SBL-GEN-00015 'versions of installed components do not match'

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: SIA [16061] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16061] DEU Cons Sec

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-946524365.


SBL-GEN-00015The customer has after applied the Siebel Maintenance Release to the Siebel Tools
client ( previous version was, and the customer is not able to start Siebel Tools. The
following error message is encountered :

Error: versions of installed components do not

(wanted version:, actual version: SIA)

From the Siebel.log
file in the Log directory :

2021 2003-03-04 15:50:44 2003-03-04 15:58:33 +0100 00000001 001
001f 0001 09 siebdev 504 500 C:\sea752\tools\log\siebdev(001).log [16061]

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-03-04
15:50:44    Error: versions of installed components do not match (wanted
version:, actual version: SIA)

After further examining the
<tools>\bin\sia directory, the customer found that the srlcver.dll file had not been
updated to the .211 Maintenance Release version ( the version of the file was still ).


Configuration/ Setup


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers :

Investigation :

The customer was advised to run the following MS-DOS command from the
hard drive where Siebel is installed, and send in the
all_enu.txt and all_base.txt, in order to work out what Siebel versions
had been installed.

( For example if Siebel is installed in d:\s752, then run the MS-DOS commands from the D: drive )



findstr /s /i 7 enu.txt > d:\all_enu.txt

findstr /s /i 7 base.txt > d:\all_base.txt

Reviewing the customers all_base.txt file, except for the PATCH_BACK
directories, there are 30 occurrences of in the all_base.txt
file, for example :

sea752\tools\ACTUATE\AFC\base.txt: SIA [16060] LANG_INDEPENDENT patch applied.

sea752\tools\ACTUATE\BIN\base.txt: SIA [16060] LANG_INDEPENDENT patch applied.

sea752\tools\ACTUATE\CACHE\base.txt: SIA [16060] LANG_INDEPENDENT patch applied.

Resolution :

The customer stated they had not patched Actuate, and during the
investigation of this Service Request, the customer de-installed Siebel
Tools, re-installed Siebel 7.5.2 Tools and then applied the Siebel Maintenance Release afterwards. Siebel Tools now successfully
comes up.

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: [16066] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16066]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 SP 6a

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 4.3.3

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1015424087.


SBL-GEN-00015, SBL-SMI-00147I installed the patch and can not start the App. Server anymore!

It start and stop
immediately with the following log file info.

2021 2003-05-28 09:08:17 2003-05-28 09:08:17
-0400 00000003 001 001f 0001 09 SiebSrvr 16385 370 389
e:\sea752\siebsrvr\log\Siebel.TNNWAPP06.log [16061]

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-05-28
09:08:17    Error: versions of installed components do not match (wanted
version:, actual version: ENU

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-05-28
09:08:17    (lstnsvc.cpp 8(113) err=2100147 sys=0) SMI-00147: (lstnsvc.cpp 8:
113) error code = 2100147, system error = 0, msg1 = Error: versions of installed components do
not match (wanted version:, actual version: ENU ), msg2 = (null), msg3 =
(null), msg4 =

GenericLog    GenericError    1    2003-05-28
09:08:17    (siebsvc.cpp 9(317) err=2100147 sys=0) SMI-00147: (siebsvc.cpp 9:
317) error code = 2100147, system error = 0, msg1 = (null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 =

I installed the Windows_Server_ses patch 214 section on the server.

component do not match?


Configuration/ Setup


For the benefit of other users, the customer received the following
error in the Siebel Server log files after installing patch 214:

SMI-00147: (lstnsvc.cpp 8: 113) error code = 2100147, system error = 0,
msg1 = Error: versions of installed components do not match (wanted
version:, actual version: ENU)


This error can occur if the 214 patch installation did not update all
components of the Siebel installation. Results like this are a symptom
of installing the patch when the services were active or not having
proper administrator rights during the install.

To check if this is the case, submit your file to
Technical Support for review. If we see components listed at versions
214 and an earlier version, you will be asked to back-up your current file and your Siebel Root directory before proceeding
with either of the following options:

1)    Do you have a back-up of the file either from the
base or the 211 install? If so, replace the current file
with the back-up.

2)    If no back-up exists, edit the current file and replace all references of 214 with 211.

If the subsequent install of patch 214 fails, you will have to uninstall
the entire Siebel product, and then install the Siebel base build and
the 214 patch.


Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: [16183] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]

IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16183]

Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 3

Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3015316631.


SBL-OSD-00204Hi, Siebel Support,

    Recently we are having CLOSE_WAIT issue
frequently in our test environment. There was a new release we put on the test environment
several months ago. Now the AIX file system is at 5200-06. DB2 level is at "DB2 v8.1.1.88",
"special_15285", "U800789_15285", and FixPak "9".

    When the
CLose_wait problem happened, we saw 12-200 or more close_waits on the OM servers, most of them
are from resonate vip to web server. Once it happened, user can't log in to the server. If the
problem happens on both our OM servers, no user can log in to the servers(got login page, but
when log in, it hung for long time and finally gave server busy error). Sometimes we can't even
get login page.

    Recently, we found there are exiting processes on
the system, like following:

siebsupp 22350 23026   0 13:50:32 pts/3 0:00
grep exiting

35100     -   -                     -

39082     -   -                     -

44410     -   -                     -

    Right now, those are all for our call center obj
mgr. And when the pid showing exiting status, the tasks for those PID in srvrmgr still showing
running status. Just now two these Pids just disappeared (not in exiting status any more), and I
checked those tasks that were under that pid, they all exited with following error

Internal: Siebel home directory could not be determined

   This is when the pid

app224   US_CCOM       
56272      39082   Running            Interactive
US_CCOM_CG                     7             CRMP4007     Normal                  

is when the pid is

app224   US_CCOM       
56272              Exited
with error Interactive 2006-04-25 13:45:15 2006-04-25 13:54:35 Internal: Siebel home directory
could not be determined
US_CCOM_CG                     7             CRMP4...


