Applies to:

Siebel Anywhere - Version: [18372] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

Siebel Remote - Version: [18372] and later    [Release: V7 and later]

z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [18372]

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3183055321.


SBL-GEN-03007We have two Transaction Merger tasks running and are running into the following

Internal: The process attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for
which it does not have the appropriate access.

The first task will have a Status of
Client: A006KZZ merging files from 461 to 461. After a short time, that task will error out and
the second task will very shortly show the same Status and will error out also.

I will
attach the log files for both Transaction Mergers and the DX file in question.


Change Request 12-1GQWGA1


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers, the merge of two product lines on the
server worked successfully on both the server and the client. However,
after the client applies the merge of the two product lines on the local
database, the next synchronization session generates a .dx file that
contains transactions with operation types of Compensation to update
foreign keys. If the number of foreign keys exceeds > 1500, it will
cause Transaction Merger to crash.

The message in the Transaction Merger log file is as follows:

Update of FK SQL:

SQL Statement:

Statement(s) could not be prepared.

SBL-GEN-03007: (dberror2.cpp: 0) error code = 3007, system error = 2,
msg1 = 8180, msg2 = 37000, msg3 = Statement(s) could not be prepared.,
msg4 = (null)

Change Request 12-1GQWGA1 has been logged to address this Product Defect.

This could happen for other types of data where the merge generates a similar volume of foreign key updates.

Also of note, this defect occurred on MS SQL Server, but would apply to
all database platforms. Oracle throws "ORA-01795: Maximum number of
expressions in a list is 1000." Change Request 12-1FK2J7H was logged to
address this Product Defect.

- Siebel Support

Applies to:

Siebel Remote - Version: SIA [18372] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


=== ODM Issue Clarification ===

Transaction Router and Database Extract exhibit  the following errors

ORA-00600 internal error code [qertbFetchByRowID], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

SBL-GEN-03007: (dberror2.cpp: 0) error code = 3007

(utlvis.cpp: 2688) error code = 3008, system error = 0, msg1 =
SQLFetch, msg2 = VISIBILITY GET ID Party(1), msg3 = (null), msg4 =




=== ODM Cause Determination ===

Number of records on certain tables changed dramatically

We also found that simple queries run directly against the Database caused the same Error.

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qertbFetchByRowID], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


=== ODM Solution / Action Plan ===

Rebuild Database Indexes on tables that are exhibiting the error.

The exact steps for re-building indexes will vary slightly depending on the Database.

Please review database documentation or involved Database Administrator

Applies to:

Siebel > Customer Relationship Management

Siebel CRM - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] to [19241]   [Release: V7 to V7]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Currently there are various transaction merger issues encountered by
Siebel customers. These issues can be divided into three categories as

1. Siebel mobile client crash with *_U1 index violation after synchronization with mobile client

2. Remote client synchronization fails after client/server merges records and then synchronizes.

3. Transaction Merger crashes processing N transactions with update to > 1500 Foreign Keys (FKs )

Below is the detailed information on the three issues:

1. Siebel mobile client crash with *_U1 index violation after synchronization with mobile client.

The _U1 index violation error message can include any tables that are involved in the merger of the transaction in question

e.g [Oracle]ORA-00001: unique constraint (SIEBEL.S_OPTY_POSTN_U1) violated.

This issue has been reported in Siebel[19251] and can occur in previous versions.

Mobile Web Client(MWC) crashes when there exists large numbers of
Information Value in the dx file. The cause of customer’s MWC crash is
we use a fix size (200) of buffer to hold the Compensation Update
Foreign Key WHERE clause.

Bug 10599790 has been filed to address this issue.

2. Remote client synchronization fails after client/server merges records and then synchronizes.

This has been reported in Siebel[19251] and can occur in previous versions.

Remote synchronization fails after client/server merge/synchronization. It is not always reproducible.

Bugs 10598898 and 10603070 have been filed to address this issue.

3. Transaction Merger crashes processing N transactions with update to > 1500 FKs

The following type of error is seen in the TxnMerge.log file when the Transaction merger crashes:

Operation: N

RowId: 4X5-P3-6

TableName: S_PROD_LN

Trans RowId: 1-4K-94

The full log file will be attached (too many row_ids for this section) but the failure is:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.

SBL-GEN-03007: ….

A crash file is also generated.

Bug 10514018 has been filed to address this issue.

Possible Symptoms

Some symptoms include but are not limited to the following:-

Transaction merger errors indicating dx files cannot be merged to the server.

Transaction merger errors crashes after mobile users have created
transactions that involve compensation transactions and also include
merges or these records.

Transaction merger crashes with errors indicating problems with merger.

