SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not found.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1183053761.
SBL-SMI-00107, SBL-NET-01023, SBL-SSM-00004, SBL-SSM-00003, SBL-SSM-00006Dear Tech Support,
We are having a serious issue with our Production
When we login to the url for the very first time,
get a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error
[Please look at the Screen shot -Error1.jpg]
we look at the ERM Object Manager logs, we dont see any new task triggered for the ERM
If we refresh the screen, we get the login box, but with a "Page Cannot be
Displayed" above the box.
[Please look at the Screen shot -Error2.jpg]
Now, the ERM object
Manager log shows the following data:
"2021 2004-02-06 15:03:07 2004-02-06 15:23:14 +0530
00000009 001 001f 0001 09 ERMObjMgr_enu 43120 2640 3088
D:\sea753\siebsrvr\log\ERMObjMgr_enu_43120.log 7.5.3 [16157]
ENUGenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Applet Menu New Service::NewExpense is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Applet Menu New Service::NewTimeSheet is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Applet Menu New Service::NewCommunication is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Applet Menu New Service::NewCorrespondence is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Search Client Service::OpenSrchCenter is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Persistent Customer Dashboard::OpenDashboard is not
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Persistent Customer Dashboard::ClearDashboard is
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Persistent Customer Dashboard::CloseDashboard is
allowed.GenericLog GenericError 1 2004-02-06
15:03:07 Invocation of Search Client Service::AutoSearch is not
If we finally refresh the screen for the third time, we could finally get into
the application.
Can you Please get back to us as soon as possible because this is
seriously affecting our production environment.
Configuration/ Setup
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:
The customer had to refresh the browser three times before the Siebel Application login page would load.
We initially determined that the cause of this problem was experienced
outside of the scope of the Siebel Application, as the customer
experienced the same behavior when attempting to display the default
page of their Web Server.
It was determined that the customer was using a Cisco switch, configured
with a Virtual IP address (VIP), to load balance two Web Servers. The
initial page loading problem only occured when the client connection hit
the VIP - if the client went to the Web Server specific URLs, the pages
loaded on the first hit.
The load balanced configuration on the switch was verified as correct.
It transpired that one of the Web Server's Network cards did not have a
Default Gateway Server IP Address. This was determined by running
ipconfig on that machine. After providing the Default Gateway Server
value and restarting the IIS Services, the initial hit and thus
rendering the Siebel Login page, worked when using the VIP based URL.
Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.5.3 SIA [16157] to SIA [21225] - Release: V7 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] FIN Fin Svcs
Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1604570371.
*** Checked for relevance on 04-May-2011 ***
SBL-SMI-00107We cannot connect via thin client. This was functional in July, but has not been used since
then. No changes have been made to the Siebel application. In the meantime, Win 2000 SP4 and some
hotfixes have been applied to the OS. However, these same changes were made to the Production
environment, and no errors were noted.
Our thin client connectivity to Test runs through
the same web servers as Production. We have added a virtual directory named "fins_test_enu" and
an associated eapps_sia.cfg entry, which points to the Test application server.
When we
attempt to bring up a thin client connection, we get a "page cannot be found" error. If we point
to an html file in the same virtual directory (about_siebel.htm), it displays without any
problem. There are no error messages in the web server log file. However, in the SWSE log, we
note the following
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2004-11-11
12:19:18 [2244] ERROR 2244: [SWSE] Error invoking
service method
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2004-11-11
12:19:18 [2244] ERROR 2244: [SWSE] Error Message 0 :
error 1030 : 69*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2004-11-11
12:19:18 [2244] ERROR 2244: [SWSE] Error Message 1 :
error 1030 : 69*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2004-11-11
12:19:18 [2244] ERROR 2244: [SWSE] invoke service method
The SMI-00107 seems to indicate a timeout error. Using an ethernet monitor at
the application server interface, we can see a SYN coming from the web server, a SYN and an ACK
being returned from the app sever to the web server, and an ACK coming back from the web
There is no indication that the FINS Object Manager ever gets initiated on the app
Environment specific.
