SBL-EAI-04369: The external source for this BusComp does not support the field '%1'. Please notify your system administrator.

Applies to: Siebel Tools - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1460552997.

GoalHow to Display Data from Virtual Business Component on Customer Dashboard?

SolutionFollowing information was provided from Siebel Technical Support regarding configuration of the Persistent Customer Dashboard functionality off a custom defined virtual business component (VBC) object:

In general, from the business component (BC) prospective point of view, the VBC functionality, as long it is not explicitly restricted ('eAI Volume II: Integration Platform Technologies', chapter: 'Siebel Virtual Business Components', section: 'Overview of Virtual Business Components', sub-section: 'Enhancements to VBCs for This Version'), can be use in any of business component based applications (like the 'Customer Dashboard' one).

So the information provided in the 'Siebel Tools Reference' Siebel Bookshelf document, chapter: 'Configuring the Customer Dashboard', should be sufficient to illustrate:
- how a custom BC (or VBC) can be included in the Customer Dashboard object;
- how Customer Dashboard object can be update with source fields, taken form custom BC (or VBC) record.

A point to keep in mind is, what for VBC based source (and navigation destinations from the dashboard applet), the concrete implementation of the VBC business service (BS) a custom Siebel VB / eScript or external application based on XML Gateway request/response syntax) may play a critical role in identifying the current VBC record context. Especially, you project team should pay attention, what with 'standalone' VBC instantiation calls (what could occur, during the dashboard update or outgoing navigation requests), the VBC query specification is correctly handled. For example: the VBC BS should not expect, what the parent BC field (taken from BC/VBC link specification, if any used) is provided.

As example of relative case you may take a look at the Note 496163.1 'Find Object on VBC' , what may cover some aspects, what should be also considered for this configuration.

Note: Eventually encountered application message (upon Customer Dashboard with VBC usage):

"... The external source for this BusComp does not support the field 'Id'. ... (SBL-EAI-04369) ...",
will indicate what the being used VBC business service should 'simulate' existence of the 'Id' system field.
This could be achieved by following way:
1. the VBC definition MUST NOT HAVE the 'Id' field name defined;
2. the 'Init' method of VBC BS MUST CONFIRM existence of the 'Id' field into output property set (like for any other VBC field);
3. the 'Query' method of the VBC BS MUST BE ABLE to provide the proper record content by given 'Id' value (provided in query string) and enable proper VBC fields population (taking into Dashboard) and VBC view navigation (navigating from the Dashboard).

In general, we recommend you to get an on-site design evaluation assistance of Siebel Expert Services (billable) to elaborate a most efficient and secure solution to meet your configuration requirements.

Bug 10480485 has been logged to ask for product enhancement, to completely support Customer Dashboard on VBC,

ReferencesNOTE:496163.1 - Find Object on VBC



Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel Tools

Applies to: Siebel CTI - Version: SIA [21211] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Hi support,
We are using Avaya 7.2 and Siebel for native CTI integration, we are having problems when user wants to do a call transfer (consultative or blind) or conference functionality with a 2nd party transfering voice and the view where the agent is position to the 2nd party, we have configured for those functionalities the bookmark functionality to enable to transfer the call and the view where the agent is positioned, the functionality is working as expected, the issue happens only when the transfer is initiated from the custom view “Disposition and Search - Customer” this view has a VBC, once the transfer is accepted the following error is display in the application:
The external source for this BusComp does not support the field 'Id'. Please notify your system administrator.(SBL-EAI-04369)
Steps to reproduce it:
1.- User logins to Siebel
2.- User Logins to the Siebel Communication Toolbar
3.- User Receive a call, and the Screenpop is executed navigating to the Disposition And Search – Customer view (Custom Viw with a Virtual Business Component)
4.- User start a Consultative Transfer to a 2nd party
5.- Once the 2nd party answer the consultative transfer, the error message is display in the Siebel application: The external source for this BusComp does not support the field 'Id'. Please notify your system administrator.(SBL-EAI-04369).
This behavior is working fine if the agent is on any other view of the application that is not view with VBC (Integration).
After research in Knowledge Database, I have found this SR: “Chat Not Return To View With Vbc When Users Chatting With 2 Clients. [ID 1123144.1]”, that might be related, please confirm this information if it has been solved, status of the enhancement if it is related, and please provide a workaround to avoid the error message in the application.



