SBL-BPR-00183: Error running sub-process '%2' at step '%1'.

Applies to:

Siebel Analytics - Version: [AN 211] to [1900] - Release: V7 to 10g
Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition - Version: 7.5.2 [AN175] to [1900]   [Release: V7 to 10g]
Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Analytics)

Version: [AN 211] Analytics

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3388569990.


Follow-up SR from 38-3385930013

On the custom workflow called 'AGG_JTI_Login1' we are calling service 'SAWSessionServiceSoap', method 'impersonate' and the following error was received:

Error running sub-process 'AGG_JTI_Login1' at step 'Login'.(SBL-BPR-00183)
Operation 'impersonate' is expecting a response but no response was received.(SBL-EAI-04311)
Error invoking service 'SAWSessionServiceSoap', method 'impersonate' at step 'S2'.(SBL-BPR-00162)

This was checked by WF.


This customer reported receiving the following error messages when calling the ‘Impersonate’ Method of the Siebel Analytics SOAP ‘SAWSessionServiceSoap’ Service from a Siebel Workflow: -

ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 (stepexec.cpp (741)) SBL-BPR-00183: Error running sub-process 'AGG_JTI_Login1' at step 'Login'. PrcExec PropSet 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Setting runtime value of property 'Namespace: 'USER' Name: 'Error Code' Datatype: 'String'' to: PrcExec PropSet 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 SBL-BPR-00183
SBL-BPR-00162 PrcExec PropSet 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Setting runtime value of property 'Namespace: 'USER' Name: 'Error Message' Datatype: 'String'' to: PrcExec PropSet 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Error running sub-process 'AGG_JTI_Login1' at step 'Login'.(SBL-BPR-00183)
Operation 'impersonate' is expecting a response but no response was received.(SBL-EAI-04311)
Error invoking service 'SAWSessionServiceSoap', method 'impersonate' at step 'S2'.(SBL-BPR-00162) StpExec End 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Stopping step instance of 'Login' with an 'Error' status. StpExec End 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Stopping step instance of 'Login' with a 'Terminated' status.
PrcExec End 4 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 Stopping process instance of 'AGG_JTI_Login1' with an 'Error' status. ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2007-07-04 11:02:01 (app.cpp (2010)) SBL-EXL-00151: Error: SiebelError: Error running sub-process 'AGG_JTI_Login1' at step 'Login'.(SBL-BPR-00183) Operation 'impersonate' is expecting a response but no response was received.(SBL-EAI-04311) Error invoking service 'SAWSessionServiceSoap', method 'impersonate' at step 'S2'.(SBL-BPR-00162) Error near no filename:97 [InvokeMethod()]. from no filename:97 [ImportAccounts()] from no filename:169 [WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod()]

Further investigation and debugging by increasing the Object Manager and Workflow Logs and using the MS SOAP Toolkit showed that the HTTP calls where not getting to the Siebel Analytics Web Server (SAW).


Once the customer ‘unchecked’ the ‘Use Proxy Server’ Checkbox on their IIS configuration for their User the login to the Siebel Analytics Server occurred as expected.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Professional)

Version: 7.8.2 [19213]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3192012161.


SBL-ORD-00110, SBL-BPR-00183

Dear Support

We are experiencing the following problem. When we create an order for the
disconnection of an installed asset (from the corresponding menu option) and then choose to drop
this order (from the button on the form applet), then we are unable to perform any other actions
for this asset, since we keep on getting errors like:

“[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS
OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow' at step 'Edit Asset - Interactive'.(SBL-BPR-00183)

[2] A
request has already been made to disconnect.(SBL-ORD-00110)”

The status of the installed
asset remains Active (correctly since no pending or complete disconnection order exists),
therefore users cannot guess which is the reason for not being able to perform any other action
on the desirable assets. To overcome this behavior we are obliged to delete the created abandoned



Message 1

For the benefit of others:


The customer reported that after dropping an order for an installed asset disconnection is not able to use Modify/Disconnect on the installed asset.

