Read Only Field N: Applet Version

Implementing C.R.U.D. can be cruel...

Read only syndrome was bugging me for quite a while as we had a requirement of making multiple columns to be readonly on certain applets depending on multiple conditions. First thought that burst into mind was using dynamic toggles but conditions were complex and number of applets to address was huge. The worst part was underneath field should remain editable for update by interface workflows. Once again situation demanded to dive into mysterious siebel to have a simpler solution and boy, siebel seldom disappoints.

I was able to achieve this by using Applet Level user property "Read Only Field N". This user property allows to make field read only on UI, by allowing field updates from workflow or scripting. The syntax goes like

Name: Read Only Field 1
Value: 'FieldName', 'ConditionFieldName'


FieldName = Name of the field which we want to be readonly
ConditionFieldName = Name of the field which specifies condition to be read only

However the siebel catch here is, the applet class should be "CSSFrameListQuoteItem". It may work for other classes but for me it did the trick with this class. So , please test thoroughly that it is not impacting your other functionality when you change class.

Happy Configuration!!


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

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