Rittman Mead BI Forum 2014: Day 1

This year's BI Forum in Brighton, UK has started with a Big Data masterclass with Lars George from Cloudera titled "Hadoop, HBase, NoSQL and What These Mean for Oracle BI&DW Developers"

Lars' knowledge is encyclopedic to say the least. The crowd gasped as he presented the vast array of funny-named tools that have evolved around HDFS and hadoop over the past 10 years.

For anyone, including of course BI and DW developers, with a professional interest in crunching data in large volumes or at high speed or both, the hadoop ecosystem provides us with a vast array of tools such as Pig, Flume, Hue, Parquet, Squoop, Impala, HBase or Oozie, just to name a view. All of which (and more) Lars managed to present in uncanny depth and breadth of detail.

For those among you with further interest, you might want to peruse the search engine of your choice as well as the virtual machines available from Cloudera or Oracle to get started.

Cloudera also provides a live playground environment via the internet.

The evening of day one saw the crowd relaxing at the drinks reception and listening to Oracle's Matt Bedin delivering the traditional keynote under the - traditional as well - NDA. But let's say this much: Interesting times ahead ;-)

If you can't make it to the BI Forum this year, check out the delegates' tweets (#biforum2014)

have a nice day



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