Steps to reproduce with Siebel 7.8.2 eCommunications and sample database:

1) Create an installed asset

1. go to Accounts Screen->Accounts List

2. drill down on "Allan & Associates" account

3. in Account Summary view, Installed Assets applet click on New button

4. redirected to Quotes to create a new quote, set price to "California Corporate Services"

5. create a new line item for product "Satellite TV Service"

6. click on Auto Order to create the order for quote, set order status "Accepted"

7. on order line items change the item status to "Complete" and press Auto Asset button to obtain installed the asset

2) Disconnect the installed asset

1. in Accounts Screen, Accounts List, drill down on Allan & Associates account

2. in Account Summary view, Installed Assets applet click on Disconnect button

3. redirected to Quotes, verified that Action for line items is Delete, go to Orders view press Auto Order to create order for disconnected asset

4.on new created Sales Order press Drop Order button and status is changed to Abandoned

Message 2


After this when I press Modify or Disconnect button for this Installed Asset I get the error reported:

“[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow' at step 'Edit Asset - Interactive'.(SBL-BPR-00183)

[2] A request has already been made to disconnect.(SBL-ORD-00110)”


I have found this workaround to bypass the issue you have reported:

- change the status for the abandoned order for disconnect from Abandoned to Cancelled.

After that the user is able to Modify/Disconnect the installed asset.

Change Request # 12-1GYROBN has been logged as a Product Enhancement to address this issue.

Keywords : Abandoned order, installed asset, asset disconnection, SBL-BPR-00183, SBL-ORD-00110

Kind regards,

Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Customer has a product definition which raises an error in AttributeChanged event script:
(script skeleton"

function Cfg_AttributeChanged (ChangedAttribute)
   if (....) {
      TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("My error message");
(similar scripts could be implemented on Cfg_InstInitialitize or Cfg_ChildItemChanged)

1) A quote line item is created with this product
2) Customers starts a configurator session via webservice BeginConfiguration
3) Product attribute is updated with call UpdateConfiguration, SetAttribute
--> this will fire upper script and should return the error "My error message" in the response of the webservice call.

Current behavior shows a different message returned. Please see response below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>Error invoking service &apos;Configurator Web Service&apos;, method &apos;SetAttribute&apos; at step &apos;Set Attribute&apos;.(SBL-BPR-00162)</faultstring>
<siebelf:siebdetail xmlns:siebelf="">
<siebelf:errormsg>Error invoking service &apos;Configurator Web Service&apos;, method &apos;SetAttribute&apos; at step &apos;Set Attribute&apos;.(SBL-BPR-00162)</siebelf:errormsg>
<siebelf:errormsg>&lt;?&gt;. More details follow: &lt;?&gt;.(SBL-CFG-00107)</siebelf:errormsg>

What needs to be done to get the correct error message in the webservice response?


The behavior is a defect with the underlying workflow and business service error handling and is addressed with change requests:
10589842 - No error message from RaiseErrorText in webservices
This is currently fixed with V8.1.1.4 and a quickfix for V8.1.1

10586201 - RaiseErrorText() on BS does not set error code/message on the workflow
This is currently fixed with V8.1.1.3 and a quickfix for V8.1.1


The behavior will be addressed by appropriate fixes in Siebel. For details please see information behind the change request links. Please note that the underlying workflow needs to have error code and error messages defined as process properties (OOB process properties).

Using RaiseErrorText during eConfigurator session will return following WS response:
(example is shown with event Cfg_InstInitialize and message "Error was raised")

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<faultstring>Error running sub-process 'ConfiguratorWebChannelBeginConfig' at step 'Begin Configuration Subprocess'.(SBL-BPR-00183)</faultstring>
<siebelf:siebdetail xmlns:siebelf="">
<siebelf:errormsg>Error running sub-process 'ConfiguratorWebChannelBeginConfig' at step 'Begin Configuration Subprocess'.(SBL-BPR-00183)</siebelf:errormsg>
<siebelf:errormsg>Error invoking service 'Configurator Web Service', method 'BeginConfiguration' at step 'Begin Configuration'.(SBL-BPR-00162)</siebelf:errormsg>
<siebelf:errormsg>Error was raised: Cfg_InstInitialize(SBL-EXL-00151). More details follow: .(SBL-CFG-00107)</siebelf:errormsg>

Another example for the response of the system is with 2 following events Cfg_ChildItemChanged and Cfg_ChildItemSelected. Please note that Cfg_ChildItemSelected is raised before eConfigurator engine will process the new selection while Cfg_ChildItemChanged is raised after the engine processed the selection. Therefore we have different behavior in UI for both events with RaiseErrorText() and this is mirrored in the webservice responses as well.

