SBL-JCA-00317: {0} Request {1} on connection {2} was abandoned

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version 7.7.2 SIA [18325] to SIA[21219] [Release V7 to V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 8

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3053350591.



Java application has been used to import xml files into Siebel
calling the EAI Adapter. However, on large files, a timeout resulting in
the following error is thrown.

OMRPC Request 2 on connection 24e4 was abandoned after 600250 ms because it timed out. (SBL-JCA-317)

After reading other service requests, I created a file with the following values:

siebel.conmgr.txtimeout = 3900

siebel.conmgr.poolsize = 5

siebel.conmgr.sesstimeout = 3000000

siebel.conmgr.retry = 5

siebel.conmgr.jce = 1

I put the following sample code into the java program and the value returned was correct.


Properties properties = new Properties();



            properties.load(new FileInputStream(""));

            String propStr = properties.getProperty("siebel.conmgr.txtimeout");

            System.out.println("Value of property = " + propStr);


        catch (IOException e)


            System.out.println("Error to read properties file " + e.getMessage());


However, as we understand from other requests, the file only has to
exist in the classpath for it to be utilised by the adapter. How do I
examine if the adapter is using the value in the file
or using the default from the Object Manager?


When starting a Java Data Bean (JDB) client from within a JAR file, the application ignored the file.

Reasons for the behavior

The Java 1.4.2 virtual machine uses the -jar command line option to
start a Java program from within a JAR file. In this case, as per the
Java 1.4.2 documentation, "the JAR file is the source of all user
classes, and other user class path settings are ignored."

Since the file must be located in the Java classpath it is subject to the classpath rules of the Java VM.


After including in the JAR file, the JDB application was able to read the file properly.

(Side note: As this issue was caused by the classpath search behavior of
the Java VM which is a third-party component, no change request was

Additional keywords: class path, databean, jvm

Thank you

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version SCS 6.0.3 [4264] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : [19251] version, Siebel VB / eScript / COM

A Java program is written to use EAI Siebel Adapter to export records
into XML files. It is noticed the following error every Monday of the
week. The export runs again after executing again after it errors out.

the following error occurs.




<Major No.>256</Major No.><Minor No.>8236</Minor
No.><Message>OMRPC Request 1166 on connection 72232 was
abandoned after 270250 ms because it timed out. (SBL-JCA-317)




The issue cannot be reproduced at will but it occurs on every Monday of the week.



Due to this issue, the export has to be re-run whenever this error is encountered.


From the SBL-JCA-317 error, the cause is due to the transaction time out.


The default timeout as stated in the Bookshelf is 10 minutes if "siebel.conmgr.txtimeout"
property is not set. However, as tested, this is not true in version The timeout appears to be near to 4.5 minutes (270250 ms). In
version 8, the default transaction time out is 10 minutes. As such, a
documentation defect (Bug No: 11802093) has been logged to address this
on Siebel Bookshelf. Please use "" file to set to the
desired transaction timeout.



Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version SIA [19221] and later
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3360281273.


SBL-DAT-00803, SBL-JCA-00317, SBL-SMI-00126, SBL-NET-01034


We are experiencing two unexpected behaviors when attempting to log into eCommunications:

1) The Login Page is not displayed. "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error after about 10 minutes.

2) The Login Page is displayed, but "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error after attempting to log in.

We are able to access the database via a Dedicated Client and can use the ServerManager commands.

We have already tried bypassing all Load Balancers and the LDAP Server unsuccessfully.

We are currently getting JCA Connection errors from Portal to Siebel.

We are seeing excessive CPU for Kernal and IOWait.

We are seeing some discrepancies with the mounted file system.

After removing the Anonymous User *.spf file from the userpref directory, we started getting the Home Page.

However, the system attempted to create the new file but it has 0 byte,
and the file name convention is different, for example,

This seems to be related to file access rights, but we made everything 777 and still get the same error.

We know that this UNIX machine had some problems with this mount point after a power outage, but we do not know the details.

We turned up logging for eComm and SCBroker and the logs stop just prior to getting access the UserPref file.

