SBL-JCA-00313: Socket had incorrect word size: {0}.

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version [19227] and later
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19227]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3388527211.

""""Checked for relevance on 23-MAY-2012""""


The connections from webMethods to Siebel are intermittently failing
with an error code 8234 on webMethods. Here is a sequence of events
observed in logs:

1. webMethods attemps to login and open a connection.

2. a new session is instantiated in Siebel and waits, but does not proceed with authentication.

3. webMethods request reports 8234 with a timeout after 2 mins.

4. webmethods opens another connection. This goes through successfully.

5. The first Siebel session terminates with a timeout after 45 mins.

The siebel log prints the typical parameters for the session and then the following two statements:

2007-06-28 16:21:23 2007-06-28 17:06:24 -0400 0000014a 001 003f 0001 09
eMediaObjMgrWM_enu 25802 4040 6004
D:\sea78\siebsrvr\log\eMediaObjMgrWM_enu_25802.log [19227] ENU

TaskConfig    TaskCfgParamInit    4    0    2007-06-28 16:21:23    The Parameters for the current task are :

TaskConfig    TaskCfgParamInit    4    0    2007-06-28 16:21:23        Enterprise                                    : SiebelINT

TaskConfig    TaskCfgParamInit    4    0    2007-06-28 16:21:23        Server                                        : SBINT2

TaskConfig    TaskCfgParamInit    4    0    2007-06-28
16:21:23        Siebel Home                                   :


prints other parameters


TaskConfig    TaskCfgParamInit    4    0    2007-06-28 16:21:23        Eligibility Display Mode                      : 1

TaskEvents    TaskCreation    3    0    2007-06-28 16:21:23    Created
context for task 25802 with session timeout = 2700 (thrdId 6004,
timestamp 1183062083)

TaskEvents    TaskTimeout    3    0    2007-06-28 17:06:24    SBL-SMI-00126: The session has timed out.

Further investigation in the Webmethods logs showed the following errors:

2007-06-28 13:02:12 EDT [ISC.0066.0024V5] FSMTValuesHash.getEntryLock(): id=24381839 lock request granted

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged.
See Error log for details. Error: [ADA.448.1000]
SiebelJavaConnection.connectFromValues -
threw a SiebelException: code(8234), msg(Logon Request 394 was
abandoned after 68991 ms. Connection: 6481 due to connection shutdown
request Connection timed out (SBL-JCA-303) )

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [SCC.0126.0119E] An error occurred while
attempting to create connections for

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [SCC.0126.0106E] An error occurred while
attempting to retrieve a connection from

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [SCC.0126.0202V1] SCC ConnectionManager pool IEEEBMSConnections.Siebel:Siebel_eMedia reset

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged.
See Error log for details. Error: [ART.118.5053] Adapter Runtime
(Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource

[ADA.448.1000] SiebelJavaConnection.connectFromValues -
threw a SiebelException: code(8234), msg(Logon Request 394 was
abandoned after 68991 ms. Connection: 6481 due to connection shutdown
request Connection timed out (SBL-JCA-303) )

2007-06-28 13:02:14 EDT [ART.0114.1007E] Adapter Runtime: Error Logged.
See Error log for details. Error: [ART.117.4012] Adapter Runtime
(Adapter Service): Unable to run adapter service. Error occurred when
connecting to resource IEEEBMSConnections.Siebel:Siebel_eMedia.

[ART.118.5053] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource IEEEBMSConnections.Siebel:Siebel_eMedia.

[ADA.448.1000] SiebelJavaConnection.connectFromValues -
threw a SiebelException: code(8234), msg(Logon Request 394 was
abandoned after 68991 ms. Connection: 6481 due to connection shutdown
request Connection timed out (SBL-JCA-303) )


This customer was using a connector developed by webmethods, which
uses the underlying technology of "Siebel Java Data Beans" to connect to
the siebel object manager.

A thorough review of java data beans timeout settings has not helped.

Java Data Beans timeouts are described at

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration
> Integrating with Java > About Running the Java Data Bean >Connection Parameters for the SiebelDataBean

They did not help though.

PLEASE NOTE: file is not the first in precedence.

If the java code provides values for these parameters, they are used.

If the java code does not provide values, the next step is to look up If found, it is used.

If not found, then default values described in the above bookshelf reference apply.

See also Utilizing the did not succeeded in our J2EE application (Doc ID 536387.1)

The customer network experts further investigated the issue and found
out there were timeout settings at a firewall between the 2

"We worked with our network team to install a sniffer, capture tcp
traces on the webMethods servers, review them along with the logs from
Siebel and webMethods.

The traces show retransmissions and a reset on the tcp ports at times of
failure and the problem seems to be with either webmethods
adapter/Siebel java data bean trying to communicate on tcp ports that no
longer have an active Siebel session on the other end or our network
configuration with a firewall and two routers in between these two
servers blocking reuse of the tcp ports.

We seem to run into this condition because webMethods adapter does not
honor the expire timeout and close the connection nor recognize the
termination of the target Siebel session."