It is essential to note that some of these symptoms can occur but the problem is not due to the issues described in this alert.

Workaround or Resolution

Currently only workaround is to send the dx files that are referenced in
the TxnMerge log files to Technical Support who will then "fix" the dx
file by removing the offending transaction or all the transactions in
the dx files. This results in some data not being sent to the server and
the recommendation at this point is to re-extract all affected mobile
users. The mobile user who created the particular transaction should try
to recreate the same transaction on the server so that it can be sent
down to the mobile clients.

Alternatively it is essential to
note that there were most likely other transactions in the dx files that
are lost and as such re-extraction of all mobile clients may be


These issues will all be fixed in version but for now the fixes exist in the patches listed in the table below:-

Bug Number Summary Fixed Version
10599790 Siebel mobile client crash with *_U1 index violation after synchronization[19251]QF0E58 Fix Pack Build2 [19254].


Remote sync fails after client/server merge/sync[19251]QF0E65 [18356] QF0282 Fix Pack Build [18370] HOR.
10514018 Transaction Merger crashes processing N transactions with update to > 1500 FKs[18372] QF0668 Fix pack Build [18378].

It is strongly recommended that customers upgrade to the latest Fix
Pack version of 7.8.2.*  and 7.7.2.*  and also include latest released
Quick Fixes in order to benefit from all the fixes.

Applies to:

Siebel Remote Server - Version: [14198] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Release(s):V7 (Enterprise), V7 (Professional)

Database(s):All Supported Databases

App Server OS(s):All Supported Platforms

Latest release tested against:V7 (Enterprise)

Keywords:"Syntax error or access violation", mrgsdel.cpp

This document was previously published as Siebel Alert 1318.


users may fail while applying database transactions because of incomplete SQL generated for
transactions with OperType = Cascade / Merge.

applythrd*.log file will exhibit an error similar to the following:

(mrgsdel.cpp: 1661) error code = 3008, system error = 0, msg1 = SQLPrepare, msg2 = UPDATE


 WHERE , msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)”

error or access violation: Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 3”

DBCLogError 1     0     2007-06-27
16:35:06     (dberror2.cpp(0) err=3007 sys=2) SBL-GEN-03007: (dberror2.cpp:
0) error code = 3007, system error = 2, msg1 = -131, msg2 = 37000, msg3 = [Siebel Database][ODBC
Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Syntax error or access violation: Syntax error near '(end of
line)' on line 3, msg4 = (null)”

table and set conditions may vary.

cause is links with the property Cascade Delete set to Clear.

Bug 10527021 has been logged to address this product defect.

Likelihood of Occurrence

possibility of encountering the behaviors in this alert is high when users apply Siebel Fix Pack

Possible Symptoms

the symptoms described above.

Workaround or Resolution

the client.

the problematic link(s) can be identified, change the Cascade/Delete property to None.

Request 12-1K1EYWI has been released for Change Request 10527021, which has been fixed in
Siebel Quick Fix [18379] QF0817. Contact Technical Support to request more information
about this Quick Fix.

Maintenance Release Number

click on the links below to see the status of the Change Requests and associated Fix

Applies to:

Siebel Remote - Version: SIA [20420] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V8 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Transactions are not getting processed. Even though it says copying transactions.

Transaction Router fails with

SBL-CSC-00213: Invalid visibility database. Shut down
and restart *all* remote components using it (txnproc and txnroute) to


TxN Router wasn't working fine. It was failing with the following errors:

[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SIEBEL"."VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID": invalid identifier

SBL-GEN-03007: SQL error: native=904, state=S0022, message=
[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "SIEBEL"."VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID": invalid identifier

SBL-GEN-03008: Error calling SQLExecute for VIS NODE INFO (1)

and finally with:

Invalid visibility database. Shut down and restart *all* remote
components using it (txnproc and txnroute) to rebuild.

All the Remote components must be working correctly. If one fails, it affects the others.


VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID is a function and it was suspected that it was not valid. It's been also seen in previous cases that after granting sse_role to SADMIN again and then granting execute on VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID to SADMIN, Transaction Router runs successfully.

So please:

1. Make sure sse_role has been properly granted to the user running Transaction Router

select * from dba_role_privs where grantee = '<>’;
2. Make sure the function VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID is valid

select object_name, object_type, status
from all_objects
where object_name = 'VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID'
and owner = 'SIEBEL';

the function is invalid, this function can be recreated by executing
the pkgvis.sql script in the \dbsrvr folder. When the function VIS_DB_MAX_TXN_ID
is created, it also issues a grant execute to sse_role. This may very
well be the missing privilege causing the ORA-00904 failure.

The above action plan resolved the issue.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.