SBL-EAI-08032: WSDL cannot be generated for Argument '%1' having Data Type 'Hierarchy'

Applies to: Siebel Call Center - Version: 7.5.3 [100] to[21219] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
=== ODM Issue Clarification ===

On Siebel EAI

When attempting to generate a WSDL file to publish an inbound web service
the following error occurs.

WSDL cannot be generated for argument xxx having data type hierarchy SBL-EAI-08032

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. have a business service with input arguments type = hierarchy
2. go to site map -> administration - web services -> inbound web services and create a web service record based on this business service.
3. click the generate wsdl button

The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users cannot publish this BS as web service
CauseHierarchy is a generic data type.
It accepts very different things at different times.
WSDL specification requires each argument to be strongly typed though. It is necessary to describe each individual field that will be part of the message and "hierarchy" can not do that.
SolutionIn bookshelf : Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Siebel CRM Web Services Overview > About Siebel Web Service Modeling >Exposing a Business Service as a Web Service

One can get the confirmation that Hierarchy can not be used and the alternative is to use an integration object :
"If any of the arguments are a property set hierarchy, do the following:

* Define the property set structure as an integration object in Siebel Tools.
* Specify the data type for this argument as Hierarchy and associate with integration objects. "

Please follow bookshelf instructions and create Integration Objects (IOs) for the arguments that currently are set as Hierarchy.

If you are interested in getting more familiar with Hierarchies and Integration Objects and their internal representation as propertysets, please review the following recommended documentation:

NOTE: 477881.1 eScript Property Set Printing Tool

NOTE: 477881.1 allows dumping a propertyset to file using eScript methods.
It is then possible to inspect the file and see the structure of the data .
e.g: At what level and under which name each information really is and how to get to that information through code

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Property Set Representation of Integration Objects >Example Instance of an Account Integration Object
This explains in details what propertysets are and how they are used to represent integration objects.

ReferencesNOTE:477881.1 - eScript Property Set Printing Tool


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