Symbolic String Compilation

Issues are multifaceted. They can teach and piss you off at the same time.

Recently we faced a simple-cum-silly issue while changing the symbolic string. I have modified the string value of existing string but to my surprise the new value was not getting reflected in the applet. It is only after the compilation of Applet,where this symbolic string is being used, changes were reflected. This is because objects may store the string name rather reference.

Ideally the compilation of symbolic string should have sufficed but unfortunately we have to compile all the underline objects where it is being used in order to confirm the change.

This gives rise to bigger question how to know at what all places any particular Symbolic String is being used. Repository search can aid but again it can force you to wait for ages. I am in process of creating a tool which will take any Symbolic String as Input and will list all the objects where it is being used. Hope to put for global audience for comments soon.

Happy Crunching!!


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