SBL-EAI-09000: Cannot create integration object for weakly typed schema. None of the global %1s from schema referred to by '%2' element namespace '%3' could be imported/included.

Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: SIA [18372] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18372] Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3337543151.
***Checked for relevance on 14-JAN-2010***


During the WSDL import process the following error event was logged :-

ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2007-05-01 09:34:46 (intobjgen.cpp (492)) SBL-EAI-09000: Cannot create integration object for weakly typed schema. None of the global elements from schema referred to by 'any' element namespace '##any' could be imported/included.

CauseThe error message SBL-EAI-09000 was caused because in the customer XSD Schema, a tag <any> element is encountered but is not referring to a known schema (using the namespace attribute).

In the case where the namespace value is not known, The business service method argument for that particular <wsdl:part> tag will be changed to data type Hierarchy, consequently losing any type information.


BS: CMWebServicePortType
Method: UpdateItem
Name = UpdateItemRequest:arg1
Data Type = Hierarchy
Integration Object =
Type = Input
Storage Type = Hierarchy
Prefered Sequnce = 0

From the xsd file we can encounter the tag <any> defined for the complex elements UpdateItemRequest

<xs:element name="UpdateItemRequest">
<xs:any processContents="skip" />

SolutionTo solve this issue the <any> tag should reference to a known schema (using the namespace attribute) or be removed from the XML Schema.

For additional information please reference Bookshelf :-

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Web Services > About XML Schema Support for <xsd:any> Tag

Applies to: Siebel CRM Call Center - Version: 7.7.1 SIA [18306] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.

PurposeThis Master Note answers the most common questions about Siebel Web Services

Questions and Answers

Log Gathering

To generate logs and SOAP dump messages follow the instructions on step Using Siebel Service Argument Tracing To Capture the SOAP Message and for Troubleshooting of document NOTE 473838.1 "How To Test Siebel Inbound Web Services Using a Siebel Client "


Overview or example

NOTE 473838.1 How To Test Siebel Inbound Web Services Using a Siebel Client

Anon Pool Issues

NOTE 852611.1 Siebel Inbound Web Services integration scenario that uses anonymous session pool may not recover after temporary Siebel EAI Object Manager Component outage.

Anonymous web service

NOTE 601681.1 How to create a totally anonymous web service in Siebel?

Picklists not set or set to wrong value intermitently

NOTE 579810.1 How to make the EAI Siebel Adapter respect a sequence when updating fields?

Field "Id" or ROW_ID or other system fields not showing in the response

NOTE 476562.1 How can users export System fields of an Integration Object?

Stress test or high load related errors

NOTE 795552.1 Use Siebel Authorization Stateless Session Management for HIGH load inbound web service integrations

External App gets an empty return message, or just an HTML message instead of a SOAP document.

o Check the WSDL to make sure the Siebel address is correct
o Check if the EAI Object Manager is up and running
o Check if the load balancer (LB) is configured correctly as it might be the case that the LB is not routing to the EAI OM correctly.
o Try with load balancing disabled.

External App receives a SOAP Fault message

o This is usually an error on the web service's exposed BS or WF execution.
o Generate the logs as explained on the BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING SETUP:
* Check the SOAP fault message
* Check the EAI OM logs
* Check the InboundDispatcher_input_args_<pid>.dmp file to get the SOAP message that came into Siebel
* Try calling the WS with SOAP UI or other Web Service testers to see if the error persists.

Session Token is missing or invalid or has expired

o Has the Web Service been set up accordingly as explained on the Bookshelf > Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Web Services > About Siebel Authentication and Session Management SOAP Headers

See also :
o NOTE: 1266239.1 How To Set up web service session management and best practices

o NOTE 482631.1 Need information on Stateful and Stateless Web Services

HTTP 500 errors, connection errors

o It might be possible that the EAI OM was not reached or it failed while executing the underlying BS or workflow
* Check if the EAI Object Manager is up and running
* Check if the load balancer (LB) is configured correctly as it might be the case that the LB is not routing to the EAI OM correctly
* Check the EAI OM logs


WSDL import issues

NOTE 516161.1 wsdl Import failure - Could not connect to the socket for URL ''

NOTE 490096.1Error importing wsdl for outbound web service - SBL-EAI-09000

NOTE 867303.1"WSDL Import Wizard" imports partially WS Definitions

NOTE 1057822.1 Does Siebel Tools XSD/WSDL Import Wizard support XML schema cycles (recursive type definitions)?

Custom SOAP Headers questions

NOTE 477891.1 Using a Local Business Service To Customize the SOAP Header for an Outbound Web Service in Siebel 7.x and 8.x

Empty SOAP Request sent by Siebel

It is very likely the Input Integration Object argument was not set up correctly. Follow the document:

NOTE 556846.1 How To Create Integration Object Instances Programmatically

SSL , HTTPS or Mutual Authentication issues

NOTE 560965.1 Configuring SSL Mutual Authentication with EAI HTTP Transport/Outbound Web Services

NOTE 762002.1 Troubleshooting EAI HTTP Transport/Outbound Web Services over SSL

NOTE 857154.1 Patch recommendations for EAI HTTP Transport over SSL on Unix

NOTE 526544.1 SSL and EAI

XML converter errors

NOTE 478013.1XML Converter Errors

HTTP errors, connection reset

NOTE 540273.1IDS_EAI_ERR_HTTPTRNS_CONNERR on EAI HTTP Transport Send. Cannot Connect To The Server. set business service user property
RetryOnConnectionError = True.

HTTP 500 errors, connection errors

Almost any error here will be caused by wrong data or wrong URL sent
o Check the data sent
o Check the URL
o Check the error message returned with the external system administrator to understand what caused it.

Deserialization errors on SOAP Fault received by Siebel

Need to check if Siebel's request is accepted by the External system. Compare the Siebel message with a working message and if the namespaces are different, follow the document to change it automatically:

NOTE 487737.1 XML Attribute not appending name space

Or use Local Business Service to change it manually:

NOTE 477891.1 Using a Local Business Service To Customize the SOAP Header for an Outbound Web Service in Siebel 7.x and 8.x


Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel CRM Call Center Keywords



SBL-EAI-09000; HTTP-500; 500 ERROR


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.