For the benefit of other users, the customer found they were unable to
connect to the FINS Zero Foot Print Web Client hosted on a Web Server
patched to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. The following errors were found
in the Siebel Web Server log files:
SessMgr SessMgrGeneric 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06 3568:
on conn 0x31711e0 ok - 0.014011s
SessMgr SessMgrGeneric 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06 3568:
Handshake ok - conn 0x31711e0, taskId 55498, procId 1376, TS 1100285951,
sid 1 SisnNetGeneric SisnNetGeneric 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06
2900: [SISNAPI] Async Thread: connection (0x22128d8), error (1801034)
while reading message SessMgr MsgReceive 3 2004-11-12
13:59:06 2900: [SESSMGR] CB: conn 0x31711e0, url
mbuf 0x0, mlen 0, err 1801034
SessMgr SessMgrGeneric 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06 2900:
[SESSMGR] conn 0x31711e0: found error code (1801034), error info (NULL)
SessMgr ConnClose 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06 [SMCONN] connection
to [sid=1 pid=1376] closed
SisnNetGeneric SisnNetGeneric 3 2004-11-12 13:59:06 2900:
[SISNAPI]: releasing connection (0x22128d8), refCount = 1
Further research found that neither the sweapp\public\enu\15051 nor
sweapp\public\enu\16157 directories existed on the Siebel Web Server.
As documented in <Additional permissions required with Siebel Web Server Extensions on Siebel 7 eBusiness applications (Doc ID 476490.1)>, these directories are created following the first successful connection from the Siebel Web Server to the Siebel Server.
Performing the steps listed below resolved this situation for the customer:
1. Right click on the sweapp\public directory and select the ‘Security’ tab
2. Add the IWAM_HOSTNAME and IUSER_HOSTNAME users so they have every available right
3. Check the “Allow inheritable permissions from parent to propagate to this object” box at the bottom of the Security tab
4. Click the ‘Advanced’ button
5. Select the newly added users and ensure both check boxes on this tab are selected
6. Click ‘OK’ to return to the Security Tab
7. Select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ to exit the properties of the sweapp\public directory
8. Clear the Internet Explorer Objects and the Internet Explorer cache including all Offline Files
9. Stopped/started the World Wide Web Publishing service
Reviewing the Siebel Web Server hard drive showed that both the 15051
and 16157 directories were created and the Siebel Zero Foot Print Web
Client worked as expected.
Customers are advised to contact their IT department to ensure no
permission is given to the IWAM_HOSTNAME and IUSER_HOSTNAME users that
conflict with their companies’ security policies.
As per <Additional permissions required with Siebel Web Server Extensions on Siebel 7 eBusiness applications (Doc ID 476490.1)>, the minimum permissions are ‘write’ for the IWAM_HOSTNAME user.
Keywords: [SISNAPI] Async Thread: connection (0x22128d8), error
(1801034) while reading message, 2900: [SESSMGR] conn 0x31711e0: found
error code (1801034), error info (NULL), [SMCONN] connection to [sid=1
pid=1376] closed, Alert 388, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Siebel Web
Server Extensions, unable to login
Applies to:
Siebel Finance Service - Version [21225] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Siebel version :- [21225] SIA
Issue :-
REST API is being used to upload the Opportunity document from an external webpage return in c#.
Intermittently an error occurs as below.
Error :-
SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not found.
The reported behavior could be reproduced internally on Siebel CRM
Fix Pack version SIA and is tracked by Siebel Product Bug 13920635.
When the EAI session timed out due to task timeout, Siebel
Server/EAI component/weblogic server restart/crash etc, the REST
invocation returns an HTTP 404 error in browser, with ResourceAdapter
log reporting the below error :-
[SIEBEL ERROR] Thread[[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1'
for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',5,Pooled Threads]
[2012-04-24 01:15:27.406] [mQueryPage] Exception :
<Error><ErrorCode>1179754</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>The task 12582973 has either been shutdown or timed-out</ErrMsg></Error>
<Error><ErrorCode>1180678</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp4*10330*0*0*0*</ErrMsg></Error>
Install Quick Fix QF0482 (Patch ID: 14043025) on Siebel version SIA.
