SBL-EAI-08011: Cannot reuse port type ?%1? across ports with different binding.

Applies to: Siebel CRM Call Center - Version: SIA [20408] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.

What is the difference between SOAP_RPC_LITERAL and SOAP_DOC_LITERAL binding protocols used in Siebel Web Services and is one better than the other ?


Thank you for submitting a request to Siebel Support.
My name is Thiago Burke and I have taken ownership of this service request.

These are 2 standards related to the way the soap message will be formatted so the involved systems know how to read it.

The difference is not explicit in bookshelf or any other siebel document because these standards are not created or dicated by Siebel.

Instead, they are industry standards as seen in bookshelf :

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Web Services > About RPC-Literal and DOC-Literal Bindings
“In the Siebel application, publishing a Siebel Web Service as a Document-Literal (DOC-Literal) or RPC-Literal bound Web Service partly conforms to the specification as defined by the Web Services Interoperability Organization's (WS-I) Basic Profile specification. Adherence to this specification makes sure that the Siebel application can interoperate with external Web Service providers.
WS-I is a trademark of the Web Services Interoperability Organization in the United States and other countries.”

You may find more information searching the internet for “ws-i basic profile” or “WSDL binding rpc doc literal”.

For practical matters, you just need to ensure the other system communicating with Siebel is capable of handling one of them. From Siebel´s perspective, that is basically what would drive your decision to use one or the other. We do not have a preferred encoding.

NOTES: A single web service in siebel can not be configured to accept both encodings at the same time. You have to pick only one for a particular web service as seen in SBL-EAI-08011: Cannot reuse port type '%1' across ports with different binding. (Doc ID 478800.1)

Best regards,
Oracle Technical Support

ReferencesNOTE:478800.1 - SBL-EAI-08011: Cannot reuse port type '%1' across ports with different binding.
NOTE:539165.1 - Web Services interoperability problems


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