We update the configuration with UpdateConfiguration and generate an error message by using a script on CfgChildItemChanged:

<faultstring>Error invoking service 'Configurator Web Service', method 'AddItem' at step 'Add Item'.(SBL-BPR-00162)</faultstring>
<siebelf:siebdetail xmlns:siebelf=HYPERLINK """">
<siebelf:errormsg>Error invoking service 'Configurator Web Service', method 'AddItem' at step 'Add Item'.(SBL-BPR-00162)</siebelf:errormsg>
<siebelf:errormsg>Message from RaiseErrorText: Cfg_ChildItemChanged(SBL-EXL-00151). More details follow: .(SBL-CFG-00107)</siebelf:errormsg>

Event CfgChildItemSelected:

<ListOfStatus xmlns=HYPERLINK """">
<StatusText>Your request resulted in one or more warnings. Please review these for more details.</StatusText>
<MessageText>Hello andi2: Cfg_ChildItemSelected(SBL-EXL-00151)</MessageText>

Please note the important difference between CfgChildItemChanged and CfgChildItemSelected. CfgChildItemChanged has the message under node error while CfgChildItemSelected has it under status.

Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: webservice, RaiseErrorText, defect, BeginConfiguration, UpdateConfiguration





Applies to:

Siebel eCommunications eMail Response - Version: 7.5.3 SIA [16157] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V7 to V8
Siebel Email Response - Version: 7.5.3 SIA [16157] to 8.1 [21039]   [Release: V7 to V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.5.3 [16157] PTG Com/Med

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1069798135.


SBL-BPR-00162, SBL-BPR-00183

I set the Administrator Email Address attribute to the Response Groups and added a value to SMTP in the Comm Inbound Manager/Comm Inbound Receiver component, so that an Administrator gets a warning when a email processing fails (like you said. I am getting these eMails- Warnings, in the Siebel Administrator eMail Account :

"Erro ao executar o subprocesso 'eMail Response - Create Activity' no passo 'Create Activity Process'.(SBL-BPR-00183) N㯠頰ossl criar o registo de anexo no buscomp "Action Attachment" para o ficheiro "My Money.mny.exe" armazenado em "C:\sea752\siebsrvr\bin\incoming\ATT_D58_1_1_3F450D9F_39_0_2AB14CB2.DAT". Ocorreu um erro ao abrir o ficheiro 'C:\sea752\siebsrvr\bin\incoming\ATT_D58_1_1_3F450D9F_39_0_2AB14CB2.DAT'.(SBL-UIF-00229) The system cannot find the file specified.
Erro ao invocar o servi篠'Inbound E-mail Manager', m鴯do 'AddAttachments' no passo 'Add Attachments'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
* Translation : Error Executing the Subprocess 'eMail Response - Create Activity' in step 'Create Activity Process'.(SBL-BPR-00183) . Impossible to creat the Registry of the Attachment in "Action Attachment" Buscomp for file xxx in "C:\sea752\siebsrvr\bin\incoming\ATT_D58_1_1_3F450D9F_39_0_2AB14CB2.DAT". Error Opening File ..The system cannot find the file specified.Error invoking 'Inbound E-mail Manager',Mehhod AddAttachments in step 'Add Attachments'.(SBL-BPR-00162)"

Some Questions :
1 - I do believe that this is the Warning about these Failed EMails , Correct ?

2 -Isn't there any way to change these messages "Text" , to be more User Friendly and understandable ?



This is an unsupported feature, which have been logged Enhancement Requests to address them.


Message 1

3- Also since this will get ALL kinds of problems with the Comm Inbound Manager, isn't there a way to "identify" and "Distinguish" ONLY the ones specific to eMails that get into the Failed Directory amnong ALL these possible errors ? Better still ... to send Warning EMails to the Administrator JUST when a eMail gets dumped into the Failed Directory ? Since if using this method all kind of problems with the Comm inbound Manager/Comm Inbound Receiver component , an eMail will be sent and we can't distinguish them.

4- Is it possible also to specify multiple Administrator's EMail Addresses (so that more than one person gets a warning , instead of just one) ? is it just a case of specifying several Adresses separated by "," ?

Message 2

For the benefit of other user:

1) That warning is due to Anti Virus software deletes the extensions *.EXE is being striped off by the mail server, the message is a warning message and this is an expected behavior. When the email is sent, the MIME decoded file already created with the attachment file information, therefore, when the workflow process reads the MIME file, and process the attachment, it is not in the designated directory.

Change Request 12-IIJQD6 has been logged for a Product Enhancement so that Communication Manager does not error out for such cases where attachment files are deleted via virus scanner.