NOTE: Siebel CRM FixPack is NOT IMPACTED by this bug.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (MidMarket)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] MME
Database: Oracle 9i
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1100818837.
Siebel Support,
We are currently being affected by long log in
times (30-60 seconds) after upgrading to 7.5.3 from 7.04. This long log
in period occurs sporadically after logging in multiple times. I have
followed the directions from SR 38-796020551 since it is very similar
but to no avail. We do not have any custom business services being
We have 100 concurrent users with the following Sales Object Manager and eapps.cfg settings:
Maximum Tasks: 200
Minimum MT Servers: 5
Maximum MT Server: 5
DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections: 20
DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections: 20
DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections: 20
AnonUserPool: 200
SessionTimeout = 1800
After setting the log=Details in the eapps.cfg, I have found the following error in the swe log:
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21 05:36:56 [2372] ERROR 2372: [SWSE] Error invoking service method 1030
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21
05:36:56 [2372] ERROR 2372: [SWSE] Error Message 0 : error 1030 :
69*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
found1*016*smimtpool.cpp 503*7550*0*0*0*
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21
05:36:56 [2372] ERROR 2372: [SWSE] Error Message 1 : error 1030 :
69*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
found1*016*smimtpool.cpp 503*8860*0*0*0*
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21
05:36:56 [2372] DETAILS 2372: [SWSE] InvokeSrvcMethod
Timing: 0.00270 seconds
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21 05:36:56 [2372] ERROR 2372: [SWSE] invoke service method failed.
Here is an example of a login taking 60 seconds:
GenericLog GenericLog 0 2003-10-21
05:48:58 [2588] DETAILS 2588: [SWSE] User : sadmin Open Session :
succeeded in 60.1260 seconds.
I have attached the swe apps log file, sales object manager log file, eapps.cfg, a...
This customer was seeing inconsistent login times for the Web client.
Usually the Web client would take 15 - 20 seconds to login but on some
occasions it would take upwards of 60 seconds.
In order to
understand where the application was taking a long time to login, the
event logging levels on the concerned object manager was increased and
the time stamps analyzed.
It was noticed that the following steps is where one could always correlate the login delay to (30 seconds in this case):
TaskEvents TaskCreation 3 2003-10-21
14:06:31 Created context for task 32851 with session timeout = 4500
(thrdId 5280, timestamp 1066763191)
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 2003-10-21 14:07:01 Oracle Session ID : 104710
customers DBA reviewed the database connectivity and login times and
fine tuned the application. At the same time it was noticed that the
Siebel application server was running low on virtual memory. Hence more
memory was added to the box and then the delay in login times where no
longer seen.
The hypothesis in this case was that opening a
database connection is a resource intensive process for the Siebel
application server. If you are low of memory, you can expect the CPU to
do a lot more work (swapping / thrashing) due to the low memory
available. Hence this was causing a delay in opening new database
connections from the object managers to the database.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: [19221] to[21215] - Release: V7 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [19221]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 1
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3443123791.
***Checked for relevance on 03-Jan-2011***
Hi Support,
We face a user login probelm.
Some of our users, we call super user who has two login user Id and one position.
One login is DB authenticaiton and the other one is ADSI authentication.
Currently user reported login failed and I can similate the error.
super user login with DB login ID and then logout, he would never login
again with the same DB login and password. Only when he open another
browser or try to login with another user ID.
Login page would return
the error "The user ID or password that you entered is incorrect.
Please check the spelling and try again.(SBL-UIF-00272)" Go to SWSE log,
I can find below error.
ObjMgrSessionLog Error 1 0 2007-08-31
02:05:32 CSSUModel::InvokeSrvcMethod - Failed with Error=1030 for
service=Web Engine Interface, method=Request
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2007-08-31
02:05:32 7860: [SWSE] Error invoking service method 1030
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2007-08-31
02:05:32 7860: [SWSE] Error Message 0 : error 1030 :
70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2007-08-31
02:05:32 7860: [SWSE] Error Message 1 : error 1030 :
70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateError 1 0 2007-08-31 02:05:32 7860: [SWSE] Invoke service method failed.
