SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property '%1' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

Applies to:

Siebel Sales Enterprise - Version: 8.0 SIA [20405] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Checked for Relevance on 22-10-2010


The customer was creating a Sales Order and received an SBL-APS-00802 error while submitting the order.
This was reproduced on vanilla implementation.

The log file & screenshot showed the following errors:

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:14 (favalidationinst.cpp (339)) SBL-APS-00802:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:14 (svbcoper.cpp (509)) SBL-BPR-00100: This error is returned when the workflow/task is executing the Siebel Operation business service.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:15 (stepexec.cpp (1324)) SBL-BPR-00187: Error updating business component at step 'Change Order Status to Open'.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:15 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Code' is invalid as no such process property is defined.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:15 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Message' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

Prior to the above there was an insert as follows:

The following error indicated some sort of validation error.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000002f447ea143c:0 2008-03-26 18:42:14 (favalidationinst.cpp (464)) SBL-APS-00802:

Prior to the error occurring in point a validation rule is called:
"Enforce Discount Authority"


The validation rule set "Enforce Discount Authority" was failing because it seemed to have an invalid validation expression. Currently it is defined as follows:

"IIf([Created By Name=ccheng],[(Discount Amount/[Total Current Price)]


The customer was advised to ensure that the following is corrected for this validation rule set:
- correct the syntax of this definition
- ensure that the Total Current Price is not zero when the calculation is done
- both fields are not NULL

Once the customer fixed their validation rule as outlined above, the error no longer occurred.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 8.0 [20405] to 8.1.1 [21112] - Release: V8 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)

Version: 8.0 [20405]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3455975521.


After an upgrade from Siebel version 6.3 to version 8.0, when configuring new

customizable products in version 8.0 using the products that were upgraded from version 6.3, errors may occur when the user tries to validate the structure of the new product in the ISS Product Structure Designer View.

Two important error messages have been observed:

A) SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'Cfg Web UI Service Loader', method 'LoadCfgUIService' at step 'Go to UI'.

This error message is tied to the following detail error messages:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000246f11498:0 2007-09-19 10:58:30 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Code' is invalid as no such process property is defined.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000246f11498:0 2007-09-19 10:58:30 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Message' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

B) SBL-ISS-00120: Relationship; Name - ; List Of Values - CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES; Type - ; The value can not be resolved

This error message occurs while fetching records from business component 'Cfg ISS Sub Objects'.


The two error messages have different causes:

A) SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'Cfg Web UI Service Loader', method 'LoadCfgUIService' at step 'Go to UI'.

This error message is caused by the following detail error messages:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000246f11498:0 2007-09-19 10:58:30 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Code' is invalid as no such process property is defined.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000246f11498:0 2007-09-19 10:58:30 (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Message' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

They indicate that the two required workflow process properties 'Error Code', 'Error Message' are missing. See also the following documentation:
Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Environment for Developing a Workflow Process > About the Process Property > Process Properties That Are Predefined

B) SBL-ISS-00120: Relationship; Name - ; List Of Values - CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES; Type - ; The value can not be resolved

This error message occurs while fetching records from business component 'Cfg ISS Sub Objects'.
It is caused by the fact that the 'Port Type' field in some of these records is not populated.

The corresponding query is:
(T1.VOD_ID = '1@107041' AND T1.LAST_VERS = '0' AND T1.PAR_REL_ID IS NULL)

Executing the query for business component 'Cfg ISS Sub Objects' directly against the database revealed two records in table S_ISS_SUB_OBJ with column SUB_OBJ_TYPE_CD = <NULL>.

When looking at the root product's definition in the Siebel application (Administration - Product > Product Definition, drilldown into the Workspace) the two product relationships causing the error are not listed in the Structure view. This is because the corresponding applet in this view uses business component 'ISS Product Structure Admin BusComp', which has the following Search Specification:
[Type] = LookupValue ('CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES', 'Product') OR [Type] = LookupValue ('CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES', 'Port') OR [Type] = LookupValue ('CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES', 'DynPort')


Ad A) SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'Cfg Web UI Service Loader', method 'LoadCfgUIService' at step 'Go to UI'.

With detail error messages:

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0000000246f11498:0    2007-09-19 10:58:30    (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Code' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0000000246f11498:0    2007-09-19 10:58:30    (statebase.cpp (2161)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process property 'Error Message' is invalid as no such process property is defined.

=> Please make sure that the workflow process 'Configurator Validate Workflow' is defined with workflow process properties 'Error Code', 'Error Message' as follows:

Name: Error Code, Display Name: Error Code, Data Type: String, Access Mode: RW, In/Out: In/Out

Name: Error Message, Display Name: Error Message, Data Type: String, Access Mode: RW, In/Out: In/Out

Ad B) SBL-ISS-00120: Relationship; Name - ; List Of Values - CFG_PROD_ITEM_TYPES; Type - ; The value can not be resolved

As explained above, the view Administration - Product > Product Definition > Structure does not display the two product relationships causing the error. This view can therefore not be used to repair the product structure. To repair all the products with the error SBL-ISS-00120 you could create a new view with an applet based on business component 'Cfg ISS Sub Objects'. Here are the corresponding steps in Siebel Tools:

1. Copy link ISS Product VOD BusComp/ISS Product Versions BusComp

   to ISS Product VOD BusComp/Cfg ISS Sub Objects.

