SBL-GEN-03005: No data found

Applies to:

Siebel Anywhere - Version: SIA [16168] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Siebel Remote - Version: SIA [16168] to [20420]   [Release: to V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16168] Life Sci

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 2

Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1536475261.


We have applied QF 0239 on our production on 10/01. We have also enabled
UpgradeKitBuilder and Siebel Anywhere to distribute the QF to our
Remote Users. In the time synchronization we are getting the error
“Unable to find Upgrade kit path”. Please check the attached error
screen shot.

We have followed the exact steps as mentioned in ‘Service Request #:
38-1265040051’, which was recommended on SR#38-1516696757. This works
fine on all our testing Environments.


Wrong setup


Message 1

For the benefit of the reader:

Customer created self extracting kit for QF. It was to be applied by Mobile Web Client version

During testing when user connected directly to server he was apply the
upgrade kit. Attempt to apply kit on mobile client machine failed with
following error:


“Unable to download the upgrade kit”<NameofKit>” required to
upgrade your syteme. Please check your File System setting as available
disk space”SBL-CMD-00220”. This error message is misleading.

Synchronization Manager Log file has error


GenericLog    GenericError    1    2004-10-02 17:00:50    (syncsrvr.cpp
6(2418) err=3005 sys=0) SBL-GEN-03005: No data found for


Real issue was Mobile Client who was trying to download the kit was on
Siebel Application Version 7.5.3 and Upgrade kit was built for Siebel
application Version .. Error became apparent only from
syncthrd_*.log file. This log files had errors

Message 2

Trace    Trace    3    2004-10-02 14:54:16    Skipping kit (LFS_QF0239
1). Curr Component Version ( sia [16157] ) is out of range, Min
Old Version (, Max Old Version ()

Trace    Trace    3    2004-10-02 14:54:16    Skipping kit (LFS_QF0239
1) for component (Siebel Client Executables). Curr Version ( sia
[16157] ) below Min Old Version ( or above Max Old Version ()

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2004-10-02 14:54:16    (dockupgw.cpp
5(448) err=1700203 sys=0) SBL-DCK-00203: Unable to find upgrade kit path
to upgrade component LFS_QF0239. Please contact your Siebel
Administrator or try again.


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

Profile Attributes and Open UI

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