SBL-MKT-00471: The SOAP request '%1' to the Analytics Web server failed.

Applies to:

Siebel Marketing Campaign Manager - Version: 7.8 [19021] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Campaign Load fails with:

Error/Warning : The SOAP request
'32' to the Analytics Web server failed. For more information on the
error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web Administration > Manage
Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of
type "WriteListFiles" failed. Exception occured while working with file:
\\srvcrmgw01Pc\siebfile$\Marketing/EAI\Campaign Load - Contacts and
Prospects Example-32-20090311031044-1.txt Access is denied.
Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Analytics Segment'.(SBL-BPR-00162)


This problem occurs because of the “Log on as” settings for the Analytics services.

Siebel Analytics Web (SAW) Server could not access the file system because the service was running under a user account.

Windows, the default installer will run each service under 'Local
System' (Local System Account) user rather than a real administrative

'LocalSystem' is not a recognized user on the network, so
the SAW server is unable to access file system on other machines to
deposit the Campaign Load file.

If the file system is on the
same machine as Siebel Server, but SAW is on another machine, then the
“Log on as” setting for the Analytics Web Server service should be
changed to run under a valid administrative user account and made sure
that this user has access to the \marketing\ directories.

it should be verified that the administrative account has access to the
File System Directory (and not File System/Marketing) and by giving Full
access rights to the Shared drive.


Using Siebel marketing version and OBI  an error shows when loading a campaign from a segment :

"Error 1:

Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method
'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Segment Tree


The SOAP request '18' to the Analytics Web server failed. For more
information on the error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web
Administration > Manage Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of type "WriteListFiles" failed.
Invalid Handle Of 'class saw::WaterfallSegment *' Exception

Error 2:

Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method
'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Segment Tree


The SOAP request '9' to the Analytics Web server failed. For more
information on the error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web
Administration > Manage Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of type "WriteListFiles" failed.
Invalid Handle Of 'class saw::WaterfallSegment *' Exception


This has been identified as another symptom of this bug :


This is a BUG for version when segment tree has an Eligible Audience and there is a Split to generate children nodes.


This has been identified as BUG 7195230 .

A Fix for this issue is included in version
have also been released for for IBM AIX (64 bit ) ,
Microsoft Windows and Linux (32 bit ) : Patch Number:  7195230



Applies to:

Siebel Campaigns - Version: SIA[21219] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to configure the Marketing File system on OBI side?


To allow data/file exchange between Marketing and OBI one has to set the marketing file system path on the OBI side.

If the following is not set an error like the following can occur
including the standard OBI path (original customer data changed to
generic <...> description):
Error/Warning : Error invoking
service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load
Segment Tree Cells/Segments'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
The SOAP request
'2' to the Analytics Web server failed. For more information on the
error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web Administration > Manage
Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of
type "WriteListFiles" failed. Path not found:
No such file or directory (SBL-MKT-00471)

As OBI and Marketing
exchange data (i.e. OBI creates list files that the load process picks
up) OBI needs to know the correct file system to put the file on.

In the OBI Presentation Server (OBI PS) installation folder there is the instanceconfig.xml file where this is set.

It should be similar to:



Note with the slash at the end.

Reference (searching on the knowledge base with SBL-MKT-00471):

Siebel Marketing 7.7 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide (Doc ID 478103.1)

Open the pdf and search there again for SBL-MKT-00471, this will reveal:

Behavior: Campaign Load process returns the error, system cannot find the path specified

After the change save the file and restart the OBI PS.

Please also note to give the service running OBIPS sufficient rights to write to this folder, see e.g.:

Campaign Load fails with SBL-MKT-00471 "Access is denied" (Doc ID 793858.1)


NOTE:793858.1 - Campaign Load fails with SBL-MKT-00471 "Access is denied"

NOTE:478103.1 - Siebel Marketing 7.7 Testing and Troubleshooting Guide

Applies to:

Siebel Marketing Server - Version: [19230] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The following error was occurring during Campaign List Export:

Job request of type "WriteListFiles" failed. Exception occured while
working with file: <patch>\<File Name>.txt The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Errors: SBL-MKT-00471, SBL-BPR-00162


Customer DBA monitored the DB and noticed high DB paging space.


Customer opened a ticket with DB2 and the recommendation was to restart the DB2 instances to reduce the paging space.

paging space has reduced and it was observed a significant improvement
with the list export jobs. This resolved the file lock error.


Applies to:

Siebel Marketing - Version 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On :  8.1.1 SIA [21111] version, Siebel Marketing

When attempting to Load a Campaing with a Segment Tree attached,

the following error occurs.



"Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method
'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Segment Tree Cells/Segments'.

(SBL-BPR-00162)--The SOAP request '112' to the Analytics Web server failed.

For more information on the error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web Administration > Manage Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of type "WriteListFiles" failed.

Exception Handle 'class saw::WaterfallSegment *' not valid (SBL-MKT-00471)"



The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. While creating a Segment Tree, move the child node outside, to convert it in the parent node. Save it.

2. Use the created Segment Tree on a Campaign and Load it.

3. Above mentioned error will occur.



The issue has the following business impact:

Due to this issue, users cannot any Load Campaigns based on these kinds of Segment Trees.


This problem has been identified as a product defect and it is related
to the design of a Segment Tree. This occurs when a Node –created from a
split of an initial Segment- is dragged to the top, to be used as the
Parent Node, on a Segment Tree.