Causeby design it is not a CTI but VBC issue unable to use bookmarks

Solution12-GR8C54 - Error message in CTI call transfer when an applet is based on VBC.

It was identified as virtual BC issue. If VBC does not support save/restore bookmark, CTI could not use the VBC to transfer/resume the view.



Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel CTI






Applies to: Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157]
Database: Oracle 9i
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1160204991.



We are looking forward to use the f9 (send email functionality) on Applets based on VBCs.
Following config has been done :
- created a template with the substitution fields based where recipient groupg equals the BO containing only 1 VBC
- added user property "Recipient Email Address Field" = to field containg email address.

When we click F9 on the Applet displaying the VBCs recordsand choose the above mentioned template, Oulook opens but the email text is not substituted.

Is it possible use F9 functionality on VBCs ?

best regards


SolutionMessage 1For the benefit of other users, the business service used with the Oracle COM Object to retrieve external data used by the virtual buscomp (VBC) is not able to retrieve the VBC data when using F9.

Although the data can be successfully retrieved to the applet and displayed in the UI, the F9 Send Email function does not execute correctly when launched from an applet based on a VBC. The administrator can set up an email template based on the VBC, including substitution fields. However, when using the F9 Send Email function, and selecting a template based on this VBC, the substitution fields based on the VBC are not substituted. The field names, instead of the substituted values, appear in the email.

The client trace log file (Siebel.log) shows the following error:

ObjMgrLog Error 4 2004-01-14 10:23:39 (SBL-EAI-04369) The external source for this BusComp does not support the field 'Id'.

Please notify your system administrator.

Technical Support was able to reproduce the same error in the client trace file using a different method (HTTP Transport) to obtain the external data to the VBC.

A change request 12-JJPXJO has been is logged to address this product defect. It reports that a VBC is not able to work with email template, because the substitution values based on the VBC field are not substituted.

Thank you.

Vivian Lee
Siebel Technical Support

Keyword: SBL-EAI-04369 , email , template , F9 , VBC , substitute, substitution

Applies to: Siebel CTI - Version:[21215] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

We are using Siebel and Chat (CCA) integrated and we are having problems when users are using chat with 2 clients at the same time.
I will try to explain the situation.

1-) Users are using the Siebel Integrated with CCA Chat and they are chatting with 2 clients at the same time.
2-) When user change the Client "Tab" on Chat Panel, to chat with client 2, Siebel maintain the "Context" for the Client that is "Standby" (Client 1).
3-) When user return to the first Client, Siebel need to change the Views (Context) for this client, to show the same view that user was navegating when
he was chatting with this client.
4-) This behaviour works fine when the views of the Context of the 2 clients are not views with VBC (Integration).
5-) The problem occurs when a users are accessing the Views with VBC (Integration information), change the Client on Chat and when Return to the same client,
Siebel can't return the original View and presents the follow errors:
ObjMgrBusCompLog Error 1 00023f8d4be748ac:0 2010-05-10 14:16:48 (buscomp.cpp (13118)) SBL-DAT-00252: Ocorreu um erro ao localizar seu local anterior no
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000028b4be748ac:0 2010-05-10 08:37:42 (bcsearchspec.cpp (363)) SBL-EAI-04369: A origem externa deste BusComp n�o oferece suporte ao
campo 'Id'.

Stpes to reproduce error:

* 1 Users accept 2 Chats at the same time. (Client 1 and Client 2).

1-) User is chatting with Client 1 and navegate to a View with Integration VBC.
2-) User change to Client 2 (Chat Panel) and start to chat with him.
3-) User change to Client 1 (Chat Panel) to answer a Client 1, at this time, a error are presented at Siebel View and don't show the correct view (with Integration):
Siebel can't return the original View and presents the follow errors:
ObjMgrBusCompLog Error 1 00023f8d4be748ac:0 2010-05-10 14:16:48 (buscomp.cpp (13118)) SBL-DAT-00252: Ocorreu um erro ao localizar seu local anterior no

Symptomswhen a users are accessing the Views with VBC (Integration information), change the Client on Chat and when Return to the same client,Siebel can't return the original View


CauseEnhancement request needed as VBCs are not supported in this case.

Solutionlogged an enhancement request 12-1YGBGDF -Siebel Chat to keep the context for screens that use VBCs.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.