SBL-EAI-04176: Information about integration component '%1' not found. Check query specification and output integration object definition.

Applies to: Siebel Call Center - Version: SIA [19237] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 10-JAN-2011***

SymptomsWhen a query was executed on an integration object using EAI Siebel Adapter, following error occured :-

Error invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Query' at step 'Load Asset'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
Information about integration component 'Asset Mgmt – Asset' not found. Check query specification and output integration object definition.(SBL-EAI-04176)

The search specification worked ok on 'SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow' Load Asset step. This workflow calls a subprocess which loads assets once again. The structure of Integration Object used in the sub process is different from the parent. In the parent - the Integration Object has an Asset Header and Line Item and the search specification uses Integration Id. In the sub process the Integration Object has just one Asset Mgmt - Asset Integration Component, and it uses Id and Parent Ids in the search spec.

Parent SearchSpec:

'[Header.Integration Id] = "' + [&Asset Integration Id] + '" AND [Header.Status] <> "' + LookupValue("IMPL_PHASE", "Inactive") + '" AND [Line Item.Status] <> "' + LookupValue("IMPL_PHASE", "Inactive") + '" AND [Line Item.Status] <> "' + LookupValue("IMPL_PHASE", "Ceased") + '" AND [Line Item.Product Sub Type IRT] <> "Non Recurring Charge"'

Sub process SearchSpec:

"([Asset Mgmt - Asset.Id] = '" + [&Object Id] + "' OR [Asset Mgmt - Asset.Parent Asset Id] = '" + [&Object Id] + "') AND [Asset Mgmt – Asset.Product Sub Type IRT] <> 'Non Recurring Charge' AND [Asset Mgmt - Asset.Status] <> '" + LookupValue("IMPL_PHASE", "Ceased") + "'"

CauseThe hyphen character in the "Asset Mgmt – Asset" search specification was not a standard '-' character. This resulted in the error because this made the Integration Component name invalid.

SolutionAfter amending the search specification to use a standard hyphen character in the Integration Component name, the EAI Siebel Adapter worked as expected.

Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

SymptomsSometimes when invoking a BI Publisher report and after submitting the user may receive the following error message :

"SBL-OMS-00203: error <?> When calling the method "<?>" For Business Service "<?>""
With increased logging enabled on the XMLPReportServer (change evtloglvl %=5 for comp XMLPReportServer), the following errors were visible in the log files at the point at which the UploadFiles is performed :

EAIQrySpec EAIQrySpecParams 3 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 The object ID for the''type 'GDP DH Opportunity' specified query is '[DH Opportunity - Detail TA.Id] = '1-D78ZB' AND [. Activity UID]> = '1-D78ZBTechnical000 "AND [. Activity UID] <= 1-D78ZBTechnical999" '

EAIInfra EAIInfraOutputMsg 3 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 Output message: IntObjType = GDP DH Opportunity Format = Siebel Hierarchical

ObjMgrBusServiceLog 00015bcb4c2a1ec4 Error 1 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 (eaiqryspec.cpp (867)) SBL-EAI-04176: Information on the integration component''were not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition.

EAISiebAdptPerf EAISiebAdptPerfStat 00015bcb4c2a1ec4 3: 2010-07-01 13:39:04 QueryPage 0 | 0 | 0

EAISiebAdpt EAISiebAdptErr a 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 [0] information on the integration component'' were not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition. (SBL-EAI-04176) (0x231050)

ObjMgrBusServiceLog 00015bcb4c2a1ec4 Error 1 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 (xmlpdatasvc.cpp (1264)) SBL-EAI-04176: Information on the integration component'<?>' were not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition.

ObjMgrBusServiceLog 00015bcb4c2a1ec4 Error 1 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 (xmlpdriversvc.cpp (567)) SBL-EAI-04 176: Information on the integration component'<?>' were not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition.

GenericLog GenericError a 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 Object manager error: ([0], information on the integration component'<?>' not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition. (SBL-EAI-04176) (0x231050))

GenericLog GenericError a 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 ((0) err = 2818155 sys = 2297936) SBL-OMS-00107: Object manager error: ([0] information on the integration component'<?>' were not found. Check the query and output specifications integration object definition. (SBL-EAI-04176) (0x231050))

GenericLog GenericError a 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 (bsvcmgr.cpp (1384) err = 2818251 sys = 0) SBL-OMS-00203: Error 2297936 when calling the method "Generate Report" for Business Service "XMLP Driver Service"

GenericLog GenericError a 00015bcb4c2a1ec4: 0 2010-07-01 13:39:04 (bsvcmgr.cpp (1227) err = 2818251 sys = 0) SBL-OMS-00203: Error 2297936 when calling the method "Generate Report" for Business Service "XMLP Driver Service"

CauseThe behavior is caused because of a missing Integration Component

SolutionAfter adding the missing Integration Component everything works as expected.

Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

PurposeThis document applies to customers who are implementing integration between Siebel and Oracle BI Publisher as a Siebel Reporting Solution. The document applies to installations on the following releases :
Siebel 8.1.1 and higher
Siebel and higher
Siebel and higher
Siebel and higher

It is recommended that this document be used in conjunction with the Siebel Reports Administration Guide.

Issues Reported during Implementation or Upgrade
For issues encountered during upgrades or initial implementations please review the document which provides links to historical copies of the Siebel Reports Guide. Please ensure that upgrades or implementations are performed using the version of the Siebel Reports Guide which is applicable to the FixPack being implemented. Failure to do so may result in errors when using reporting functionality due to mismatches between the applied FixPack and configuration :
Document 1166559.1 - Links to Documentation for Using Siebel Reports

If errors are still encountered following validation of the upgrade steps then proceed with a review of the later parts of this document.

The following topics are detailed in this Troubleshooting Steps document. Click on the related jumplink below to navigate to the topic you wish to review:

Troubleshooting Steps
How to enable logging on the XMLPReportServer componentHow to enable logging on an Object Manager componentHow to enable logging on the BI Publisher Server
How to enable logging for BI Publisher reports run through a dedicated or mobile client

Commonly Reported Errors
1) Mismatch between fields being queried on and fields included in the Integration Components
2) Generic HTTP Internal Server error
3) Generic error with content of SOAP message
4) uploadReport error "Due to Report with Path xxxxx already exist"
5) uploadReport error due to "java.lang.SecurityException"
6) SetFieldValue error in Siebel Tools during import of the PublicReportService_v11.wsdl
7) CLASSPATH errors within the XMLPJvmSubsys
8) "No such operation" errors occurring during PublicReportService web service calls
9) Missing dataservice.wsdl
10) "Setup.exe has encountered an error..." during installation of Oracle BI Publisher or higher
11) Configuring BI Publisher on a mobile or dedicated client results in errors at runtime
12) NullPointerException error in BI Publisher when running a scheduled report
13) After applying Siebel FixPack Siebel BI Publisher reports fail to run

Last Review DateJanuary 20, 2010

Instructions for the Reader A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting DetailsThis section details some of the ways in which additional diagnostic information can be obtained from the various components used within the Siebel BI Publisher Integration. The specific logging required will depend on the scenario involved.

How to enable logging on the XMLPReportServer component

To set the log level for the XMLP Report Server server component using the Server Manager Command Line utility

1) Run the following command to connect to the Siebel Server Manager:

srvrmgr /g <gateway machine name:port number> /s <xmlp siebel server name> /e <enterprise> /u <user name> /p <password>
gateway machine name:port number is the name of the physical computer on which the Siebel Gateway Name Server is running and the port number on which the Gateway Name Server is listening.

The colon and port number are optional and only required if using a port other than the default.
xmlp siebel server name is the name of the server on which the XMLP Report Server component is enabled.
user name is the login name of the administrator.
password is the password for the administrator.
For example, you might use the following command:
srvrmgr /g <gateway machine name>:2330 /s <xmlp siebel server name> /e Siebel /u SADMIN /p xxxxx

2) Run the following command to change the event log level:

change evtloglvl %=4 for comp XMLPReportServer
This will increase the logging level for all events to 4 for the component in question. In some scenarios it may be more suitable to provide specific logging of particular events but this will be detailed where necessary. In general when debugging a relatively high logging level across all events will improve root cause identification.

3) Whilst the logging level change will take effect for some events immediately in order to provide comprehensive logging based on the changes the recommendation is to then perform a shutdown and restart to the XMLPReportServer component as follows :

shutdown comp XMLPReportServer
startup comp XMLPReportServer
4) Any XMLPReportServer tasks initiated after the restart should now include increased logging across all events. If additional detail is required for any reason then a logging level of 5 for all events can be set using the above procedure.

How to enable logging on an Object Manager component

In some scenarios it may be necessary to increase the logging level on the Object Manager from which a report request is being made to obtain additional diagnostics. The specific Object Manager which will need to be administered will depend on the environment and the applications being used by the end users but the information listed in the previous section for the XMLPReportServer component is equally applicable for the various Siebel Object Managers.

