
מציג פוסטים מתאריך אוקטובר, 2009

Siebel VB to eScript Converter

Hey Amigos, Here is a utility from Siebel Systems that converts VBScript to eScript. After conversion it is not totally done but you should be 85% on your way. Click on the below icon to download the converter. Cheers!

How to kill Siebel process

Hi Folks, Here is an Interesting tip shared by my Colleague Venus Hindocha about how to kill your Siebel.exe Process by avoiding the hassle of going to task manager and killing it there. you can use the foll command from Start -> Run or put it in a batch file taskkill /F /IM siebel.exe Some theory: Taskkill: Ends one or more tasks or processes. Processes can be killed by process ID or image name. Syntax: taskkill [/s Computer] [/u Domain\User [/p Password]]] [/fi FilterName] [/pid ProcessID]|[/im ImageName] [/f][/t] /f : Specifies that process(es) be forcefully terminated. This parameter is ignored for remote processes; all remote processes are forcefully terminated. /IM (ImageName): Specifies the image name of the process to be terminated. Use the wildcard (*) to specify all image names. More Details

What Is the Calculation Logic Behind the Conversion Function RowIdToRowIdNum?

In Siebel versions 6.x and 7.x, there are several number fields such as SR Number, Agreement Number, Asset Number, and Invoice Number which have the Pre Default Value = Expr: 'RowIdToRowIdNum ([Id])'. RowIdToRowIdNum is a function used in calculated expressions. This function converts an alphanumeric ROW_ID to a unique, pure numeric ROW_ID. The conversion is performed for digits and letters after or before the hyphen '-'. The formula used by RowIdToRowIdNum is the following: [Last digit or letter * 36^0] + [Second to last digit or letter * 36^1] + [Third to last digit or letter * 36^2] + ...+ [Second digit or letter * 36^n-1)] + [First digit or letter * 36^n] By design, values of letter A is 10, B is 11, C is 12 ... Y is 34, and Z is 35. Example 1: Take the example of ROW_ID = 1-5GYG0. Start converting from the last digit or letter from right to left, which is 0 in this case: 0 * 36^0 = 0 Conversion of second t...

What Is Row Id?

The unique identifier associated with every record in a Siebel Enterprise database is known as a Row Id. The column in which this value is found is ROW_ID and it is present on every table. The Row Id is unique for an entity. For example, the Row Ids for the same person in S_PARTY, S_CONTACT, and S_CONTACT_X are the same because they each refer to the same person. Row Ids are used extensively throughout Siebel Enterprises to access specific records. Although users access records by a User Primary Key such as Opportunity Name, it is more efficient for the Siebel Enterprise to store and access related data via the Row Id. The Row Id is a base-36 sequence number generated using a confidential, proprietary algorithm that ensures no duplication , thus protecting the referential integrity of the database. The ROW_ID column is VARCHAR(15), which may contain one or two non-numeric symbols (plus signs or hyphens, or both). The format of the Row Id is one of the following: CP-NS - ...

Pre-Default and Post Default properties

Pre-Default and Post Default are two important field user properties available to us. Both properties have same purpose of assigning a Default value to a field in case user doesn’t provide any value. What is important to remember is that these values only take effect if user doesn’t provide any value. Pre-Default value takes effect in case New Record and Copy Record event (In case copy record only if value of field is blank at the time of copy record) Post-Default value takes effect when we save the record for the first time after its creation and the field value is blank. In Subsequent updates Post Default value doesn’t take effect. Post-Default Values can are very commonly used to save the user's time by auto-populating fields. Example of how these two properties work: We will assume the following values have been given for Pre-Default and Post-Default properties of Status Field Pre-Default Value : “Open” Post-Default Value : “Closed” Following are the scenario...