Skype - Siebel Custom Integration
Want to call one of your contacts/prospects in Siebel without a lot of manual effort? now you can... Here are a few simple steps of how you could integrate Skype with your siebel application. Thank you Bernard for sharing this ! Configuration Steps - (for this example I am going to use the contacts applet) Step 1: Create a custom Business service called 'OS Skype Integration' and assign it to a locked project. place the below code in the PreCanInvokeMethod event of the Business Service function Service_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke) { if(MethodName == "GetField") { CanInvoke="TRUE"; return(CancelOperation); } else if(MethodName == "TransformToSkype") { CanInvoke="TRUE"; return(CancelOperation); } ...