For eCustomer, it looks like we can connect via JCA for the initial
request (GetMDN), but then for the GetHierarchy we get an error and lose
the JCA connection:

[SIEBEL ERROR] [2007-05-25 12:25:55.892] [SiebelConnection(1230636829)]
Complex Account Hierarchy - Portal Services.GetHierarchyByUser FAILED on
INT_PORTAL with message <>

<Error><ErrorCode>8236</ErrorCode> <ErrMsg>OMRPC
Request 4 on connection 18579 was abandoned after 60070 ms because it
timed out. (SBL-JCA-317) </ErrMsg></Error>




Configuration/ Setup


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:

Users are getting “This page cannot be displayed – Cannot find server or
DNS error” error message when trying to load the login page or after
providing username and password.

After deleting the User Preferences File, this behavior was resolved,
but the new user preference file was created with zero byte.

We have ruled out the possibility of this behavior being related to the
situation described in Alert 1025: Siebel Server Components That Read or
Write to Files on Solaris May Encounter Fopen() Behaviors.

We have checked all Operating System user limits.

After further investigation, customer found out that a lockd daemon
process was not running on the server where the shared Siebel File
System resides after the power outage.

All the other Siebel Servers have NFS mounts pointing to this server to access the shared File System.

Once lockd was started on that server, the behavior was no longer observed.

The following Service Requests helped troubleshooting this behavior:

    - Doc ID 504354.1: Unable to connect to Public Sector with SisnSockError

    - Doc ID 495979.1: Web client hangs when trying to login

Thank you,

Applies to:

Siebel Finance Sales - Version: SIA [20416] to 8.1 SIA [21039] - Release: V8 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to test a webmaster image file migration from a
source to a target environment, all works fine until the activation step
(which is to physically copy the image file to the webmaster folder on
the Siebel server).

During this step the ADM Management Server sits without anything happening. Eventually the management server times out.

The management server hangs after the Activation step. All the previous steps (load, create, and copy) are successful.  SADMIN has the system administrators authorities in the target environment.

Log from targeting ADM agent:

2009-01-26 16:43:20 -0500
FileMBean INFO 2009-01-26 16:43:21 Results from action 'BACKUP':
file/AppServer/webmaster/Images/ENU/globe77_temp.gif BACKUP_NOT_APPLICABLE
2009-01-26 16:44:49 -0500
INFO 2009-01-26 16:44:50 Copying from source file

FileMBean INFO 2009-01-26 16:44:50 Deploying to destination file '\\D7-OPT8-GTWN1\upload\Images\ENU\globe77_temp.gif'.
FileMBean INFO 2009-01-26 16:44:51 Results from action 'DEPLOY_COPY':
file/AppServer/webmaster/Images/ENU/globe77_temp.gif MIGRATION_COMPLETE
16:51:21 -0500 FileMBean SEVERE 2009-01-26 17:01:42 OMRPC Request 5 on
connection 2b0000a was abandoned after 600070 ms because it timed


When running the activate command,  sync mode is the default when no mode is specified:

deploy_ES_SIA activate sadmin sadmin abs_web_02

In sync mode, the command prompt waits for the command to finish. 
Running in sync mode can occasionally result in this type of hanging

This same hanging behavior can occur with the deploy copy command in sync mode. 

In this case, the customer running the deploy copy in sync mode runs fine without hanging.


It is necessary to run in async mode: append -async at the end of the command, as shown below:

deploy_ES_SIA activate sadmin sadmin abc_web_02 -async

This runs successfully.

In async mode, the command prompt does not wait for the command to
finish: the prompt returns right away and the task is queued to be

It is necessary to run status_detail to check on the status of the queued task:

deploy_ES_SIA status_detail  sadmin sadmin abc_web_02

Note:  When deploying a static file package without shutting down the IIS, a folder called XXXXYYYYZZZ
will be generated under the SWSE\Public\ENU directory. This folder is
basically a copy of everything under the public folder. This is expected


ADM, Webmaster, image, file, Management Server



פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.