2) The error message is hardcoded in our application and is generic for the situation when MIME file indicated that the attachment exist but the actual file cannot be found in the designated directory. This message cannot be changed.

3) A change request 12-HPDBTT for communications inbound manager had been created with the capability to produce a log file that indicates the inbound email that had been successfully email being processed and the failed email with the cause. This will allow the administrator to monitor the process better.


Message 3

4 You can specify two email addresses separated with semi column (;) in the 'Administrator email address' found in inbound communications manager component parameter
In addition, customer found the bad format MIME is not being placed in the siebsrvr\bin\failed directory and no email was been sent to the administrator despite the 'Administrator email address' is being specified. A change request 12-HSAXCW had been logged to report this product defect as MIME file was rejected by POP3SMTP driver and never get to reach CommInboundMgr component, therefore, no email is being send to administrator.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3525786661.


SBL-BPR-00162, SBL-BPR-00183

We are getting an error while doing upgrade promotion. For an account, we have two installed
assets 'Promotion A' and 'Promotion B'.

'Promotion A' and 'Promotion B' are bundled
promotions, containg some component products. For this account we raise an disconnect order for
'Promotion B' so the asset becomes Inactive. Now for the same account if we do a 'Upgrade
Promotion' for 'Promotion A' we are getting the following

invoking service 'SIS OM PMT Service', method 'Iterate Process For Selected Rows' at step 'Edit

An end of file error has


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:-

The customer found that if assets for a promotion are disconnected, and then the promotion is upgraded, the workflow ISS Promotion Upgrade Process will fail because it tries to process the asset that was disconnected. The following error occurs:

[1] Error running sub-process ‘ISS Promotion Disconnect Process’ at step ‘Disconnect Old Promotion’. (SBL-BPR-00183)

[2] Error invoking service ‘SIS OM PMT Service’, method ‘Iterate Process For Selected Rows’ at step ‘Edit Related Item’.(SBL-BPR-00162)

[3] An end of file error has occurred.

This can be reproduced against the Sample database as follows:

1. Create 3 products, Test 1, Test 2, Test 3.

2. Create Product promotion Promo Test 1 with products Test 1 and Test 2.

3. Create Product promotion Promo Test 2 with products Test 1 and Test 2 and Test 3. Set Promo Test 1 as an upgrade option.

4. Create order for Parker Heathcare System.

5. Add Promo Test 1. Set order to submitted. Set all lines to have status completed.

6. Click Auto-Asset button for each line item.

7. Navigate to account view and can see 3 installed assets, Promo Test 1, Test 1, Test 2.

8. Select Test 1 and click Disconnect. This creates a quote.

9. Process this through to an order, completed it and click Auto-Asset.

10. Navigate to the account view and now Test 1 has disappeared from the installed asset list.


Message 2

Continuation 1:

11. Select the asset record for the promotion and select the Upgrade Promotion menu option.

12. Select Promo Test 2.

13. The following error appears:

[1] Error running sub-process ‘ISS Promotion Disconnect Process’ at step ‘Disconnect Old Promotion’. (SBL-BPR-00183)

[2] Error invoking service ‘SIS OM PMT Service’, method ‘Iterate Process For Selected Rows’ at step ‘Edit Related Item’.(SBL-BPR-00162)

[3] An end of file error has occurred.

The workflow ISS Promotion Upgrade Process has the step Load Related Assets. This calls the business service ISS Promotion Management Service, method LoadPromRelatedAssets, and this returns all assets rather than only the active assets. The Change Request Defect 12-1MB80T3 to address this issue in a following release.

Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.7.2 [18325]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2575087847.


SBL-ERM-01039, SBL-BPR-00183

Dear Siebel support team,

The following problem could be reproduced in Vanilla 7.7.2. The
status for a training course remains on confirmed even if the training course has been

1. Login to Siebel ERM Administration as SADMIN and goto the Training
2. Goto Test Questions and enter a new test question.
Name: First
Question, Text: First Question, Type: Multiple Choice, Points: 1. Then goto Answers and add the
Sequence: 1, Answer Text: Correct, Correct: TRUE, Partial Value %:50
2, Answer Text: Correct, Correct: TRUE, Partial Value %:50
Sequence: 3, Answer Text:
Incorrect, Correct: False, Partial Value %:0
3. Set the Release flag = TRUE for the
4. Goto Tests and add a new record
Name: Your test, Status: Active, Scoring:
Standard, Max Attempts: 2, Total Points: 1, Pass Score %: 80, Type: Certification Exam, Auto
Grade: TRUE, Min Review Score: 30, Partial Grade: TRUE
5. Drill down on the test and add your
previous created test question (step 2) .
6. Release the test.
7. Goto Courses and add a
new record
Name: Your course, Format: Web Based, Units: 1, Hours: 1, Status: Active,
Completion criteria: Test Based
8. Add the course to the test you created in step


Message 1

For the benefit of all users:

In case a test is cancelled it will be counted as an attempt. This is intended behavior.