To increase logging on any Object Manager use the procedure detailed under 'How to enable logging on the XMLPReportServer component' replacing the 'XMLPReportServer' references with that of the Object Manager in question (e.g. SCCObjMgr_enu for the English Call Center Object Manager).

NOTE : Restarts of the Object Manager components whilst users are logged on will result in their currently active sessions being disconnected. Any restart of the Object Managers should be done during a maintenance window so as to avoid impact on end users.

How to enable logging on the BI Publisher Server

In many of the potential error scenarios which could be encountered there is a benefit in having increased logging available on the BI Publisher Server following analysis of the Siebel-side logs. The following section details how to enable increased logging on the BI Publisher Server.

1) Identify the %ORACLE_HOME% directory into which BI Publisher is installed
2) Create a file called xdodebug.cfg at the following location - <%ORACLE_HOME>\jdk\jre\lib
3) Open the file using a text editor and copy and paste the following text into the file :


Note : Replace the 'C:\OraHome_1' text with the path identified in 1).4) Within the '<%ORACLE_HOME>\jdk\jre\lib' directory create a subdirectory (in this case the
'temp' directory) which will contain the resulting log files for the increased logging.
5) Shutdown and restart the BI Publisher Command Window

Once BI Publisher has restarted attempt to perform the problematic operation again and a set of files will be created within the 'LogDir' directory set in the xdodebug.cfg. In most cases the most interesting log for debugging purposes will be the xdo.log which contains the command/console window contents along with other diagnostic information. For a succesful report completion there will be a number of other files created within this location which contain various aspects of the data from the report generation as can be seen in the following listing :

21/01/2010 15:30 <DIR> .
21/01/2010 15:30 <DIR> ..
21/01/2010 18:04 1,995,642 xdo.log
21/01/2010 18:03 0 xdo_012110_110322171_rtf_out.xsl
21/01/2010 18:03 0 xdo_012110_110322171_rtf_out_xliff.xml
21/01/2010 18:03 49,752 xdo_012110_110322171_rtf_template.rtf
21/01/2010 18:04 46,724 xdo_012110_110433171_rtf_out.xsl
21/01/2010 18:04 17,001 xdo_012110_110433171_rtf_out_xliff.xml
21/01/2010 18:04 49,752 xdo_012110_110433171_rtf_template.rtf
21/01/2010 18:04 47,065 xdo_012110_110436562_fo_data_11.xsl
21/01/2010 18:04 795 xdo_012110_110436562_fo_data_12.xml
21/01/2010 18:04 1,666
21/01/2010 18:04 3,888 xdo_012110_110436562_fo_out3.out

How to enable logging for BI Publisher reports run through a dedicated or mobile client

The same mechanism applies to enable debugging in dedicated clients as it does when enabling logging on the BI Publisher Server itself.

In order to enable logging an xdodebug.cfg file must be created and contain the LogLevel and LogDir parameters. The difference when enabling logging for the dedicated or mobile clients is the location into which this must be placed. In these instances the xdodebug.cfg must be placed into the 'lib' dir of the jre installation being used by the client. This can be established through reviewing the PATH settings on the client. For example :

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib
Once the file has been created, a suitable logging directory been made available, and the directory specified in the xdodebug.cfg then any subsequent runs of BI Publisher reports through the web client should log information as detailed above for the BI Publisher Server.

Commonly Reported ErrorsThe sections below detail some of the more commonly reported error messages which can occur within a Siebel BI Publisher integration architecture. Along with each error message there are an explanation of the behavior and resolution details.

1) Mismatch between fields being queried on and fields included in the Integration Components

SBL-EAI-04177: Information about integration component field 'As Of Date' not found. Check query specification and fields defined for integration component 'Order Entry - Orders'
The error indicates that the query which is being passed to the Integration Component uses fields which it does not contain and therefore the query specification cannot be applied. As the query specification is constructed from a combination of elements in the UI it is necesssary to review the PDQ used on the view along with any custom query performed by the user to establish the source of the error. The error message does include details of the problematic fields and the Integration Component in question and this information should aid the developers in making the necessary modifications.

As a guideline developers should endeavour to include any fields on which a user may query within the underlying Integration Component definition.

These errors will appear with minimal logging in place on the XMLPReportServer component for the EAI Siebel Adapter and the Object Manager Business Service Logging events.

