Batch Processing

Batch processing is integral part of any development and is must in cases involving escalations,auto-assignments or bulk emailing. Siebel provides multiple ways to do batch processing but one to choose depends on the requirment at hand. Lets consider an escalation scenario which involves SR reassignment to Manager when commit time is reached if it is not closed. The two possible approaches to achieve this are:

1 - Workflow Policies with Batch Mode set to True
2 -Workflow Process Batch Manager component

It can be real dilemma which one to use as they say "you always have choice of selecting action but not the consequence". Both approaches have its own advantages. Lets discuss each of them.

Workflow Policy with Batch Mode

1 - Create a Workflow Policy as following based on "Service Request" object with condition

Status <> Closed
Commit time >= Current

Set the batch mode to True. Specify the action which will run the workflow to reassign SR.

2 - We need to schedule a task on server to execute a batch file or script which executes server manager command lines to execute workmon to run in batch

Workflow Process Batch Manager

1- Create a Repeating Job for component WorkflowProcess Batch Manager.

2 - Set the SearSpec parameter to "[Status] <> Closed AND [Commit Time] >= Today()"

3 - Set the Workflow Process name to the desired workflow which is used to reassign SR

Technically either of them could be used to perform the desired escalation but me inherently being an follower of KISS(Keep it Short and Simple) principle will go for second option as it is easy to manage Workflow Process batch manager Job as compared to the batch Policies. However, if we have to execute a sequence of action apart from run process then batch workflow policies should be considered. Batch workflow policies are also quite handy in sending consolidated email for multiple requests.

Please feel free to put your thoughts across which one should be used for the cause.


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