event Name12*InvokeMethod6*StepId8*1-GBYGS1

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    (procinst.cpp (783)) SBL-BPR-00232: The workflow engine encountered an internal error.

EngInv    Arg    4    0    2006-07-05 12:22:31    Output: @0*0*0*0*0*0*

The process did not resume because of the error “SBL-BPR-00232: The workflow engine encountered an internal error”.

The error SBL-BPR-00232 corresponds to situation/context the workflow engine should not encountered (a kind of generic error handling). Investigation on the environment pointed out the following configuration as the root cause of this problem.

The view where the above applet was had 2 different applets mapped to the same View Web Template Item. The application did display the correct one, with the button to resume the process, but this caused the above behavior. The incorrect mapping was removed and the problem disappeared.

Technical Support


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