Configuration/ Setup


For the benefit of others,

The customer encountered the following behavior in their preproduction environment.

The customer was encountering a CLOSE_WAIT issue frequently in their test environment.

The end result was that once this occurred users were unable to log in
to the server. If the problem happened on both their OM servers, no user
could log in to the servers. They received the login page, but when
they logged in, it hung for a long time and finally gave server busy
error. Sometimes they were not able to get the login page.

The customer was also seeing processes exit with the error "Internal: Siebel home directory could not be determined".

For the processes which were exiting with the above error the customer
was advised that this error had been seen previously and the root cause
in the past indicated a problem with the userpref filesystem or with the
preferences file itself.

The customer was also advised to double check that rpc.lockd and
rpc.statd were enabled on the siebel server and that 511 threads were
assigned to the lockd.

On searching supportweb the following posting describes a past experience with this setting too low.

Service Request 38-1409228471 entitled "Objectmanager exits with error
GEN-00014: Internal: Siebel home directory could not be determined".

The customer was also advised to try the suggestion to set the
environment variable MWLOCK_WITHOUT_TIMER=1 on both servers so that the
Siebel Server will release locks on processes as per instructions on the
following service request on supportweb.

Service Request 38-2294263997 entitled “SIGABART on production”

In this case it was suggested that the SBL-GEN-00014 error message
occurred due to a locking issue typically when accessing user preference
files from the File System.

On making the above change the customer no longer encountered the CLOSE_WAITs on their server.

However, the customer still encountered cases where the PIDs for Object
manager processes were hanging. When this occurred it hung at Handling
Logon status. And after the user put in user name and password in the
login page, it was hanging there and would never start to launch the
Siebel pop up window. If the user kept the hanging session open, it
finally returned to "The page can not be displayed" error.

This occurred for any users connecting to this same PID.

In depth analysis was performed on the customer’s environment including
performing truss traces on the PIDs in question which showed the last
file accessed being the user preference file which had extensions
similar to the following:

CRMAUTO10&Siebel Universal Agent.spf_d98capp221_42440_4899

These seemed to be of zero size in the file system.

Some analysis was completed on the file system user preference area as
the customer had some customizations around this area but these were not
found to be having an influence.

After further investigation it was found that the customer had applied a QuickFix a few months previously.

The customer found that the patch was not showing correctly in enu.txt,
base.txt and fra.txt files in /siebel/siebsrvr/admin directory on both
servers. They uninstalled and reinstalled the Quick Fix and remonitored
the environment.

After doing so no new hangs occurred and the environment behaved correctly.

Applies to:

Siebel Anywhere - Version: 7.0.4 [14068] to [19227] - Release: V7 to V7

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Release(s):V7 (Enterprise), V7 (Professional)

Database(s):All Supported Databases

App Server OS(s):All Supported Platforms

Latest release tested against:V7 (Enterprise)

Keywords:srlcvder.dll, SBL-GEN-00015, versions of installed components do not match

This document was previously published as Siebel Alert 1246.


creating a Delta Client Executables kit, the user creates a BASE and Language Specific Kit,
specifying SIA as the Vertical Code.

version information for this kit is held in the srlcver.dll and this file is used to determine if
the kit needs to be downloaded.

Siebel Industry Applications (SIA) version 7.7.2.x when the user creates a BASE and language kit
(for example ENU), the delta kit does not contain an update to the srlcver.dll in the SIA and
<LANG>SIA (for example ENUSIA) folders.

upgrade kit downloads successfully, but when the application restarts you get the error message
listed under the Possible Symptoms section.

Bug 10505354 has been logged to address this product defect.

more information on the Delta Install Client Executables upgrade kit, refer to Siebel Bookshelf
version 7.7 > Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Upgrade Planning and Preliminary Tasks
> Process of
Creating a Delta Install Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit

NOTE: You should review the following Alerts for other related behaviors with
Siebel Anywhere and Siebel version 7.7.2.x:

  • Document 473956.1 which has information about how Siebel Anywhere cannot
    upgrade Siebel clients from versions 7.7.2.x to using Delta Client Executables

  • Document 473957.1 which has information about how the Siebel Anywhere Delta
    Client Executables Upgrade kit fails for Siebel Dedicated Web Clients and Siebel Mobile Web
    Clients because of incorrect versioning.

  • Document 473788.1 which has information about how the Delta Repository File
    upgrade kit fails for Siebel Dedicated Web Clients and Siebel Mobile Web Clients installed in a
    path which contains spaces.

Likelihood of Occurrence

issue is highly likely if you are using SIA version 7.7.2.x to create a Delta Client Executables

Possible Symptoms

the Delta Client Executables Kit has been downloaded successfully, the application restarts and
will report the below error:

versions of installed components do not match (wanted version: %1, actual version: %2)

Workaround or Resolution

copy the srlcver.dll from the \bin folder to the \<LANG>SIA and SIA folders. For



now holds the new 7.7.2.x version information.

Siebel Customer Revisions kit can be created to automatically distribute the srlcver.dll with the
correct versions to the mobile client. For more information, refer to the Siebel Bookshelf
version 7.7 > Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Defining Upgrade Kits > Defining
a Siebel Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit


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SBL-EAI-04120: Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1'

SBL-EAI-05003: Call to JNI_CreateJavaVM failed.