
Siebel google Shotener Service to get shorter url

Hello again, I have often encountered the requirement to send an SMS to client from siebel  with a URL inside. The problem began when these URL addresses were too long,  and sometimes not fully reached the end customers. I have used Google's service to shorten URLs and build a BS that gets a URL and return a short URL instead. you can download the file and thest the code in siebel simulator first cal the BS and methos then insert the 3 inputs nedded 1)URL - THE URL ADDRESS YOU WANT TO SHORTENER 2)GoogleApiKey - THE API KEY YOU GET FROM GOOGLE DEVELOPER DESHBOARD you can get it from here  3)GoogleShortenerURL - THE BASE URL OF THE SOHRTENER API in the output you will get tje new short url the sif file of the BS

Profile Attributes and Open UI

Yes, Profile Attributes! As the ever attentive, up-to-date Siebel CRM expert that you are when you read this, you know that in Siebel Open UI (since version 15), it is no longer allowed/supported to  set  Profile Attributes from browser-side script. But  getting  them is not a problem, since the  GetProfileAttr  function works perfectly fine. Recently I found a few vanilla Profile Attributes that came quite handy in my work in Open UI JavaScript: Navigation Type : stores the navigation type such as "NAVIGATION_TAB" ActiveViewName : does what it says on the tin IsOpenUI : returns "1" when the application runs in Open UI Is SUI Theme : when "TRUE", the application theme is Synergy (aka SUI) Position:  returns the currently active position Primary Responsibility Name : guess what this one is… Profile Image : returns the URL of the user's profile image Org.Name : returns the name of the user's organization Here's a sample line of ...

Siebel 15 – Expressions in View Web Templates

Siebel Composer – Another Use Case Using Siebel Web Tools (developer preview of the Siebel CRM Composer, to give it the full and correct name) there are a number of interesting use cases that we are encouraged to investigate. Today we will look at the possibility of entering Expressions, using the traditional Siebel syntax, to drive the display of the Siebel end-user application. To be more precise, in this case we will add an Expression to an Applet in a View, and will only display the Applet to end-users who are looking at Siebel on a device whose browser viewport is bigger than 1024 pixels in width. Siebel View Web Template Item Expressions So what the heck is a viewport and why do I care? Well, it is an element in the magic of Responsive Web Design. Websites need to be able to adjust the page you see based on the size of your browser. Many of you will have come across media queries in CSS files that leverage such things to propose a different layout to users of sma...

Customizing Theme Synergy in 15.1 Siebel Open UI

Customizing Theme Synergy in 15.1 Starting Siebel Release 15.1 (IP2015 Patchset 1), theme 'SUI' has be renamed to theme 'Synergy'. Theme 'Synergy' implements the Cloud applications Dark Blue Theme, which is the default theme for Oracle Cloud R10 applications. There are 6 additional variants: Crisp Green Theme Bright Blue Theme Dark Gray Theme Light Blue Theme Steel Gray Theme Vanilla Theme These additional themes are not available in Siebel CRM out-of-the-box, but you can add any of them with the steps below. Create <install_dir>/eappweb/PUBLIC/enu/files/custom/theme-green-synergy.css with the following content: #_sweclient {   background-color: #d7ebc5; } #_sweclient > div {   background-color: #d7ebc5;   background-image: url("../images/bkgd_watermarkfoliage.png"); } .siebui-logo {   background-image: url("../images/fuse-brand-oracle-black.png") !important; } .siebui-button-toolbar {   background-image: url(...

Open UI IP 2014 is finally here! - First look is here - Is it truly responsive?

As most of you aware, IP 2014 is  now available  on  eDelivery ! I was very eager to see the responsive web design part of it! So went ahead and downloaded and setup my sample. The first look – impressive layout. Though, in my case, it is opening only on firefox and IE11 (haven’t tried other IE versions). In Chrome it keeps spinning. You need to set EnableFQDN               = FALSE in your cfg for it to work! Important Update :(From Alex on siebel-essentials)  Please be aware that Patchset 1 for Innovation Pack 2014 will be mandatory for production use. Patchset 1 will be made available on My Oracle Support in due time ( official  GA). In the meantime, you  can benefit  from using the installers for evaluation and  upgrade preparations and of course peruse the new  documentation  to learn about new features. See the general navigation below. MVGs back to how they were in HI! Editing attachments inline ...

Siebel IP15 – What will be in it for you?

racle published recently the Statement of Direction for Innovation Pack 2015. Innovation Pack 2015 for Siebel CRM 8.1.1 and 8.2.2 Statement of Direction / Planned Features (Doc ID 1963908.1) As with any Statement of Direction, well it is, a Statement of Direction and intended to outline Oracle’s general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only. That said, I hear you thinking. Innovation Pack 2015, has Innovation Pack 2014 not been just released a few months ago? Yes, that is right. Definitely Oracle is keeping a very steady pace with regards to development and releases of Siebel. To what extent customers can follow this speed, that is another question of course. Siebel CRM Composer Maybe the most appealing item on the IP15 Road map might be the “Siebel CRM Composer”, which at Oracle Open Week 2014 got presented as “Run-time Configuration, No More SRF”. The “Siebel CRM Composer” has been labeled as “Developer Preview”, so not for production use. So S...

Siebel CRM Patchset 1 for IP 2014 is Available

The first (and highly recommended) patchset for Innovation Pack 2014 ( / is now available on My Oracle Support. As usual, make sure that you read the accompanying Installation Guide (aka "Readme")  for details on what this patchset fixes and how to install it. have a nice day @lex