Is the any possibile reason causes this error?
Incorrect default database set when create user in database server (SQL server).
For the benefits of other users:
Customer encountered issues
where the user is not able to login with the same user id after logging
out in the same browser. The user can login fine if using a different id
on the same browser or launch a new browser but login with the same
user id.
It was found that these users default
database in the third party database server (SQL server) is set to
master instead of the Siebel database. Corrected the default database
setting (point to Siebel database instead of master database) on SQL
server for these users resolved the issue.
Thank you,
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.5.3 SIA [16157] to SIA [21225] - Release: V7 to V8
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] FRA Fin Svcs
Database: IBM DB2/UDB 7.2
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1099765221.
*** Checked for relevance on 09-May-2011 ***
SBL-SCM-00028, SBL-SMI-00107Hi,
We are testing SIEBEL in 7.5.3 version.
I installed our SIEBEL platform 2 weeks
We didn’t have any problem with it but since this morning, after stoping and starting
Siebel Server, Server Request Broker is unavailable.
The message I found in SRB log file
is :
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-17
15:37:35 (srbmtsrv.cpp 39(77) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé
To put it in available status, I tried several things :
- restart the
- restart the server
- restart the gateway and the server
- restart the
I tried something else : I only enabled FINS object manager in French and in English
(we are running in those 2 languages) and Server Manager component group.
But SR Broker
is still unavailable
I attached the SR Broker log file and siebns.dat file.
Can you
help me ?
Thank you.
Environment specific
For the benefit of other users:
After stopping and starting Siebel Server, Server Request Broker is unavailable.
The message I found in SRB log file is :
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-17
15:37:35 (srbmtsrv.cpp 39(77) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé
SBL-SCM-00028 this error is normally associated with a corrupt siebns.dat file.
SRBrokerlog shows the following :
GenericLog GenericDebug 5 2003-10-20 17:28:17 Keyname:
groups/Fins/definition/enable state]
GenericLog GenericDebug 5 2003-10-20 17:28:17 Keyname:
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-20 17:28:17 (sccobjs.cpp
10(1167) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé introuvable
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-20 17:28:17 (srbroute.cpp
52(9158) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé introuvable
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-20 17:28:17 (srbroute.cpp
52(8951) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé introuvable
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-20 17:28:17 (srbroute.cpp
52(4602) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé introuvable
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-10-20 17:28:17 (srbroute.cpp
52(745) err=3900028 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00028: Clé introuvable
If we search for the two strings
[/enterprises/crm_ent/servers/ntser065/component groups/Fins/definition/enable state]
[/enterprises/crm_ent/servers/ntser065/component groups/Fins/definition/status]
in the siebns.dat, we can not find them. This is the cause of the error as to why the SRBroker is unable to start.
Once the corrupt siebns.dat file is replaced (after stopping the siebel
server and gateway) with an older copy and the siebel application is
restarted, everything works fine.
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version 7.7.1 SIA [18306] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Upon launching the eConfigurator session, after
leaving it idle for around 20 minutes, trying to to select a product
(for example: selecting a checkbox). Upon doing this, encountered an
error popup with this message: Not connected to the server.
(SBL-SVC-00203) 70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given
task was not found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*8090*0*0*0* 70*SBL-SMI-00107:
Internal: The context for the given task was not
found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*9910*0*0*0*. Econfigurator session actually
times out and hence this error occurs.
Econfigurator session actually times out and hence this error occurs.
Server parameters can be set in order to extend the timeout duration for the eConfigurator session.
You can specify how long product
configurator sessions remain active by setting the server parameter for
Keep Alive Time. This parameter specifies the time in seconds that a
session can remain idle before the session is timed out. The default
value of -1 means that the session can remain idle indefinitely and will
not be timed out.