2. Add business component Cfg ISS Sub Objects to business object Admin ISS Product Definition with the new link.

3. Copy applet ISS Product Structure List Applet to ISS Sub Objects List Applet based on business component Cfg ISS Sub Objects.

4. Copy view ISS Product Structure Designer View to ISS Sub Objects View and substitute applet ISS Product Structure List Applet with applet ISS Sub Objects List Applet.

5. Add the new view to screen ISS Unified Administration Screen.

6. Compile the changes.

7. Substitute the SRF in the test environment, login to the application and add the new view to the test user's responsibility.

The new view can then be used to repair the product structures.

Additional Keywords: Customizable Product Migration, v6.x Item Type = S_CFG_ITEM. ITEM_TYPE_CD, v7.x Domain Type = S_PROD_ITEM.TYPE_CD.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 7.8.2 [19213] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.8.2 [19213]

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 1

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2324051861.


SBL-EXL-00151, SBL-SVR-00110, SBL-BPR-00162

When I click on the 'Add Item' button of the Quote Catalog view, I get an error. The screen shot

of the error is attached. I am also attaching the corresponding log file.

The following is

the main part of the log file where we can see the


StpExec    End    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Stopping step instance of 'Product E & C' with a 'Completed'

StpExec    Create    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Instantiating step definition 'Store Instance

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Create    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Business Service 'ISS Utility Service' was created at

StpExec    Task    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Invoking method 'StoreInstanceInformation' on business service

'ISS Utility

StpExec    TaskArg    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Input: @0*0*0*1*0*0*0*0*7*Row

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Begin: Business Service 'ISS Utility Service' invoke method:

'StoreInstanceInformation' at

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Error    1    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    (issctxtsvc.cpp (386)) SBL-SBL-00666: Instance with name '' is


ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Business Service 'ISS Utility Service' invoke method

'StoreInstanceInformation' Execute Time: 0.000

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    End: Business Service 'ISS Utility Service' invoke method:

'StoreInstanceInformation' at

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    (stepexec.cpp (803)) SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'ISS

Utility Service', method 'StoreInstanceInformation' at step 'Store Instance

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    (state.cpp (2220)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process

property 'Error Code' is invalid as no such process property is

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    (state.cpp (2220)) SBL-BPR-00217: The call to fetch process

property 'Error Message' is invalid as no such process property is

StpExec    End    4    0    2005-07-28

18:33:08    Stopping ste...


Customer clarified that the behavior started occurring only after upgrade from 781[Build 19042] to 782 (GA Release).

As per the error log it appears that the workflow process “Check Eligibility & Compatibility – Default” is missing process property 'Error Message' –please review this workflow process and make sure that it has ‘Error Message’ as one of the process property if not then you can create one because there should be one Error Message property created for every workflow process.


As per change request # 12-UK6H17 discusses a new feature which has been added in 7.8.2 version and for which it needs new version of following processes:

Check Eligibility & Compatibility - Default

Pricing and Eligibility Procedure - Default

and added a new WF:Basic Pricing Procedure

Please make sure that you have implemented any data changes/process changes which might have been requested as part of 7.8.2.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.7

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3060955451.


SBL-DAT-00500, SBL-BPR-00162, SBL-BPR-00217


we encounter the following error while invoking a pricer workflow in the quote on our

production system. The signal which is calling the PSP Driver Workflow is invoked on an applet

based bc quote. The pricer workflow is supposed to reset values on the child bc quote


"SBL-DAT-00500: There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your

query to bring back fewer rows"

As we have tested this with quotes having less than 45

line items, we assume that the workflow doesn't operate on the correct context or has lost the

context. The context with witch we invoke the PSP Driver Workflow is correct as we use it in

other pricing workflows.

The attached log files show the two situations:

- contains the log files in the situation of an error
- contains the

log files in the situation of no error

We have analyzed the log files, but didn't find the

reason why the context is lost. could you please help us so that we can solve this


We can't reproduce this in Siebel vanilla as it is a customized


thank you for your help and best regards


Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

Customer's issue is coming up because of an incorrect usage of the rowscope when calling the signal. RowScope can be set to All, Selected or Current.


If the signal is raised from the Quote Item BC, this will mean all records in the currently queried BC (all items for that given quote, not all records in the table).

2. Selected

This means all items with focus, or currently selected (in the case the user does a multi-select).

3. Current

Used in the event you're doing something like a simple "Reprice". This means only the current line item that you are positioned on.

With "All" scope it is very important to raise the signal from the correct buscomp. If you want "All" line items under a particular quote, then the signal has to be raised from "Quote Item" buscomp with "All" row scope. The same result can be achieved with a "Current" scope if the signal is raised from "Quote" header buscomp.

In customer's case the signal was fired on Quote BC with rowscope "All", see also the sent logfile:

***RaiseSignal*** Buscomp: Quote, Signal: FSC Quote Item Calculated Flag, Mode: Quote.

This means that the system will run over all quotes and quote line items, therefore the error that too many rows will be returned (SBL-DAT-00500)

The solution is to change the rowscope to Current or change the BC to Quote Item.

Siebel Technical Support

Keywords: signal, rowscope, all, current, selected, epricer


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.