50 Up!!

“Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.” - Aaron

As i write my 50th post, it feels good to be quantum of blogosphere. Here we will discuss one of my favorite topic "Workflows". A lot has been suggested about activating multiple workflows but vital thing in this post is importing/exporting multiple workflows from one repository to another and deploying and activating them in one go.

I have posted two workflows here. One is for multiple export of workflows and other is to import and activate the exported workflows. One can download from below links.

1 - Multiple Workflow Export


Multiple Workflow Export -

Import this workflow in your tools. Modify following input process properties as per your need.

ExportFolder: This is the name of the directory where you want to keep the export of XML files.For eg, "D:\Workflow_Export"
Repository: Name of the repository from where Workflow should be exported.For eg, "Siebel Repository"
SearchSpec: Search criteria to identify what all workflows should be exported.For eg, [Process Name] LIKE 'SR*' AND [Status] = 'Completed'

Once these parameters are modified simulate the workflow and check the export directory. This directory will house all the XML export files of the Workflows given in the searchspec. Once simulation is over check the "NumOffWF" parameter which will give us the count of workflows exported. The only glitch here is it doesn't list the name of workflow which has failed during export operation.

Multiple Workflow Deploy and Activate -

Import this workflow in your tools where you want to import the extracted files. Modify following input process properties as per your need.

ImportFolder: This is the name of the directory where input files are housed.For eg, "D:\Workflow_Export"
Repository: Name of the repository where workflows should be created.For eg, "Siebel Repository"
ProjectName: Name of the project to which all workflows will be associated.For eg, "Service Request Workflow"
SearchSpec: This searchpsec is used to filter out workflows we want to deploy.For eg, "[Process Name] Like 'SR*' AND [Status] = 'In Progress'"
ActivateSearchSpec: This searchspec is used to activate workflows.For eg, [Process Name] Like 'SR *' AND [Status] = 'Completed'

Once these parameters are modified simulate the workflow. "NumOffWF" parameter after each step will give the number of workflows which are processed. The only issue is it doesn't list name of workflows which has failed during the operation.

If you are looking only for multiple workflow activation and comprehensive error logging then one can visit vinay's World. Once again thanking all for your support and comments.

Happy Deployment!!


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