
מציג פוסטים מתאריך פברואר, 2010

VBC Compatibility Mode

The Query method of a VBC Business Service in Siebel versions later than 7.5 has an Inputs property set whose structure can be difficult to navigate. Take a look at the XML representation from Siebel Bookshelf : <siebel-xmlext-query-req>   <buscomp id="1">Contact</buscomp>     <remote-source>http://throth/servlet/VBCContacts</remote-source>     <max-rows>6</max-rows>     <search-string>=([Phone] IS NOT NULL) AND ([AccountId] = "1-6")</search-string>     <search-spec>       <node node-type="Binary Operator">AND            <node node-type="Unary Operator">IS NOT NULL            ...

Narrative View in Oracle On Demand

Here is a post about Narrative View's in Oracle On Demand. Thanks to my good friend and colleague Asmita for sharing this.     Narrative view allows report users to display multiple reports or virtually any HTML content. Narrative view is used to create letters, quotes, or invoices. Using Narrative view we can embed other reports, web pages, or any HTML document. Step 1: Select the appropriate Subject Area and add the columns/data you want to display in the report Step 2: Code a HTML file as per required format. To embed report columns in to HTML add ‘@’ followed by column number.   E.g. @1 – Society Name Note: Count Columns from left to right. Step 3: Add a Narrative view to your report by clicking the Add View button, moving to the advanced submenu, and selecting the Narrative option. Step 4:   -The Edit View: N...

Invoke an external executable from Oracle On Demand

Hey Folks, I recently came across a requirement which needed the user to call a contact from within Siebel On Demand using Skype. Here is how you achieve this- Requirements:   You need to have Skype installed on your local machine for this to work. Configuration:    Create two Fields:  1. Skype Id (Field Type = Short Text)  2. Skype URL (Field Type = Web Link) Now, click the “ Edit Web Link ” to edit the properties. In the URL you need to specify the callto function and pass the Skype Id of the contact you want to call. See below screen print. Save the changes. Now Create a Contact with the Skype Id and save it, go to the Detail Page , notice that the Skype URL is auto populated since you are passing the parameters.     And you’re ready to make your first Skype call from Siebel On Demand. When you click this Web link for the first time, you will receive a popup Click the Check box if you always want to call Skype, otherwise you will have to...

Salary trends for Siebel, Salesforce and CRM On Demand

Here is a graph that shows the Salary trends for Siebel, Salesforce and CRM On Demand. Looks good right ;) Cheers!

Interview Question #1 - What is a Link?

I've decided to add a new feature to this blog. With this post, I am introducing a series of interview questions that Siebel developers and development leads should consider when preparing for technical interviews. I've interviewed many developers, and I've been interviewed quite a few times as well, and I have a pretty good idea of what makes a good technical interview question. When I interview someone, my questions are designed to discover what a candidate knows, not bolster my ego by proving that I know something the candidate doesn't. I focus on the fundamentals of Siebel configuration, allowing the candidate to demonstrate the depth of his or her knowledge. Q: Please describe the Siebel configuration object called a "Link". A: The candidate should be able to provide at least two of the following, but should not contradict any of them: A Link defines the relationship between Business Components. Links are used to define a Business Object; the relation...

How to Stop a BusComp_PreWriteRecord

Many a times we find ourselves in a situation wherein we think our configuration is correct, but why the hell can I not see my changes. Tiny things make a big difference in Siebel and we spend hours trying to figure out whats going wrong, and more often than not its just a silly property that we may have overlooked :)...read on When the current record of a BC has beeen modified, the user cannot step off the record without either saving or undoing the record. (Under normal circumstances, saving is done automatically when stepping off, so the user does not need to save the record manually.) When calling RaiseErrorTest in BusComp_PreWriteRecord, or when returning CancelOperation from this event, the current record does not get saved to the database; however, it remains modified, and thus the user cannot step off the record. For the user, after clicking away the custom RaiseErrorText message, it may appear as if the system suddenly gets unresponsive as they cannot step forth and ba...

Connecting Physical world with Digital world !!

[Please note that this post is not related to Siebel]One of my friend shared one Youtube link and I was so impressed after watching it that I can't stop myself to share with you all here.I loved the concept this guy has worked upon and amazed by the things he is doing to connect the physical world with the digital world.I am sure, you will like this, watch it out.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Siebel Landing Page !!

Any Siebel application, which you might have worked on OR currently working on, come with its own landing page. This is something where user will land once logs into the application, in other words the Home Page of the application. This is completely OOB and already configured in Siebel Tools. I just did a query in Siebel tools and found there are around 56 applications which comes with their own

How do I...Create an iHelp

Siebel 8.x offers a really cool functionality - iHelp. iHelp is a wizard like functionality that guides the user through complex UI tasks to make sure the required information has been populated correctly. Configuring iHelp is pretty simple and is probably the most easiest thing to configure in Siebel. Unlike other UI configuration, iHelp is configured solely using the Siebel Application. Configuration Steps in detail - Lets Create an iHelp to Create a New Quote Navigate to the Administration - iHelp screen in your Siebel Application In the All iHelp Items view create a New iHelp record with the following details   Name: Create New Quote - Test Applications: Siebel Universal Agent Remote Support: All Mode Details Step 2a: Designing the iHelp task flow Drilldown on the iHelp record you just created. In the Designer Applet drag 'n drop the Start Task on the Designer grid as shown below and enter the following values. Name: Navigate to My Quotes View: Quote List View Caption:...

Siebel, Salesforce, "CRM On Demand" Job Trends

Hey Guys, Here is a graph that shows the Job trends for Siebel, Salesforce and CRM On Demand. Siebel, Salesforce, "CRM On Demand" Job Trends Siebel jobs - Salesforce jobs - "CRM On Demand" jobs Cheers!