SBL-SCB-00008: Component (sccobjmgrsmc_enu*) is unavailable on this server

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [19237] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The following errors are happening in the scbroker files -
err=7100008 sys=0) SBL-SCB-00008: El componente
(ecommwirelessobjmgr_esn) no estM-CM-!
disponible en este servidor - why ?


Hi Clemente,

Thank you for taking my call earlier.

discussed I believe your issue is related to the your VirtualServer
section in your lbconfig.txt containing servers where OM's are not

The following 7.8 bookshelf reference explains how to
configure your lbconfig.txt and eapps.cfg to cater for this scenario
> Siebel System Administration Guide > Configuring the System
Architecture > Configuring Siebel Server Load Balancing >
Optimizing the Siebel Load-Balancing Performance.

Please review
this section and modify your lbconfig.txt and eapps.cfg accordingly. I
suggest you test this configuration on your pre-production environment

If you have any further questions on this please let me know.

you only need servers using Application Object managers in these lines
which in your case I believe is EAI and ecommwirelessobjmgr_esn.

mentioned on the phone I strongly recommend that any changes to your
eapps.cfg/lbconfig.txt files be tested in pre-production prior to
rolling ou in production.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: [19241] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to load balance two new Siebel servers and deploy them in production,
the following errors occur in SCBroker log:

SBL-SCB-00008: Component (sccobjmgrsmc_enu*) is unavailable on this server.
SBL-SCB-00008: Component (sccobjmgrsmc_eng*) is unavailable on this server.

is a production environment where they are trying to deploy 2 new load
balanced servers. The existing servers are already load balanced and
that works ok.
The difference is that the keepalive url is set to
"/crmprod/SCCObjMgrSMC_eng" on the new LB server, in comparison with the
CRMHDLB (the one that is working) where the keepalive uri is set to


After changing keepalive uri on the load balancer to point to SCBroker
no error is generated in the log files. In this case the root cause was
incorrectly configured uri for keepalive connection from the load


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