Conclusion :

"the connections are getting dropped due to a timeout setting on our
firewall. We have not seen any connection failures after we increased
the timeout."


Increase the timeout settings of the firewall between the 2 applications.

Please notice Oracle support policy for 3rd party java adapters at

847669.1: J2EE Adapters for Siebel : TIBCO, Webspehere, Weblogic, WebMethods, Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapters for Siebel


NOTE:536387.1 - Utilizing the did not succeeded in our J2EE application
NOTE:847669.1 - J2EE Adapters for Siebel : TIBCO, Webspehere, Weblogic, WebMethods, Oracle Fusion Middleware Adapters for Siebel

Applies to:

Siebel Tools, SPE - Version SIA [21225] to[18393] [Release V8 to V7]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Professional)

Version: [18361]

Database: IBM DB2/390 V7

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: IBM OS/390

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3073684811.

Checked for relevance on 08-16-2012


We have started having occasional problems with the Siebel Java Data Bean interface.

The following errors are in the logs and we can not find any reference to them on Siebel Support.

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R Connection reset

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R     at Code))

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R     at Source)

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R     at Source)

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R     at

[6/21/06 2:12:36:685 CDT] 2815670b SystemErr     R [CMGR FATAL] Error: Connection reset connection:e64e

This error does not always occur and is difficult to recreate.



siebel.conmgr.poolsize was not optimally set for the customer environment.


For the benefit of other readers:

Customer was using Java Data Bean and occasionally they were encountering SBL-JCA-303 error.

The suggestion given was to increase the siebel.conmgr.poolsize in file. The default is 2. Customer increased this to 20
and no longer saw the error.

Applies to:

Siebel Email Marketing Server - Version [19221] to 8.1 [21039] [Release V7 to V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 10

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3188389415.


SBL-JCA-00207, SBL-JCA-00303

Follow up to SR 38-3178920311

The problem was the object manager had reached the maximum number of
connections allowed. Clearing the connections has resolved the new
problem. I have the service running now and will monitor.

I am concerned about the connections to the marketing object manager
maxing out. It seems that the ESD, BHD, and CTD are not releasing their
connection to the object manager when the service stops. Can you comment
on how the connections are released by these services?


Change Request #12-SZH78B was logged as a Product Defect


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers.

The customer was encountering an issue where the Bound Handler Daemon
(BHD) appeared to have connection issues with the Object Manager. After
increasing the logging the following error was shown in the logs:-

ERROR ThreadPool com.siebel.sem.smtpd.thread.ThreadPool$PoolWorker@a7ff48 caught throwable Java Lang Exception

Change Request #12-SZH78B was logged as a Product Defect

In order to workaround the issue, please perform the following:-

1) Stop the BHD Service

2) Open a CMD prompt and navigate to the ${BHD} directory

3) Type : install-win32-service.bat -uninstall

This will uninstall the BHD service

4) Edit the install-win32-service.bat using notepad

You then need to enter the following line as a parameter passed to the JVM:-


So for example the string will look like:-

"%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\tomcat.exe" -install %SERVICE_NAME%
"%JAVA_ROOT%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8
-Dcom.siebel.sem.bouncenoSpecialHeaders=t %JVM_MEM_SWITCHES% -start
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop
org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out
"%CATALINA_HOME%"\logs\stdout.log -err "%CATALINA_HOME%"\logs\stderr.log
-current "%CATAL

<< Continued ..... >>

Message 2

<< ... continued >>

The value "-Dcom.siebel.sem.bouncenoSpecialHeaders=t” is before the “%JVM_MEM_SWITCHES%” parameter.

5) Save the changes to the install-win32-service.bat file

6) Type : install-win32-service.bat

This will re-install the service

7) Start the BHD service


Applies to:

Siebel Email Marketing Server - Version: [21229] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Problem : Click Through Daemon Service is not created after installation on Windows 2008 server

JDK - jdk-6u1-windows-i586-p

CTD - ctd-8112-616-install

I have sucessfully installed BHD and services are starting on EMS 616.


CTD log:

2011-11-06 21:15:08,646 [QueueReader-0-clickQ] ERROR ClickthroughProcessor

Message: Logon Request 22 was abandoned after 21562 ms. Connection:
30f009ca due to connection shutdown request Connection
reset(SBL-JCA-00303)Detailed Message:

ErrMsg>Logon Request 22 was abandoned after 21562 ms. Connection:
30f009ca due to connection shutdown request Connection

stderr log:

INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=16/15 config=D:\ctd\conf\ Connection reset
[CMGR FATAL] Error: Connection reset connection:30f009ca
[CMGR WARNING] Removing connection pool siebel.TCPIP.None.None://RETDAYAPPP017:2321/LNSBLProdEnt/SMObjMgr_enu/!7.2ec0 Connection reset




a file with a .bat extension (install-win32-service.bat)


The customer resolved the case by doing the below steps:
To have the Windows service for CTD component created please do the following:

1. Go to the base installation folder for CTD.
2. Look for a file with a .bat extension (install-win32-service.bat)
3. Activate this file by double clicking the file.

thank you


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Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.