In case a test is cancelled instead of submitted and it is the last attempt the training will keep status Confirmed instead of getting Completed - Failed.

Workaround: Set the course to Completed - Failed from Training Administration view.

Change Request CR #10502351 has been logged.

With kind Regards,

Siebel Technical Support

keywords: training, test, cancel

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: [19221] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3178937121.

""""Checked for relevance on 10-Sep-2010""""


Testing the Data Validator for a quote in the standard environment shows the following results:

A) Without Aggregate Error and with a rule failure:
-> The application shows the verification dialogue pop-up with the rule failure in the text box, e.g.:
Please review the following messages before proceeding: Tax amount is null.

B) Without Aggregate Error and without a rule failure:
-> The application shows the verification dialogue pop-up with the following text in the text box:
Please review the following messages before proceeding:

C) With Aggregate Error and with a rule failure:
-> The application shows an error pop-up, e.g.:
[1] Error running sub-process 'ISS Validation (Quote)' at step 'Data Validation'.(SBL-BPR-00183)
[2] Error invoking service 'FINS Validator', method 'Validate' at step 'FINS Validation Service'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
[3] Tax amount is null.

D) With Aggregate Error and without a rule failure:
-> The application shows the verification dialogue pop-up with the following text in the text box:
Please review the following messages before proceeding:

For scenarios (B) and (D) It should in fact give a detailed message when there are no errors, something like "Validation Successful".


The behavior without rule failure is always the same, whereas the behavior with rule failure differs depending on the value of the Aggregate Error flag.

The workflow definition for WF Process 'Verify Header (Quote)' shows the following sequence of steps:
Start -> Verify Promotion -> Violate Commitment Compliance
a) NewConn:42-50EPD Condition (CC Violated Flag All Must Match (Ignore Case)('Y'))
-> End
b) NewConn:42-50EP9 Default
-> Data Validation -> Validate CP All -> Display Messages -> End

1. About case (C) - with Aggregate Error and with a rule failure:

Step 'Data Validation' invokes subprocess 'ISS Validation (Quote)', which shows the following sequence of steps:
Start -> FINS Validation Service -> End

Step 'FINS Validation Service' calls method 'Validate' on business service 'FINS Validator'.
In case (C) above (with Aggregate Error and with a rule failure) this method throws the following error:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2006-10-31 16:38:45 (favalidationinst.cpp (334)) SBL-APS-00802: Tax amount is null.

The following Change Request has been created for the behavior of Business Service 'FINS Validator' method 'Validate' with Aggregate Error set and with a rule failure: Product Defect CR 12-1GUYG71 - BS 'FINS Validator' method 'Validate' throws an error when rule set has Aggregate Error set to Y.


2. About case (B) and (D) - without a rule failure:

The following Change Request exists for the behavior of Workflow Process 'Verify Header (Quote)' when there is no rule failure: Change Request 12-1F9IC33 - Empty Popup message comes up when no rules violated.


1. About case (C) - with Aggregate Error and with a rule failure:

To change the behavior in case step 'FINS Validation Service' ends with an exception it is possible to introduce an exception branch from this step to the next step.
Note that Business Service 'FINS Validator' method 'Validate' creates the rule violation messages in Business Component 'FINS Validation Instance' before throwing the error, so that the 'Display Messages' step in workflow process "Verify Header (Order)" will be able to retrieve them.


2. About case (B) and (D) - without a rule failure:

To change the behavior in case steps 'Data Validation' and 'Validate CP All' find no rule violations it is possible introduce a conditional branch to bypass the step 'Display Messages'. In addition you could introduce an additional step to display a different message on this branch.




