Android and Siebel WebServices

Finally life has turned to, need of hour,development of MobileApps for siebel and trust me it is as thrilling as watching any bond movie. with new projects come new challenges. So while developing android app for our users we got stuck in one show-stopper issue.

The main requirement was to consume a webservice hosted in siebel. On Android, consuming a SOAP web service is more difficult (as opposed to consuming a RESTful web service), since it does not include any libraries to communicate with SOAP web services. Unfortunately you have to manually write the code to consume the service which is not as straightforward as compared to writing in any other Java project.

With siebel doesn't giving a direct hosted URL it was more difficult for us to write the code. As an alterate solution we have to write a .net webservice which consumes the siebel webservice. The next issue is to generate the Java classes needed from the .Net WSDL files, and this is where I was coming up short with knowledge. But with little help from google found library called kSOAP2 that filled the gap and helped in generating the classes. I am still not able to figure out how to directly consume siebel webservice in android app without wrapping it in another webservcie. Any idea on this will be of great help.

Happy Integration!!


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