SBL-EAI-04299: Business Service '%1' does not exist in current SRF.

Applies to:

Siebel Reports - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later ]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running a report the XMLPReportServer log file may show the following error messages :

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000000024a1a1d34:0 2009-05-25 07:18:38 (factory.cpp (229)) SBL-EAI-04319: Active Workflow Process named 'SelfServicePostLogin' cannot be found in runtime database 'ServerDataSrc'.

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000000024a1a1d34:0 2009-05-25 07:18:38 (wservice.cpp (140)) SBL-EAI-04307: No ports were initialized for Web Service named 'SelfServicePostLogin' having namespace value ''.

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000000024a1a1d34:0 2009-05-25 07:18:41 (factory.cpp (181)) SBL-EAI-04299: Business Service 'UserBSTest' does not exist.

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000000024a1a1d34:0 2009-05-25 07:18:41 (wservice.cpp (140)) SBL-EAI-04307: No ports were initialized for Web Service named 'UserBSTest' having namespace value ''.


The error message concerning the workflow SelfServicePostLogin comes up because the status of this workflow is “In Progress” in Siebel Tools.

In order to resolve the behavior perform a query for this workflow in Siebel Tools and then Publish/Activate this object. There is a Publish/Activate button in Siebel Tools if View -> Toolbars -> “WF/Task Editor Toolbar” is enabled.

After the Siebel Server has been restarted the error message should no longer appear in the XMLPReportServer log file.

Business Service UserBSTest is missing in the repository. Change Request #12-1THO6N2 has been logged to address this behavior in a future version.



Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: SIA [16180] and later [Release: V7 and later ]

z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16180] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1

Checked for Relevance on 2-19-2011

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1235046401.



In the 7.0.5 version of application we have been using error code 29871 in our error debugging sections of our VB codes. A typical error debugging section looks like this



Select Case Err

Case 28378

TheApplication.RaiseErrorText Error$

Case Else

TheApplication.RaiseErrorText "Error number " & Err & _

" occurred in the " & & _

" BusComp_PreSetFieldValue Event. " & Error$

End Select


We have used that error code to capture any custom Raise Error texts we coded. We found this error code from our testing and not from any documentation.

In we are finding that we have to replace 29871 with 28378. Similarly another code 4186 has to be replaced with 4182.

We would like to know if this has been documented anywhere for our refernce, so that we can be sure that we are using the right error codes.



The error code keeps changing with each release . That is why you see it differently in different releases.


Message 1

Here is some info about your query:

When there is an exception in the code like shown in the following example:



: my code


catch e





e.errtxt displays an Messge code and message text (for eg: (e.g. SBL-EAI-04299: Business Service '%1' does not exist in current SRF.).

e.errcode displays an errror code(some number eg 10654) nothing similiar to message code(SBL-EAI-04299).

The error code keeps changing with each release . That is why you see it differently in different releases.

These error codes are not documented so it is not possible to provide a list of error codes.

As an alternative option you may want to use the Message Code instead of Error code. The Message Code which is embedded in the message string does not change between the releases. We can easily parse the Error message text to extract the Message Code.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.