2) Generic HTTP Internal Server error

SBL-EAI-04117: HTTP Request error during 'Submitting Data SendHTTP request': 'Status code - 500'
SBL-EAI-04117: HTTP Request error during 'Submitting Data Send HTTP request': 'Status code - 500'
These two error messages are commonly seen in a variety of scenarios and indicate that an error has occurred on the BI Publisher side of the integration. When encountering these errors within the XMLPReportServer log files a review should be made of the of the following trace which may provide details of specific issues in the integration. For further information in such scenarios it is recommended to review the contents of the BI Publisher console window and look to increase BI Publisher logging levels.

If these errors are reported in isolation then it may be beneficial to introduce the following changes :
1. In Siebel Tools modify the vanilla 'EAI HTTP Transport' business service.
2. Right click on the name of the business service and select 'Edit Server Scripts'.
3. Copy paste the following script in the 'PreInvokeMethod' event:

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
if (MethodName == "SendReceive" || MethodName == "Send")
return (ContinueOperation);
}4. Compile the modified business service and deploy the SRF to the Siebel server.

These changes ensure that the HTTP connections are closed and re-opened when new requests are made to the BI Publisher Server thereby clearing any incomplete connections to the server.

These error messages are reported with minimal logging in place for the Object Manager Logging event on the XMLPReportServer component

3) Generic error with content of SOAP message

SBL-EAI-04304: Unknown Part ':oracle.apps.xdo.webservice.exception.InvalidParametersException' for operation 'uploadReport' exists in SOAP message.
The error message indicates that there are aspects of the SOAP message being returned from the BI Publisher Server which were unexpected and this is normally an indication that there have been errors which require further investigation. The recommendation in this scenario is to review subsequent error messages in the logs, commonly the 'SBL-EAI-04308' error messages, which will provide specifics on the nature of the failure.

4) uploadReport error "Due to Report with Path xxxxx already exist"

SBL-EAI-04308: Operation 'uploadReport' of Web Service '' at port 'PublicReportService_v11' failed with the following explanation: "oracle.apps.xdo.webservice.exception.InvalidParametersException: PublicReportService::executeUploadReport Failure: Due to Report with Path [/SiebelCRMReports/Application Activity/Application Activity.xdo] already exist!".
The error message indicates that the attempt to upload the report template (in this case 'Application Activity') failed because the BI Publisher Server already has a copy of the file uploaded. At present the uploadReport method does not allow an Administrator to upload a new version of a report and automatically over-write the existing copy of the report on the BI Publisher Server.

In order to workaround this behavior the Administrator needs to either rename or delete the folder for the existing instance of the report currently uploaded on the BI Publisher Server. The BI Publisher Server stores its report templates in the following location :
Once the existing report instance has been renamed or deleted a fresh upload of the report template should complete without error.

A Change Request #12-1TCP66H "Unable to upload the updated Report template if already exists on to the BIP Server." exists for this behavior and is under investigation.

5) uploadReport error due to "java.lang.SecurityException"SBL-EAI-04304: Unknown Part '' for operation 'uploadReport' exists in SOAP message.
SBL-EAI-04308: Operation 'uploadReport' of Web Service '' at port 'PublicReportService_v11' failed with the following explanation: "java.lang.SecurityException: /SiebelCRMReports/Account List/aclist.rtf".
This error message indicates that there was a Security issue with the upload of the Report Template in question to the BI Publisher Server. This implies that the user performing the upload does not have permission to access the folder and/or file. This is normally caused by a failure to set the correct responsibilities for the user in question within the Siebel application.

Further information on this error is detailed in the following document :
Document 984953.1 Unable to upload pre-configured reports to Oracle BI Publisher

6) SetFieldValue error in Siebel Tools during import of the PublicReportService_v11.wsdl

SBL-DAT-00225: The value entered in field Integration Object of buscomp Repository Business Service Method Arg does not match any value in the bounded pick list Repository PickList Integration Object.
SBL-EAI-04451: Method 'SetFieldValue' of business component 'Repository Business Service Method Arg' (integration component 'Repository Business Service Method Arg') for record with search specification '[Name] = "runReportRequest:parameters"' returned the following error:"The value entered in field Integration Object of buscomp Repository Business Service Method Arg does not match any value in the bounded pick list Repository PickList Integration Object.(SBL-DAT-00225)"
This error occurs when multiple repositories are present in the database and is caused by the import process not validating which repository is being used as the target for the import.

Further information on this error is detailed in the following document :
Document 1051121.1 - Why are SBL-EAI-04451 errors reported with the SetFieldValue method when the PublicReportService_v11.wsdl is imported ?

7) CLASSPATH errors within the XMLPJvmSubsys

SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService
This error occurs when the CLASSPATH parameter is incorrectly defined or is incomplete and is indicative of the fact that the Java subsystem cannot resolve some of the classes for which methods are being called.

