
מציג פוסטים מתאריך יוני, 2010

How to create Outbound Web Service in Siebel?

Today, lets talk about how we can invoke an Outbound Web Service from Siebel. In the last post we learned how to test the WSDL using SOAPUI and I will use the same WSDL today (CurrencyConverter.wsdl) as the sample wsdl in this post.1. Import the WSDL into Siebel Tools.Create New Object. File Menu -> New Object -> EAI -> Web ServiceSelect the WSDL file pathBusiness Service will get created with

How to test a WSDL if it is working or not?

No matter if you are working in Siebel or not, if you are going to implement any Outbound Web Service, the first thing you wanna check if the WSDL file received from the 3rd party is working or not before you actually consume it and start the development.Same is the case with Siebel Tools, you require to consume it in Siebel tools which will result in creation of Web Service (which is nothing but