SBL-EAI-00246: %1 error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments

Applies to:

Siebel E-Support - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Solutions are created in Siebel CRM and associated with Catalog/Category. Next solution items (Solutions and Resolution Documents), were re indexed in Siebel. The solution items can be searched fine by logging into Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. However, these solutions were NOT visible in Siebel E-Support application  under Support tab > Technical Support.

The following errors are noted in CustomAppObjMgr and Oracle Application Server log:-


WebSvcInbound WSInboundTrace 3 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:54:52 Executing web service operation 'SearchSolution' by calling method 'SearchSolution' of business service 'Search Solution Service'Executing Operation '&1' by calling method '&2' of business service '&3'.


ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 (xmlcnvsv.cpp (548)) SBL-EAI-00246: XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments


EAITransport EAITransportWarning 2 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 Dispatch Service: 'Web Service Inbound Dispatcher', Method: 'Dispatch' failed

EAITransport EAITransportWarning 2 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 [0] XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments(SBL-EAI-00246) (IDS_XMLCNV_ERR_EMPTYMSG)



Investigating further into the issue and consulting with engineering team, it was learn 't that there are known issues around using OSES functionality with Siebel CRM and Siebel Self Service.  These issues are addressed in siebel version with ACR 452 configured (as per the Maintenance release guide at link :-. This requires installing OSES version and above.

Since, in this case, OSES was not installed, the functionality did not work as expected due to the known issues.


The issue was resolved by installing OSES version

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [20420] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the customer submitted the following URL to Siebel it failed with a HTTP 500 internal server error:



The following information was output to the SWSE log file:

2009-11-13 15:07:21 (ssmsismgr.cpp (626) err=3670018 sys=0) SBL-SSM-00002: Error decoding Siebel URL.

2009-11-13 15:07:21 Login failed for Login name : SADMIN

2009-11-13 15:07:21 9824: [SWSE] Open Session failed (0xa600d1) after 0.0005 seconds.

2009-11-13 15:07:21 9824: [SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Login failed attempting to connect to %1

2009-11-13 15:07:21 9824: [SWSE] Set Error Response (Session: Error: 10879185 Message: Login failed attempting to connect to siebel.HTTP.None.None://rscrm8dv04:80/TECH_TEST/EAIObjMgr_enu)

2009-11-13 15:07:21 9824: [SWSE] Login failed.

As you can see, login failed attempting to connect to siebel.HTTP.None.None://rscrm8dv04:80/TECH_TEST/EAIObjMgr_enu. The connection information is specified in the ConnectString, which in this case was included in the [/eai_enu] section in the eapps.cfg file.




When you invoke functionality in Siebel using the EAI HTTP transport, the request is sent from the external application to the web server (SWSE) over HTTP. However, the SWSE routes the request to the siebel server over TCPIP. An EAI Object Manager task was started correctly after the protocol was set to TCPIP and the port was set to the port that the Siebel Connection Broker (SCBroker) was listening on (default: 2321).

The EAI Object Manager task failed with the following errors:

“2009-11-17 14:53:31 (xmlcnvsv.cpp (548)) SBL-EAI-00246: XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments

2009-11-17 14:53:31 (eaixmlcnvsv.cpp (320)) SBL-EAI-04110: The XML Document cannot be converted to an XML Hierarchy.”

The customer set SWEExtSource to SiebelQuery, which maps to the named subsystem SiebelQueryDispatch. The following information is included in Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration EAI HTTP Transport, EAI HTTP Transport Named Subsystems:

“EAI HTTP Transport Named Subsystems

The EAI HTTP Transport, like every other Siebel transport, reads required parameters from a named subsystem instead of the configuration file .cfg. The eai.cfg file entries should list the external service name and the name of the named subsystem to be used.

For example:

SiebelQuery = SiebelQueryDispatch

There is no [Properties] section for SiebelQueryDispatch in the .cfg file. The name is used to look up the named subsystem list and dispatch accordingly. Use named subsystems for property specification. Predefined named subsystems have been created for you already, such as:




If you review the named subsystem SiebelQueryDispatch you will see that it is set-up to invoke the Query method on the EAI Siebel Adapter. Therefore, in the HTTP request that you send to Siebel you need to include the search criteria that the EAI Siebel Adapter will use to carry out the query.

For example, I copied and pasted the following into the Address field in IE and the account with the name “Aardvark Telecom” was returned:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="false"?><SiebelMessage MessageId="42-WRE" IntObjectName="Sample Account" MessageType="Integration Object" IntObjectFormat="Siebel Hierarchical"><ListOfSampleAccount><Account><Name>Aardvark Telecom</Name></Account></ListOfSampleAccount></SiebelMessage>

The search criteria is included as a Siebel XML document that includes an instance of the standard integration object Sample Account and is assigned to the attribute SWEExtData. Please note that I used the HTTP Get method, which means that the data is included in the URL.

Applies to:

Siebel E-Support - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Solutions are created in Siebel CRM and associated with Catalog/Category. Next solution items (Solutions and Resolution Documents), were re indexed in Siebel. The solution items can be searched fine by logging into Oracle Secure Enterprise Search. However, these solutions were NOT visible in Siebel E-Support application  under Support tab > Technical Support.

The following errors are noted in CustomAppObjMgr and Oracle Application Server log:-


WebSvcInbound WSInboundTrace 3 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:54:52 Executing web service operation 'SearchSolution' by calling method 'SearchSolution' of business service 'Search Solution Service'Executing Operation '&1' by calling method '&2' of business service '&3'.


ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 (xmlcnvsv.cpp (548)) SBL-EAI-00246: XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments


EAITransport EAITransportWarning 2 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 Dispatch Service: 'Web Service Inbound Dispatcher', Method: 'Dispatch' failed

EAITransport EAITransportWarning 2 0000018f4b9016f8:0 2010-03-04 20:55:13 [0] XML Hierarchy Converter error - empty input message, expecting an XML document in of input arguments(SBL-EAI-00246) (IDS_XMLCNV_ERR_EMPTYMSG)



Investigating further into the issue and consulting with engineering team, it was learn 't that there are known issues around using OSES functionality with Siebel CRM and Siebel Self Service.  These issues are addressed in siebel version with ACR 452 configured (as per the Maintenance release guide at link :-. This requires installing OSES version and above.

Since, in this case, OSES was not installed, the functionality did not work as expected due to the known issues.


The issue was resolved by installing OSES version


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.