SBL-EAI-08027: There is no active Outbound Web Service named '%1'.

Applies to: Siebel CRM - Version: 7.8 [19021] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 01-DEC-2010***

-- import a WSDL file in siebel tools
-- rename the proxy business service.
-- compile the SRF.
-- import the "Run-time configuration data file" (the outbound web service definition) in site map -> administration - web services -> Outbound web services.
-- Call the web service and experience the error :

SBL-EAI-08027: There is no active Outbound Web Service named '%1'.

If the original name for the proxy BSis used it works fine though.

CauseThe cause is the port name used in the Outbound web service definition still references the original name of the proxy business service.
When the siebel tools wizard completes, it generates a "Run-time configuration data file" that is to be imported in the outbound web services screen.
That file references the original name of the proxy BS.

SolutionPlease make a backup copy of the original "Run-time configuration data file".
Then edit the file and search for the original name of the proxy BS
Update it to reflect the new name and save the file.
Import the changed file in Site Map->Administration - Web Services -> Outbound web services.

ReferencesNOTE:473838.1 - How To Test Siebel Inbound Web Services Using a Siebel Client
NOTE:478547.1 - SBL-EAI-08027: There is no active Outbound Web Service named '%1'.

In this Document

SymptomsIn a newly configured Siebel BI Publisher environment users requesting reports are being given a dialog box showing the following error :
Error for call method "" forBusiness Service ""(SBL-OMS-00203)

In addition to the above error in the UI the following error was also evident in the log file for the users Object Manager session :
ObjMgrLog ... SBL-EAI-08027: No active outbound webservice defined ''.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog ... (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (1378)) SBL-EAI-08027: There is no outbound webservice defined ''

For environments running Siebel and later FixPack please also see the following document :

DocID 1051319.1 Troubleshooting problems with the Siebel BI Publisher integration

CauseThis issue is caused because there is no correctly defined Outbound Web Service as per the information in the error message :

ObjMgrLog ... SBL-EAI-08027: No active outbound webservice defined ''.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog ... (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (1378)) SBL-EAI-08027: There is no outbound webservice defined ''

It was confirmed that namespace for the Outbound Web Service had been incorrectly defined as follows :
Namespace =
Name = PublicReportServiceService

ObjMgrLog ... SBL-EAI-08027: No active outbound webservice defined ''.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog ... (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (1378)) SBL-EAI-08027: There is no outbound webservice defined ''
The above error message indicates to us that 'no active outbound webservice defined' and therefore the Object Manager is unable to find an outbound web service with a definition which matches the one it is looking for, in this case '''', and which is active. In view of this either the existing outbound web services are defined incorrectly, or they are inactive.

SolutionIn order to resolve the behavior it is necessary to correct the 'Namespace' entry for the Outbound Web Service as follows :

1) Navigate to Administration - Web Services > Outbound Web Services
2) Query in [Namespace] for '*PublicReportService*'
3) Correct the returned entry so that it is changed from '' to ''
4) Save the changes
5) Clear the cache and restart the Server

Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: SIA [18356] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18356] FRA Travel
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2449311421.

SymptomsWe have finished to install and configure our Siebel Report Server but we have the following error when we try to synchronize our reports users :

"Connexion impossible au serveur de rapports. Serveur : 'ibm_infia.fnac.dom', Volume : 'infia.fnac.dom'. Statut : '<?>'.Veuillez contacter l'administrateur.(SBL-RPT-00134)".
In spite of this error, it's possible to connect to the Actuate Management Console.

After some research on My Oracle Support, we have found some solutions for this problem but they are not applicable in our case.

Could you help me to solve our problem?

Below, we can find some information about our environment configuration:
* Actuate Server host name (with component Actuate Active Portal, Actuate Server and Actuate Management Console) : xxxxxxxx
* Actuate Volume name : xxxxxxxx
* We can find on the ActuateParameters_for_LoyObjMgr_FRA.xls file the Actuate parameter defined on our object manager
* We can find on the SymbolicURL_Host.xls file the definition on our host in our environment

Best regards.

SolutionFor the benefit of other readers:

This customer reported that they received the following errors when trying to synchronize Siebel Users on the Actuate Report Server: -

“SBL-RPT-00134: Could not connect to the Report Server”
On further investigation, the following errors where found in the Object Manager Log file: -

“SBL-UIF-00335: Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de traiter votre demande. Ceci est dû probablement au fait que vous avez utilisé le bouton ARRIERE ou RAFRAICHIR du navigateur pour atteindre cette page.”
“SBL-EAI-08027: Il n'y a pas de service Web sortant actif nommé “'.”

“SBL-RPT-00134: Connexion impossible au serveur de rapports. Serveur : '', Volume : ''. Statut : '<?>'.Veuillez contacter l'administrateur.”
This indicated that the Web Services were not activated for Actuate.

We asked the customer to complete the following steps: -

1) Login into Siebel and navigate to Site Map >> Administration - Web Services >> Outbound Web Services
2) In the “Namespace” column query for “'” and check if the status is “Active”.
3) If not, set the Status to Active and then try and synchronize the user.The customer found that the Outbound Web Service for Actuate was not active and when this was enabled the Siebel Users synchronized as expected.

Further information on Outbound Web Services can be found in the section 'Outbound Web Services' of Chapter 'Web Services' of the 'Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II' document in Bookshelf.

Applies to: Siebel Tools - Version: 7.7.2 SIA [18325] - Release: V7
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.2 [18325] NLD Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 4.3.3

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3024380697.

***Checked for Relevance 11-DEC-2009***


In Tools we use language ENU, but our application uses language NLD (in the Development Tools Options the language setting is NLD).

When we DEBUG an outbound webservice (connected to the server database) we get the error messages “Exception: Error: SiebelError: Er is geen actieve uitgaande webservice benoemd 'urn:vgz-cz-bsproductBasisGegevensService:OphalenMogelijkePakkettenV1'.(SBL-EAI-08027)”

If we click on Help > Technical Support when we debug we see the following:
Applicatieversie: 7.7.2 SIA [18325] ENU(*)

When we test the application by using the SIEBEL WEB CLIENT we don’t get the error.

If we click on Help > Technical Support in the SIEBEL WEB CLIENT we see the following:

Applicatieversie: 7.7.2 SIA [18325] NLD(*)

How can we debug the webservice without getting the error?

SolutionMessage 1For the benefit of other users:

The customer resolved the behavior by:

1. Opening Tools
2. Select <View>, <Options>.
The Development Tools Options window will appear.
3. Choose tab ''Debug".
4. The customer added the /l NLD to the field "Arguments".

Thank you,

Siebel Technical Support



Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel Tools








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