SBL-EAI-04056: Cannot map input object ('%1') to internal integration object ('%2').

Applies to:

Siebel Universal Master - Version: SIA [20423] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.




Product type: Siebel Universal Master

Version: Siebel Universal Master

DB: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition

OS platform: Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Env type: dev

Statement of Issue:


The UCM Batch Process Workflow was executed and an incoming contact was automatically identified as an incoming duplicate. When the contact is selected in the Incoming Duplicates view and the Create New button is clicked an error is displayed. The incoming contact is inserted into the base tables but the incoming duplicate is still displayed in Incoming Duplicates.



ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (eaiobjinst.cpp (2867)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type 'UCM Contact Privacy' is not a valid child type for component type 'Contact'

ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (datasync.cpp (326)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type '<?>' is not a valid child type for component type '<?>'

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (dataaccess.cpp (213)) SBL-EAI-04056: Cannot map input object ('') to internal integration object ('UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory').


The following information is included in [UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables] (Doc ID 525483.1):

“Customer was able to solve the issue by doing the following two things:

1) They ensured that in addition to XML tags, the Name between CIF and SDH Integration Object (IO) for the integration component was the same. This was because the UCM Transaction Manager business service does an auto map between the two IOs.

In CIFContactInsert, the integration component Name was THD Contact Keytags but in the IO, UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory - the corresponding Integration Component was called THD Contact Keytags Source Data And History. Thus, they renamed the component in the SDH IO to match its name in the CIF IO.”

This confirms that the UCM Transaction Manager converts the SDH IO instance to the CIF IO instance and visa versa using automatic mapping, which means that it maps 1 object to another by matching names.

In this case, the customer confirmed that UCM Contact Privacy was not being used and that the UCM Contact Privacy IC was active in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory but not the CIF IOs.


The errors did not occur and the functionality completed as expected after the IC UCM Contact Privacy was deactivated in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory.


NOTE:525483.1 - UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables

Applies to:

Siebel Universal Master - Version: SIA [20423] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.




Product type: Siebel Universal Master

Version: Siebel Universal Master

DB: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition

OS platform: Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Env type: dev

Statement of Issue:


The UCM Batch Process Workflow was executed and an incoming contact was automatically identified as an incoming duplicate. When the contact is selected in the Incoming Duplicates view and the Create New button is clicked an error is displayed. The incoming contact is inserted into the base tables but the incoming duplicate is still displayed in Incoming Duplicates.



ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (eaiobjinst.cpp (2867)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type 'UCM Contact Privacy' is not a valid child type for component type 'Contact'

ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (datasync.cpp (326)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type '<?>' is not a valid child type for component type '<?>'

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (dataaccess.cpp (213)) SBL-EAI-04056: Cannot map input object ('') to internal integration object ('UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory').


The following information is included in [UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables] (Doc ID 525483.1):

“Customer was able to solve the issue by doing the following two things:

1) They ensured that in addition to XML tags, the Name between CIF and SDH Integration Object (IO) for the integration component was the same. This was because the UCM Transaction Manager business service does an auto map between the two IOs.

In CIFContactInsert, the integration component Name was THD Contact Keytags but in the IO, UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory - the corresponding Integration Component was called THD Contact Keytags Source Data And History. Thus, they renamed the component in the SDH IO to match its name in the CIF IO.”

This confirms that the UCM Transaction Manager converts the SDH IO instance to the CIF IO instance and visa versa using automatic mapping, which means that it maps 1 object to another by matching names.

In this case, the customer confirmed that UCM Contact Privacy was not being used and that the UCM Contact Privacy IC was active in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory but not the CIF IOs.


The errors did not occur and the functionality completed as expected after the IC UCM Contact Privacy was deactivated in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory.


NOTE:525483.1 - UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.7.1 [18306]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1394757217.


SBL-EAI-04056, SBL-EAI-04090

Hello, Actually we are Rio3 and the version is 7.7.1 SIA [18306] ENU. Please reply to

I am unable to import 7.5 workflows into our 7.7 environment using
the Tools. Import Workflow call. I have attached a screen shot of the error message that occurs.
The 7.5 workflow originated from the Rio 2 environment. I have also replicated the error with
other 7.5.2 211 workflows.

I have attached the error mesg returned and the workflow we are
trying to import.


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:

Customer is on SIA 7.7.1 [18306] ENU for Siebel Client and Siebel Tools.

Customer exported a workflow process from a 7.5 environment and tried to import it into the 7.7.1 SIA sample and server database. Against both sample and server database, the 7.7.1 Siebel Tools Workflow Process import failed with the following error message:

" Data map 'Pre77WorkflowMap' not found. (SBL-EAI-04090) and

Cannot map input object ('Front Office Workflow') to internal Integration Object ('Repository Workflow Process'). (SBL-EAI-04056) "

Customer enabled tracing on the Siebel Tools application and perform the import again to reproduce the error and capture the details into the Siebel Tools\log\siebdev.log file. Upon reviewing the log file, the error occurred when Siebel Tools executed Business Service 'Workflow DataSync Service' invoke method: 'Synchronize'. With this business service & method, it issues a query against the S_INT_OBJMAP to check for the following:

ObjMgrSqlObjLog    Execute    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    Begin: Execute SqlObj 'EAI Object Map' at a4125e8

ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    SELECT statement with ID: A032BC8















Message 2





      (T1.NAME = :1)



ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    Bind variable 1: Pre77WorkflowHack

ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    

***** SQL Statement Execute Time for SQL Cursor with ID A032BC8: 0.040 seconds *****

ObjMgrSqlObjLog    Execute    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    End: execute SqlObject at a4125e8

ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    

***** SQL Statement Initial Fetch Time for SQL Cursor with ID A032BC8: 0.000 seconds *****

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Error    1    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    (engine.cpp (340)) SBL-EAI-04090: Data map 'Pre77WorkflowHack' not found.

