Upgrade Notes: Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 - Part 1

Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 (aka / is available for a while now. During discussions with customers and students, almost every project wants to be on this release sooner or later. The reason for this might well be Open UI . Regarding the version numbers, going from 8.1.1.x to might well be " but a patch ". But alas, this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, installing IP 2013 "on top of" a previous 8.1.1.x version is more than a full upgrade than a patch. Recently, I had the privilege of going a full round, upgrading an existing (yes .0, but it could have been any version up to installation to In this two-part article, I would like to share my findings with you. So this is what I had in front of me: A Windows machine with a Siebel server, connected to an Oracle 10g database and also a SWSE/web server machine. 1. Download and create installers First, I duly downloaded, extracted and created ...