
מציג פוסטים מתאריך 2018

Siebel google Shotener Service to get shorter url

Hello again, I have often encountered the requirement to send an SMS to client from siebel  with a URL inside. The problem began when these URL addresses were too long,  and sometimes not fully reached the end customers. I have used Google's service to shorten URLs and build a BS that gets a URL and return a short URL instead. you can download the file and thest the code in siebel simulator first cal the BS and methos then insert the 3 inputs nedded 1)URL - THE URL ADDRESS YOU WANT TO SHORTENER 2)GoogleApiKey - THE API KEY YOU GET FROM GOOGLE DEVELOPER DESHBOARD you can get it from here  3)GoogleShortenerURL - THE BASE URL OF THE SOHRTENER API in the output you will get tje new short url the sif file of the BS