Multiple Email Validation Script in Siebel

This post is a result of my sheer frustration for not getting this right in a 100 tries. I had been trying to validate the email addresses being entered in Siebel. I tried a lot of ways to get it to work (Data Validation Manager, Runtime events, Configuration etc) but the darn thing would just not work. I had to ultimately resort to the "boo hoo"- Script!

I thought this would be useful for a lot of Siebel guys out there, will save you from all that frustration.(Checks/validates for a comma separated list of emails as well)


function BusComp_PreWriteRecord ()
        this.ActivateField("Email Address");
        if (this.GetFieldValue("Email Address") != "")
            var sEmail = this.GetFieldValue("Email Address");
            var sPattern = /((\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*)*([, ])*)*/;
            var isValid = sEmail.replace(sPattern,"Y");
            if(isValid != "Y")
                TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Please enter a valid email address");
                return (CancelOperation);
                return (ContinueOperation);
            return (ContinueOperation);
    catch (e)
        throw (e);
        sEmail = null;
        sPattern = null;
        isValid = null;

And last but not least. I must give credit to this post which was the only one that actually worked for me. 
Regular ​Expression ​for ​multiple ​email ​validation

Tip: It is advisable to try out string manipulation, validation scripts in a script simulator before coding it in Siebel. Saves you a lot of time and effort.(for eScript you could use the W3Schools JavaScript Simulator)



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