Applies to:

Area(s):eConfigurator / Siebel Product Configurator

Release(s):V7 (Enterprise), V7 (Professional), V7 (MidMarket)

Database(s):All Supported Databases

App Server OS(s):All Supported Platforms

Latest release tested against:V7 (Enterprise)

Keywords:Configurator,, Technical Note 500, SIS OM, ABO, SBL-BPR-00162, SBL-ORD-00141

This document was previously published as Siebel Alert 961.


using the Siebel Configurator in the Siebel Industry Application (SIA) or the Horizontal (HOR)
application where asset-based ordering has been enabled, the repository modifications detailed
below need to be applied after applying the Siebel Fix Pack version or above. If the
repository modifications are not applied, errors will occur when clicking the Customize button
for a quote or order line item and when clicking the Modify button for an Installed Asset in the
Customer Account Portal View.


Bug 10472885 and Bug 10473003 have
been logged to address these product defects.
They have been fixed in Siebel


NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you apply the latest 7.5.3 Fix Pack
release to take advantage of several fixes that have been implemented as a result of change
requests identified in Siebel version

Likelihood of Occurrence

issue will affect customers who have applied Siebel Fix Pack or above and use the Siebel

Possible Symptoms

these changes are not applied to the repository, the following error will be encountered when
clicking the Customize button for a quote or order line item:


Unable to load required user property 'SIS OM Reconfigure Complex Product View Name_JS::Quote'.

Error invoking service 'SIS OM PMT Service', method 'Reconfigure Product Instance' at step
'Reconfigure Product Instance'. (SBL-BPR-00162)


following error will also occur when clicking the Modify button for an Installed Asset in the
Customer Account Portal View:


running sub-process 'SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow' at step 'Modify Asset

Unable to load required user property 'SIS OM Reconfigure Complex Product View Name_JS::Account'.

invoking service 'SIS OM PMT Service', method 'Reconfigure Product Instance' at step 'Reconfigure
Product Instance'. (SBL-BPR-00162)

Workaround or Resolution

Apply the modifications specified in
Document 477610.1 as the required steps for customers using Siebel applications
version 7.5.3.x.

Maintenance Release Number

click on the links below to see the current status of the Change Requests and associated Fix


Applies to:

Siebel Reports - Version: SIA [18365] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [18365] FRA Pub Sect

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2729911481.



We have a particular error with our Workflow Process Batch Manager. It seems that the WfProcBatchMgr stops communicating with the report server. We get the following errors in the error logs :

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (outdisp.cpp (189)) SBL-EAI-04308: Echec de l'opération 'getFileDetails' du service Web '' sur le port 'ActuateSoapPort' pour les raisons suivantes : "Soap Client error.".

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (outdisp.cpp (189)) SBL-EAI-04308: Echec de l'opération 'getFileDetails' du service Web '' sur le port 'ActuateSoapPort' pour les raisons suivantes : "Soap Client error.".

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (reportservices.cpp (4114)) SBL-RPT-00107: &apos;RQAP_DEMANDE.rox&apos; est introuvable ou vous n&apos;avez pas la permission d&apos;y accéder. L&apos;erreur est générée par Actuate Report Server lorsque :

1. Le fichier ou dossier .ROX n&apos;existe pas dans l&apos;encyclopédie de Report Server.

2. L&apos;utilisateur n&apos;a pas les droits d&apos;accès au fichier ou dossier .ROX.

Demandez à l&apos;administrateur système de vérifier le fichier ou dossier .ROX du serveur d&apos;etats. Si ce fichier existe, l&apos;administrateur doit en vérifier les droits.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (stepexec.cpp (768)) SBL-BPR-00162: Erreur de mise en œuvre du service 'Report Business Service', méthode 'ExecuteReport' à l"étape 'Execute Report'.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (stepexec.cpp (741)) SBL-BPR-00183: Erreur d'exécution de sous-processus 'Create demande pdf attachment' à l'étape 'create pdf'.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-12-12 10:12:26    (stepexec.cpp (768)) SBL-BPR-00162: Erreur de mise en œuvre du service 'Workflow Process Manager', méthode 'RunProcess' à l"étape 'Run WF'.

To resolve this problem, we shutdown and restart the WfProcBatchMgr


The behavior that you are experiencing is being caused because the Actuate authid has expired after 24 hours. After getting the error, the user won't be able to run a report through the Workflow Process Batch Manager. The report can only be run again once a restart  of the Workflow Process Batch Manager or Siebel Server has been performed. A Change Request #12-VS3X2J has been raised for this behavior.

This authid expiration is controlled by a parameter called “AuthIdExpires" parameter in acmetadescription.xml on the Actuate server. Default value for this parameter is 24 (hours). To resolve this, please set “AuthIdExpires" in acmetadescription.xml on the actuate server to high number (for example 6 months 180x24hours


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.