Parameter Name: eProdCfgKeepAliveTime
Display Name: Product Configurator - Keep Alive Time of Idle Session
Data Type: Integer
Default Value: -1
Description: The amount of time in seconds that a configuration session can remain inactive before the session is killed.
For detailled information on setting for Product
Configurator and Remote Product Configurator please refer to Bulletin
Optimizing the Launching of Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 Configurator (Doc ID
For more special hints and techniques regarding
performance for Product Configurator please refer to Bulletin:
Optimizing ISS Processes (Doc ID 477006.1)
Customer set server the parameter for eProdCfgKeepAliveTime to 2700 seconds on both server component:
1. eCommunications Object Manager (ENU)
Please note: If you
change eProdCfgKeepAliveTime on AOM then ConnIdleTime on remote
eConfigurator OM should be greater than eProdCfgKeepAliveTime
(i.e. eProdCfgKeepAliveTime+1).
The eConfigurator session is timing out after around 45 minutes as expected.
NOTE:477007.1 - Optimize Performance for Launching of Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 Product Configurator
NOTE:477006.1 - Optimizing Performance of ISS Processes for Order Management, Product Configurator and Pricing
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version 7.7.1 SIA [18306] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Upon launching the eConfigurator session, after
leaving it idle for around 20 minutes, trying to to select a product
(for example: selecting a checkbox). Upon doing this, encountered an
error popup with this message: Not connected to the server.
(SBL-SVC-00203) 70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given
task was not found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*8090*0*0*0* 70*SBL-SMI-00107:
Internal: The context for the given task was not
found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*9910*0*0*0*. Econfigurator session actually
times out and hence this error occurs.
Econfigurator session actually times out and hence this error occurs.
Server parameters can be set in order to extend the timeout duration for the eConfigurator session.
You can specify how long product
configurator sessions remain active by setting the server parameter for
Keep Alive Time. This parameter specifies the time in seconds that a
session can remain idle before the session is timed out. The default
value of -1 means that the session can remain idle indefinitely and will
not be timed out.
Parameter Name: eProdCfgKeepAliveTime
Display Name: Product Configurator - Keep Alive Time of Idle Session
Data Type: Integer
Default Value: -1
Description: The amount of time in seconds that a configuration session can remain inactive before the session is killed.
For detailled information on setting for Product
Configurator and Remote Product Configurator please refer to Bulletin
Optimizing the Launching of Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 Configurator (Doc ID
For more special hints and techniques regarding
performance for Product Configurator please refer to Bulletin:
Optimizing ISS Processes (Doc ID 477006.1)
Customer set server the parameter for eProdCfgKeepAliveTime to 2700 seconds on both server component:
1. eCommunications Object Manager (ENU)
Please note: If you
change eProdCfgKeepAliveTime on AOM then ConnIdleTime on remote
eConfigurator OM should be greater than eProdCfgKeepAliveTime
(i.e. eProdCfgKeepAliveTime+1).
The eConfigurator session is timing out after around 45 minutes as expected.
NOTE:477007.1 - Optimize Performance for Launching of Siebel 7 and Siebel 8 Product Configurator
NOTE:477006.1 - Optimizing Performance of ISS Processes for Order Management, Product Configurator and Pricing
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
HP-UX Itanium
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16272] Engy/Oil
Database: Oracle 9i
Application Server OS: HP-UX 11i
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3041007471.
Customer reported the following:
Yesterday we had a lot of SBL-NET-01056 errors in the Siebel log files on the
Apache webserver (/opt/siebel/prd/v752/log/sa60515.log). This again
resulted in users not being able anymore to login via this webserver. Trying this resulted in the
following message :
The server you are accessing is either busy or experiencing
difficulties. Please close the web browser, start a new one and try logging in again. For further
support, please copy and send the full message text to your system administrator.[17:53:58]
In the Apache log file located at /opt/hpws/apache/logs/error_log no errors have been
found around the timestamp of the first SBL-NET-01056 error.
Can you please help
investigate this porblem and can you give an explanation of the SBL-NET-01056 error since there
is no documentation available about this error.