For example, if you create a Segment Tree like this:

Contacts in Executive Contacts with Emails    

+---- Country is equal to / is in USA

+---- Remainder

...and you drag the node “Remainder” -to convert it in the parent node- as shown next:


+-- Contacts in Executive Contacts with Emails    

  +---- Country is equal to / is in USA

As result the following error is occurring: “Invalid Handle Of 'class saw::WaterfallSegment *' Exception”.


A bug 5752193
has been raised to address this issue and as a result in OBIEE version has been updated to display an error message "Node is not
eligible to be at the parent level" immediately when a node is copied to
the parent level in the segment tree designer.

Though in 10g such move is possible, but it should not be done for
reason of campaign load failure and the results may not be correct or

The tree should be designed cleanly to avoid such a move with the impacts mentioned.



Applies to:

Siebel Marketing - Version 7.8 [19021] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Information in this document applies to any platform.

The campaign load on our production system has failed with the following error message:


Error/Warning : The SOAP request '238' to the Analytics Web server
failed. For more information on the error, navigate to the Siebel
Analytics Web Administration > Manage Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Auftragsanforderung des Typs "WriteListFiles"
fehlgeschlagen. Exception occured while working with file:
\\scrmsfsp\SCRM_PROD\SFS_Carmen1\Marketing/EAI\Campaign Load - Contacts
and Prospects-238-20080304080704-1.txt The system detected a possible
attempt to compromise security. Please ensure that you can contact the
server that authenticated you.



Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Analytics Segment'.(SBL-BPR-00162)


Although we didn't change anything another load for the same
campaign/segment completed successfully. We recognised this behaviour
two or three times in the past. Since this might be an infrastructural
problem we wonder what the reason may be.

Any comments would be appreciated.


Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Analytics Segment'.(SBL-BPR-00162)


The system user running Siebel and accessing the filesystems was locked out


It was identified that the System user running Siebel and accessing the Filesystems was previously locked out.

After 30 minutes the User is automatically unlocked. The error occured when the User is locked out.

Applies to:

Siebel Email Marketing Server - Version: 7.8.2 SIA [19213] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The customer is encountering the following error message in campaign load while loading a segment:
: Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method
'CampaignLoad' at step 'Load Segment Tree
The SOAP request '15' to the
Analytics Web server failed. For more information on the error,
navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web Administration > Manage
Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of
type "WriteListFiles" failed. Error executing the list generation SQL.
Error in executing cursor for WorkNode (Id:0) Odbc driver returned an
error (SQLExecDirect). State: S1000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE:
S1000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred.

42029] Subquery contains too many values for the IN predicate. (S1000)
:SELECT saw_0 saw_0, saw_1 saw_1, saw_2 saw_2, ……DT (SBL-MKT-00471).


Analytics/OBI Server builds the query for the target cell with a
subquery where all the segmented contacts ids are put in the IN

Some databases will not accept a SQL statement with an IN list with more than 1000 or 10000 entries.

It is possible to bypass the Analytics/OBI error by increasing the following parameter in the NQSConfig.INI file

MAX_EXPANDED_SUBQUERY_PREDICATES = 50000; // default is 8192

this causes a problem on an Oracle data source since there is a
limitation on the number of argument (1000) you can pass to the IN
clause in Oracle


Since there is no way to avoid
the 1000 limit from the Oracle in this instance, the most viable
workaround is to do the processing on the Analytics/OBI Server rather
than in the Oracle database.

The suggested workaround for this
situation is to turn off the following parameter in the Siebel
Analytics/OBI repository > Physical layer > Database Properties
> Features tab, to have the IN processing done on the Analytics
server instead of the RDBMS.


When you
do that, the MAX_EXPANDED_SUBQUERY_PREDICATES parameter from the
NQSConfig.ini file will take over as the maximum allowed in an IN list.
This should be set on any database object in your repository that
connects to Oracle as it is Oracle that has the limit on number of items
in an IN statement.

Some other options include:

Use EXISTS instead of IN when constructing a sub-query.

The effect of this is also to split the original query into two queries without using an IN clause

Applies to:

Siebel Marketing - Version: SIA [21229] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Segment Tree Prepare Cache operation fails during program execution with several campaigns.


Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method
'PrepareCache' at step 'Prepare Segments/Segment Trees


The SOAP request '158' to the Analytics Web server failed. For more
information on the error, navigate to the Siebel Analytics Web
Administration > Manage Marketing Jobs console.

Detailed error message: Job request of type "PrepareCache" failed. Error
in executing cursor for WorkNode (Id:1) The query was cancelled.


Database sessions were closed due to a timeout

UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes was set too low, query cancelled was happening after this time passed.


Setting the following to a higher value allows all queries to run.

By setting "UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes" in instanceconfig.xml,
OBIEE will close a database session that has passed the time set in
"UnaccessedRunningTimeoutMinutes" parameter.

It should be used in the <ODBC> tags within <ServerInstance> tags. For example:


<!-- others ....-->





When a cancel is issued, the query is cancelled, but that does not mean
the session will be closed. Database connections belong to connection
pools (in the RPD) and when the query that is being run is completed or
cancelled, the connection will go into the pool and be used for other
queries. Only if the time off setting is met, and more connections than
the minimum value from the NQSConfig.ini file are open a session will be
closed. (Parameter in the NQSConfig is DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_RANGE =

Restart the OBI Presentation Server after changes saved in the instanceconfig.xml file.



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SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.