Further information on this error is detailed in the following document :
Document 989142.1 - What are the possible causes for the 'SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService' error ?

8) "No such operation" errors occurring during PublicReportService web service calls

SBL-EAI-04304: Unknown Part '' for operation 'getTemplateParameters' exists in SOAP message.
SBL-EAI-04308: Operation 'getTemplateParameters' of Web Service '' at port 'PublicReportService_v11' failed with the following explanation: "No such operation 'getTemplateParameters'".
SBL-EAI-04308: Operation '<?>' of Web Service '<?>.<?>' at port '<?>' failed with the following explanation: "<?>".
The error message occurs when the operation being called cannot be found on the server side within the target web service. In the case of a Siebel BI Publisher integration this is normally indicative of a mismatch within the definition of the Outbound Web Service where the Siebel installation is running on the Siebel release but calls are being made to the earlier version of the PublicReportService web service available with Oracle BI Publisher

Further information on this error is detailed in the following document :
Document 989112.1 - Why am I seeing 'No such operation xxxxx' returned in SOAP messages from the BI Publisher Server ?

9) Missing dataservice.wsdlWSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Unable to resolve imported document at 'dataservice.wsdl'.: This file was not found: file:/u01/obi/OracleBI/setup/dataservice.wsdl: This file was not found: file:/u01/obi/OracleBI/setup/dataservice.wsdl.
This behavior can occur during scheduling calls if there are access problems to the dataservice.wsdl. If this error is reported then please review the file permissions on the .jar files in the CLASSPATH and also ensure that the dataservice.wsdl file exists, has the correct permissions, and that the filename is all in lowercase.

10) "Setup.exe has encountered an error..." during installation of Oracle BI Publisher or higher

When running the installation for Oracle BI Publisher or higher via setup.exe an error dialog may appear indicating that either :
"Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."
"The instruction at <xxxxxx> referenced memory at <xxxxx>. The memory could not be 'read'"

Both of these errors are caused by attempting to run the setup.exe from an installation directory which has a very long path name. When unpacking the '' file it unpacks to the following path by default :
In order to resolve this behavior please unpack the .zip file so that it results in a shorter path to the setup.exe whereupon it will execute correctly.

Further information on this error is detailed in the following document :
Document 1054257.1 - Installing BI Publisher Enterprise Generates Error "Setup.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close"

11) Configuring BI Publisher on a mobile or dedicated client results in errors at runtime

There are a number of corrections to the installation guide for mobile and dedicated clients which need to be considered. These result in either JVM subsystem errors or 'Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService' errors when running reports.

Further information on these errors can be found in the following document :
Document 1097758.1 - Configuring Mobile/Dedicated Clients to run BI Publisher reporting

12) NullPointerException error in BI Publisher when running a scheduled report

In a number of scenarios when attempting to run a scheduled report for the first time the request may fail and the following error will appear within the BI Publisher console window or xdo.log if increased logging is enabled :
This error will most likely be seen following an upgrade from Siebel 8.1.1 to Siebel or higher and is caused by a lack of scheduling information being stored within the xdo file for the report in question within BI Publisher.

In order for a report to be run in a schedule manner a number of additional items of information need to be stored within the .xdo file in BI Publisher. These are added to the .xdo file when the report is uploaded using the PublicReportService_v11 web service and therefore if an attempt is made to schedule a report which has not been uploaded with the aforementioned web service then the call stack above will be reported.

In order to resolve this behavior it is recommended that following an upgrade from Siebel 8.1.1 to Siebel or higher, all reports should be deleted from the BI Publisher server and uploaded again to ensure that their .xdo files are re-written with the additional information required for scheduling.

13) After applying Siebel FixPack Siebel BI Publisher reports fail to run

Following the application of the Siebel FixPack to an environment using Siebel BI Publisher reporting reports may fail to run and the following error may be reported :

at java.util.Hashtable.containsKey(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.ReportContextImplV11.getReportXMLData(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.CoreProcessor.processScheduledRequest(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.CoreProcessor.generateScheduledDocument(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.ReportImpl.renderScheduledJob(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.scheduler.XDOJob.generateReport(
at oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.scheduler.XDOJob.execute(
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$

An error has occurred creating business component '<?>' used by business object '<?>'.
Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. (SBL-DAT-00222).
Further information on these errors can be found in the following document :
Document 1180903.1 - After applying Siebel FixPack Siebel BI Publisher reports fail to run



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Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.