For benefit of other readers:
Upon reviewing the log file following two types of errors were noted:
SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context for the given task was not found1*016*smimtpool.cpp
SBL-NET-01056: Internal: operation on event for connection activation state failed
The first error implies that several attempts were made to connect the
user but due to timeout; the user cannot be connected. You will find
several postings on My Oracle Support about this subject matter.
The second error was reported in Change Request 12-121BAJQ. Basically
the following scenario resulted in the conclusion as follows:
Set max_thread_procs to 4096. Set Httpd.conf parameter threadlimit to slightly below (4091)
start web server. First few logins will succeed and as soon as we hit
4096 threads the web server will hang. Existing session is able to
continue working, new logins are failing.
The SWE error is: SBL-NET-01056: Internal: operation on event for connection activation state failed
if this error is suggesting a network problem, the issue is in the web
server setup, thus not strictly speaking, a Siebel issue.

Applies to:
Siebel CRM Sales - Version [19255] to [19255] [Release V7]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Following unexpected behavior was detected in Siebel CRM with Quick Fix QF0G05 applied:
Working well integration solution, made of Siebel Inbound Web Services with WS-Security headers (uses Anonymous session Pool via Siebel URL: "/eai_anon_<xxx>"), suddenly started to throw HTTP 500 errors and then became fully blocked (no one request could pass to EAI Object Manager).
At the moment of the errors, no activity (no traces)
were detected in the Siebel Application Server side and the Object
Manager (the EAI Object Manager) component showed the online status (no tasks are running).
The typical symptom of starting this behavior were:
(1) The "SBL-SMI-00107" error, was thrown as HTTP 500 by Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)
when when SWSE was trying to re-use a session from Anonymous Pool
contacting to an EAI OM task that was already closed by session idle
time-out (seconds in the "SessionTimeout" parameter in the "eapps.cfg").
However: at the next try SWSE could start the new EAI OM task and execute well the Web Service Call.
The typical detailed traces of these occurrence in the SWSE log (ss*.log) are:
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5 0 ... 1752: [SWSE] Created EAI request handler.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] Switching to Start state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] User spec: REMOTE_USER
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] POST query string: SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] Switching to HTTP_REQ state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Anon pool has 1 of 3 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Pulled an anon session: !1.94c.a834.4e9bca14 taken from the pool.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Checked out anon session: !1.94c.a834.4e9bca14.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] Switching to Session state.
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
0x63fa00) on (0x2455398)
SisnTcpIp SisnSockDetail 4... 1752: [TCPIP-client] Send() descriptor = 708
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->SendMsg(43060, 0x63fa00, 4) ok
SessMgr MsgReceive 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->ReadMsg(4, -1, 0x2459d30) ok
ObjMgrSessionLog Error 1... CSSUModel::InvokeSrvcMethod - Failed with Error=1030 for service=Web Engine Interface, method=Request
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 1752: [SWSE] Error invoking service method 1030
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 1752: [SWSE]
Error Message 0 : error 1030 : 70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context
for the given task was not found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*7720*0*0*0*
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 1752: [SWSE]
Error Message 1 : error 1030 : 70*SBL-SMI-00107: Internal: The context
for the given task was not found.1*013*smimtpool.cpp3*9340*0*0*0*
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] InvokeSrvcMethod Timing: 0.00102 seconds
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateError 1... 1752: [SWSE] Invoke service method failed.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Closing
Session :
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
0x63fa30) on (0x2455398)
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->SendMsg(43060, 0x63fa30, 5) ok
SessMgr MsgReceive 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->ReadMsg(5, -1, 0x2459d30) ok
SessMgr ConnClose 3... 1752: [SESSMGR] Close(siebel.TCPIP.None.None://SeblGW/SeblES/EAIObjMgr_enu/!1.94c.a834.4e9bca14)
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
0x63f810) on (0x2455398)
SessMgr MsgSend 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->SendMsg(43060, 0x63f810, 6) ok
SessMgr MsgReceive 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
: 0x2455398->ReadMsg(6, -1, 0x2459d30) ok
SessMgr ConnClose 3... 1752: [SESSMGR] Close(siebel.TCPIP.None.None://SeblGW/SeblES/EAIObjMgr_enu/!1.94c.a834.4e9bca14): ok
SessMgr ConnClose 3... 1752: [SESSMGR]
recv'd notify: The task 43060 has either been shutdown or timed-out
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Closing
Session :
Lifespan : 93.3947
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] CloseSession Timing: 93.39469 seconds
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 1752: [SWSE]
Set Error Response (Session: Error: 00001030 Message: 70*SBL-SMI-00107:
Internal: The context for the given task was not
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] Switching to HTTPRes state.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5... 1752: [SWSE] Switching to Stop state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4... 1752: [SWSE] Total Request Handling Timing : 0.05473 seconds
(2) After working for a while under load (processing quite big number of Web Service calls), the SWSE engine stayed a long time on idle, so that all "running" tasks of EAI OM were closed by "SessionTimeout". New calls initially caused also HTTP 500 response, because of the "SBL-SMI-00107" error.
