
מציג פוסטים מתאריך פברואר, 2011

Arguments in DVM

Amid world cup fever with MOB (Men in Blue) finding mojo, here is my small piece on Data Validation Manager with constant Alt-Tab as SRT is on way for number 47. One of the striking features of Data Validation Manager is the flexibility with which it allows to access fields in the underlying buscomp(Current Record) and child buscomp(All Records) in expressions. One can also pass arguments at run time to DVM which can be used in expression for evaluation. We need to define arguments in the "Arguments" tab for the rule set. This argument can be used in the expression just by appending the argument name with "&". Just like we use parameters in Data Map expressions. This arguments should be passed in the workflow invoking the DVM as Property Set. This allows us to pass multiple arguments to DVM at runtime which could be evaluated in the expression. With my productivity going less than 50% just wishing all memorable cricket world cup...

SBL-DBC-00112: An error has occurred executing a query

Bug Attributes Type D - Documentation Fixed in Product Version - Severity 2 - Severe Loss of Service Product Version 1.0 Status 13 - Doc Bug (Response/Resolution) Platform 289 - GENERIC (All Platforms) Created 24-Nov-2009 Platform Version NO DATA Updated 09-Feb-2011 Base Bug - Database Version N/A Affects Platforms Generic Product Source Oracle Related Products Line Siebel Family Customer Relationship Management Area CRM - Enterprise Edition Product 8962 - Siebel Documentation Hdr: 10581921 N/A SIEBEL_DOC 1.0 LIF_SCI_GD PRODID-8962 PORTID-289 Abstract: [CR#12-1VMCEE7][FR#12-1VMCEET] LSG. SBL-DBC-00112, SBL-DAT-00175, & ORA-2396 ER *** 05/06/10 03:39 ...

SBL-DBC-00111: An error has occurred writing to a record.

Applies to: Siebel Consumer Goods - Version: SIA [20412] and later   [Release: V8 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms Issue: Mass Sales Update button in SVP Screen causes the SBL-DBC-00111 and SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range The OOTB Mass Sales Update button in Sales Value Planning Screen / CG SVP Category Baseline List Applet is causing strange numbers to come up (see attachment). The error occurs due to the following insert: UPDATE dbo.S_CG_CAT_BASELN SET DB_LAST_UPD_SRC = ?, DB_LAST_UPD = GETUTCDATE(), LAST_UPD = ?, LAST_UPD_BY = ?, MODIFICATION_NUM = ?, BASELN_SALES = ? WHERE ROW_ID = ? AND MODIFICATION_NUM = ? 0 : (00008)User 1 : (00038)2009-07-15 19:25:49 2 : (00012)1-4UOX 3 : (00010)25597 4 : (00032)1013324653189909 5 : (00016)1-18JLOD 6 : (00010)25596 SBL-DBC-00111: An error has occurred writing to a record. [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range Cause Cause Determination: Bug 10571878 ...

SBL-DBC-00110: The characters: '%1' that are being inserted into column '%2', are not compatible with the Server Database Charset.

Applies to: Siebel Tools - Version: [20417] and later   [Release: V8 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms Situation: An External Business Component (EBC) is configured to connect to an external database that uses a Turkish character set. Observed behavior: Inserting data containing Turkish characters into the EBC triggers an error message: "The characters: ' ' that are being inserted into column ' ', are not compatible with the Server Database Charset. (SBL-DBC-00110)." Cause An EBC needs an instance of tables S_APP_VER and S_SYS_PREF in the external database in order to determine the character encoding to be used. These tables hold records to identify the encoding and the code page used by the external database. As a background information, Siebel applications use the column UNICD_DATATYPS_FLG of table S_APP_VER to see if the database is a unicode database or not. Also, the system preference 'Enterprise D...

SBL-DBC-00108: An error has occurred preparing a Sql statement.

Applies to: Siebel Tools - Version: 7.5.3 [100] to - Release: V7 to V8 Information in this document applies to any platform. Purpose This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-DBC-00108: An error has occurred preparing a Sql statement.Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Scope This document is informational and intended for any user. SBL-DBC-00108: An error has occurred preparing a Sql statement.Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Explanation This error message can occur when a user navigates to a screen or view or executes a query in an applet. This error is generated when a SQL statement, usually a SELECT statement, failed to be prepared against the database server. In order to troubleshoot the error message it is important to review the error message return...

SBL-DBC-00107: An Oracle database error has occurred.

Applies to: Siebel Server Manager - Version: SIA[21215] and later   [Release: V8 and later ] Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms EAI OM, Loyalty Engine Component Failure occur multiple times. (oracon.cpp (3246)) SBL-DBC-00107: An Oracle database error has occurred. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. (secmgr.cpp (2679) err=4597538 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: An Oracle database error has occurred. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. (SBL-DBC-00107)ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed. Cause Siebel component shows error: (SBL-DBC-00107)ORA-00257: archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed. The error is caused by the fact that the archiver process is unable to archive the current online redolog due to lack of space in the destination for the archivelogs. So...

SBL-DBC-00106: An ODBC database error has occurred. Possibly the database name is invalid.

Bug Attributes Type B - Defect Fixed in Product Version 0UNKNOWN Severity 2 - Severe Loss of Service Product Version 1.0 Status 30 - Additional Information Requested Platform 289 - GENERIC (All Platforms) Created 29-Jun-2007 Platform Version NO DATA Updated 12-Jan-2011 Base Bug - Database Version 9.2 Affects Platforms Generic Product Source Oracle Related Products Line Siebel Family Customer Relationship Management Area CRM - Enterprise Edition Product 8981 - Siebel Apps - Service Hdr: 10527107 9.2 ASGN_MGR 1.0 SER_PRO PRODID-8981 PORTID-289 Abstract: [CR#12-1K216WF][FR#12-1K216XJ] CANNOT INVOKE LOAD SPLITER ON DEDICATED WEB CLIEN *** 08/13/07 10:06 am *** Summary: Cannot invoke Load Splite...

SBL-DBC-00105: An error has occurred executing a Sql statement.

Applies to: Siebel Tools - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] to[21219]   [Release: to V8] z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Product Release: V7 (Enterprise) Version: [18353] Database: Oracle Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9 This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2849725171. "" Checked for Relevance on 17-SEP-2010 "" Symptoms SBL-DBC-00105 Customer created an external view on SIEBVIEW schema (v$activity_follow_ups_ebc) in order to join two types of Activity rows (SQL UNION) - old ones that have no parent activity reference, and new ones that have this reference. The view is working fine from SQL Navigator, and there are no errors in any type of direct SQL Queries that customer made. An EBC has been created based on this view to display the date in a List Applet that was inserted on Acitivity List view. When customer opens this view, the following error occur: "An er...