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    Business Service 'EAI Data Transformation Engine' invoke method 'Execute' Execute Time: 0.058 seconds.

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    End: Business Service 'EAI Data Transformation Engine' invoke method: 'Execute' at a40efe8

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    (datasync.cpp (644)) SBL-EAI-04057: Cannot map internal integration object ('Repository Workflow Process') to output object ('').


Message 3


ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    Business Service 'Workflow DataSync Service' invoke method 'Synchronize' Execute Time: 43.822 seconds.

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    InvokeMethod    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    End: Business Service 'Workflow DataSync Service' invoke method: 'Synchronize' at a3927f0

ObjMgrBusServiceLog    Delete    4    0    2004-08-05 16:37:50    Business Service 'Workflow DataSync Service' was deleted at a3927f0

Notice the bind variable is for "Pre77WorkflowHack". When Siebel Support queried the 7.7.1 server database for the same table and value, it did not return any records, which indicates that no such record exits. Furthermore, in Siebel Support's test case, the same query issued was looking for NAME = "Pre77WorkflowMapBackward", which does exist in the server DB table.

Upon further investigation into the business service, 'Workflow DataSync Service' business service has 3 user properties that references 'Pre77WorkflowMap' and 'Pre77WorkflowMapBackward', they can be seen from Siebel Tools > Business Service > Business Service User Properties, the standard values are as follows:

Name                    Value

-------                -------

Input Data Map            Pre77WorkflowMap

Internal Integration Object    Repository Workflow Process

Output Data Map            Pre77WorkflowMapBackward

Customer checked this against their server DB and found the same values. However, Siebel Tools import still failed with with the error.


Message 4


Customer was suggested to locate the 'Workflow DataSync Service' business service and the 3 User Properties, and verify their values matched the standard values (see above). If the user properties were different, the customer needed to change them to the ones matching the standard values (see above). Then, recompile this Business Service definition into the Siebel Tools\objects\<language>\SRF file. This will require making a copy of the SRF file, renaming it, compiling the definition into the copy, then renaming the copy back to siebel.srf (or siebel_sia.srf), and finally launch Siebel Tools with this newly compiled SRF file.

Once customer recompiled 'Workflow DataSync Service' business service into the Tools SRF file, the Tools Workflow Import worked successfully with 7.5 workflows, the error no longer occurred.

Search keyword: 7.7.1, tools, workflow, process, import, fail, error, 7.5, Pre77WorkflowMap, Pre77WorkflowMapBackward, Pre77WorkflowHack, business service, Workflow DataSync Service, user property, Data map 'Pre77WorkflowMap' not found, Cannot map input object ('Front Office Workflow') to internal Integration Object ('Repository Workflow Process'), SBL-EAI-04090, SBL-EAI-04056, 04090, 04056


Applies to:

Siebel Universal Master - Version: SIA [20423] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.




Product type: Siebel Universal Master

Version: Siebel Universal Master

DB: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition

OS platform: Microsoft Windows (32-bit)

Env type: dev

Statement of Issue:


The UCM Batch Process Workflow was executed and an incoming contact was automatically identified as an incoming duplicate. When the contact is selected in the Incoming Duplicates view and the Create New button is clicked an error is displayed. The incoming contact is inserted into the base tables but the incoming duplicate is still displayed in Incoming Duplicates.



ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (eaiobjinst.cpp (2867)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type 'UCM Contact Privacy' is not a valid child type for component type 'Contact'

ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (datasync.cpp (326)) SBL-EAI-04008: Integration component type '<?>' is not a valid child type for component type '<?>'

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000010514cd01f50:0 2010-11-03 14:39:06 (dataaccess.cpp (213)) SBL-EAI-04056: Cannot map input object ('') to internal integration object ('UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory').


The following information is included in [UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables] (Doc ID 525483.1):

“Customer was able to solve the issue by doing the following two things:

1) They ensured that in addition to XML tags, the Name between CIF and SDH Integration Object (IO) for the integration component was the same. This was because the UCM Transaction Manager business service does an auto map between the two IOs.

In CIFContactInsert, the integration component Name was THD Contact Keytags but in the IO, UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory - the corresponding Integration Component was called THD Contact Keytags Source Data And History. Thus, they renamed the component in the SDH IO to match its name in the CIF IO.”

This confirms that the UCM Transaction Manager converts the SDH IO instance to the CIF IO instance and visa versa using automatic mapping, which means that it maps 1 object to another by matching names.

In this case, the customer confirmed that UCM Contact Privacy was not being used and that the UCM Contact Privacy IC was active in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory but not the CIF IOs.


The errors did not occur and the functionality completed as expected after the IC UCM Contact Privacy was deactivated in UCMContactSourceDataAndHistory.


NOTE:525483.1 - UCM Child Objects not being inserted into SDH tables


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Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.