However: NO ONE of the next call could make the SWSE to recover and it became BLOCKED responding HTTP 500 to each call till RESTART of the SWSE engine (e.f. the Web Site restart in case of using the MS IIS HTTP service).
The typical detailed traces (considering errors, traced above) of these
occurrence in the SWSE log (ss*.log) are (Anonymous Pool size was set to
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5 ... 2652: [SWSE] Created EAI request handler.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5 ...13 2652: [SWSE] Switching to Start state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5 ... 2652: [SWSE] User spec: REMOTE_USER
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5 ... 2652: [SWSE] POST
query string: SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5 ...13 2652: [SWSE] Switching to HTTP_REQ state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Anon pool has 0 of 10 sessions available
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 2652: [SWSE] Could not get an anon session...PROBLEM
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 2652: [SWSE]
Failed to obtain a session ID. No anonymous user available for
processing requests. This server is too busy to process any new
connection requests at the moment.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1... 2652: [SWSE]
Set Error Response (Session: Error: 00021291 Message: No anonymous user
available for processing requests. This server is too busy to process
any new connection requests at the moment.)
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5 ... 2652: [SWSE] Switching to HTTPRes state.
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5 ... 2652: [SWSE] Switching to Stop state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDetail 4 ... 2652: [SWSE] Total Request Handling Timing : 42.07842 seconds
Issue was identified as product defect of Siebel CRM Release and address as Bug 13102034.
Customers with Extened Support option can request password for
downloading of the Quick Fix - QF0G24 in form of following patches:
- Patch 13634028 for Vertical (also known as: SIA) release
- Patch 13634043 for Horizontal (also known as: HOR, SEA) release.
The issue does not relate to very similar behavior addressed in the Document: 852611.1 and fixed in this Siebel CRM release.
Siebel CRM 8.x ( and Siebel CRM 8.1.1.x ( are NOT IMPACTED:
SWSE could well recover timed-out sessions and complete received WS call well (start an new OM task, as necessary).
Possible workarounds that could be considered:
Increase value of the "SesssionTimeout" parameter in
the "[/eai_anon_"<XXX>"]" section (e.g. the "[/eai_anon_enu]") of
the SWSE configuration file: "eapps.cfg", to minimize occurence of the
"SBL-SMI-00107" error which is, presumable, a source for the blocking
Dedicate a separate SWSE instance to serve only the Integration calls
(Web Services), so its eventual restart (because of this error) would
not impact Siebel Thin Client users.
Re-design the Integration Solution using the Siebel Web Service Session management approach (Document: 795552.1
which does NOT USE the AnnonPool feature of SWSE, but builds a pool of
EAI OM sessions on the Siebel Application Server for efficient re-use
("Stateless" mode).
@ Other:PATCH:13634043
NOTE:795552.1 - Use Siebel Authorization Stateless Session Management for HIGH load inbound web service integrations
- Siebel Inbound Web Services intgeration scenario that uses anonymous
session pool may not recover after temporary Siebel EAI Object Manager
Component outage.
הוסף רשומת תגובה